lib/generators/erb/leosca/leosca_generator.rb in active_leonardo-0.2.0 vs lib/generators/erb/leosca/leosca_generator.rb in active_leonardo-0.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,122 +1,122 @@
-require 'rails/generators/erb/scaffold/scaffold_generator'
-require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../active_leonardo')
-module Erb
- module Generators
- class LeoscaGenerator < ::Erb::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator
- include ::ActiveLeonardo::Base
- include ::ActiveLeonardo::Leosca
- #include ::ActiveLeonardo::Nested
- #puts 'erb:leosca'
- source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
- class_option :authorization, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Add code to manage authorization with cancan"
- #class_option :remote, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Enable ajax. You can also do later set remote to true into index view."
- #class_option :formtastic, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Create forms to manage with formtastic gem"
- #class_option :under, :type => :string, :default => "", :banner => "brand/category", :desc => "To nest a resource under another(s)"
- #class_option :leospace, :type => :string, :default => "", :banner => ":admin", :desc => "To nest a resource under namespace(s)"
- class_option :auth_class, :type => :boolean, :default => 'user', :desc => "Set the authentication class name"
- #override
- #def copy_view_files
- # available_views.each do |view|
- # filenames = filenames_all_formats(view, source_paths)
- # filenames.each do |filename|
- # #Looking for custom filename into subfolder
- # filename_source = "#{"formtastic/" if formtastic?}#{filename}"
- # search_into_subfolder = nil
- # source_paths.each do |path|
- # if File.exists?(File.join(path,filename_source))
- # search_into_subfolder = true
- # break
- # end
- # end
- # filename_source = filename unless search_into_subfolder
- #
- # template filename_source, File.join("app/views", base_namespaces, controller_file_path, filename)
- # end
- # end
- #end
- #def update_layout_html
- # file = "app/views/layouts/_#{CONFIG[:default_style]}.html.erb"
- # if nested?
- # inject_into_file file, :before => " <!-- Insert above here other #{last_parent} elements -->" do
- # <<-FILE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- # #{"<% if can?(:read, #{class_name}) && controller.controller_path == '#{controller_name}' -%>" if authorization?}
- # <li class="active"><%= t('models.#{plural_table_name}') %></li>
- # <!-- Insert above here other #{singular_table_name} elements -->
- # #{"<% end -%>" if authorization?}
- # FILE
- # end if File.exists?(file)
- # else
- # inject_into_file file, :before => " <!-- Insert above other elements -->" do
- # <<-FILE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- # #{"<% if can?(:read, #{class_name}) -%>" if authorization?}
- # <li class="<%= controller.controller_path == '#{formatted_namespace_path}#{controller_name}' ? 'active' : '' %>"><a href="<%= #{list_resources_path} %>"><%= t('models.#{plural_table_name}') %></a></li>
- # <!-- Insert above here other #{singular_table_name} elements -->
- # #{"<% end -%>" if authorization?}
- # FILE
- # end if File.exists?(file)
- # end
- #end
- #def update_parent_views
- # return unless nested?
- # file = "app/views/#{plural_last_parent}/_row_index.html.erb"
- # inject_into_file file, :before => "<!-- Manage section, do not remove this tag -->" do
- # <<-FILE.gsub(/^ /, '')
- # <td><%= link_to t('models.#{plural_table_name}'), #{list_resources_path_back} %><%= link_to "", #{last_parent}_with_#{plural_table_name}_path(#{last_parent}), :id => "a_#{singular_table_name[0..5]}_\#{#{last_parent}.id}", :class =>"toggle_#{plural_table_name} desc", :remote => true %></td>
- #
- # FILE
- # end if File.exists?(file)
- # available_nested_views.each do |view|
- # filenames = filenames_all_formats(view, source_paths)
- # filenames.each do |filename|
- # #Looking for custom filename into subfolder
- # filename_source = "#{"formtastic/" if formtastic?}#{filename}"
- # search_into_subfolder = nil
- # source_paths.each do |path|
- # if File.exists?(File.join(path,filename_source))
- # search_into_subfolder = true
- # break
- # end
- # end
- # filename_source = filename unless search_into_subfolder
- #
- # template filename_source, File.join("app/views", base_namespaces, plural_last_parent, filename.sub('nested', plural_table_name))
- # end
- # end
- #end
- protected
- #Override
- #def available_views
- # %w(index edit edit_multiple copy show new _form _form_multiple _fields destroy _show _list _row_index select)
- #end
- #
- #def available_nested_views
- # %w(_nested with_nested)
- #end
- #
- #def filenames_all_formats(name, paths=[], formats=[:html, :js, nil])
- # filenames = []
- # paths.each do |path|
- # formats.each do |format|
- # filename = filename_with_extensions(format, name)
- # if File.exists?(File.join(path, filename))
- # filenames << filename
- # end
- # end
- # break if filenames.any?
- # end
- # filenames
- #end
- #def filename_with_extensions(format, name, parser=:erb)
- # [name, format, parser].compact.join(".")
- #end
- end
- end
+require 'rails/generators/erb/scaffold/scaffold_generator'
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '../../active_leonardo')
+module Erb
+ module Generators
+ class LeoscaGenerator < ::Erb::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator
+ include ::ActiveLeonardo::Base
+ include ::ActiveLeonardo::Leosca
+ #include ::ActiveLeonardo::Nested
+ #puts 'erb:leosca'
+ source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__)
+ class_option :authorization, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Add code to manage authorization with cancan"
+ #class_option :remote, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Enable ajax. You can also do later set remote to true into index view."
+ #class_option :formtastic, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :description => "Create forms to manage with formtastic gem"
+ #class_option :under, :type => :string, :default => "", :banner => "brand/category", :desc => "To nest a resource under another(s)"
+ #class_option :leospace, :type => :string, :default => "", :banner => ":admin", :desc => "To nest a resource under namespace(s)"
+ class_option :auth_class, :type => :boolean, :default => 'user', :desc => "Set the authentication class name"
+ #override
+ #def copy_view_files
+ # available_views.each do |view|
+ # filenames = filenames_all_formats(view, source_paths)
+ # filenames.each do |filename|
+ # #Looking for custom filename into subfolder
+ # filename_source = "#{"formtastic/" if formtastic?}#{filename}"
+ # search_into_subfolder = nil
+ # source_paths.each do |path|
+ # if File.exists?(File.join(path,filename_source))
+ # search_into_subfolder = true
+ # break
+ # end
+ # end
+ # filename_source = filename unless search_into_subfolder
+ #
+ # template filename_source, File.join("app/views", base_namespaces, controller_file_path, filename)
+ # end
+ # end
+ #end
+ #def update_layout_html
+ # file = "app/views/layouts/_#{CONFIG[:default_style]}.html.erb"
+ # if nested?
+ # inject_into_file file, :before => " <!-- Insert above here other #{last_parent} elements -->" do
+ # <<-FILE.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ # #{"<% if can?(:read, #{class_name}) && controller.controller_path == '#{controller_name}' -%>" if authorization?}
+ # <li class="active"><%= t('models.#{plural_table_name}') %></li>
+ # <!-- Insert above here other #{singular_table_name} elements -->
+ # #{"<% end -%>" if authorization?}
+ # FILE
+ # end if File.exists?(file)
+ # else
+ # inject_into_file file, :before => " <!-- Insert above other elements -->" do
+ # <<-FILE.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ # #{"<% if can?(:read, #{class_name}) -%>" if authorization?}
+ # <li class="<%= controller.controller_path == '#{formatted_namespace_path}#{controller_name}' ? 'active' : '' %>"><a href="<%= #{list_resources_path} %>"><%= t('models.#{plural_table_name}') %></a></li>
+ # <!-- Insert above here other #{singular_table_name} elements -->
+ # #{"<% end -%>" if authorization?}
+ # FILE
+ # end if File.exists?(file)
+ # end
+ #end
+ #def update_parent_views
+ # return unless nested?
+ # file = "app/views/#{plural_last_parent}/_row_index.html.erb"
+ # inject_into_file file, :before => "<!-- Manage section, do not remove this tag -->" do
+ # <<-FILE.gsub(/^ /, '')
+ # <td><%= link_to t('models.#{plural_table_name}'), #{list_resources_path_back} %><%= link_to "", #{last_parent}_with_#{plural_table_name}_path(#{last_parent}), :id => "a_#{singular_table_name[0..5]}_\#{#{last_parent}.id}", :class =>"toggle_#{plural_table_name} desc", :remote => true %></td>
+ #
+ # FILE
+ # end if File.exists?(file)
+ # available_nested_views.each do |view|
+ # filenames = filenames_all_formats(view, source_paths)
+ # filenames.each do |filename|
+ # #Looking for custom filename into subfolder
+ # filename_source = "#{"formtastic/" if formtastic?}#{filename}"
+ # search_into_subfolder = nil
+ # source_paths.each do |path|
+ # if File.exists?(File.join(path,filename_source))
+ # search_into_subfolder = true
+ # break
+ # end
+ # end
+ # filename_source = filename unless search_into_subfolder
+ #
+ # template filename_source, File.join("app/views", base_namespaces, plural_last_parent, filename.sub('nested', plural_table_name))
+ # end
+ # end
+ #end
+ protected
+ #Override
+ #def available_views
+ # %w(index edit edit_multiple copy show new _form _form_multiple _fields destroy _show _list _row_index select)
+ #end
+ #
+ #def available_nested_views
+ # %w(_nested with_nested)
+ #end
+ #
+ #def filenames_all_formats(name, paths=[], formats=[:html, :js, nil])
+ # filenames = []
+ # paths.each do |path|
+ # formats.each do |format|
+ # filename = filename_with_extensions(format, name)
+ # if File.exists?(File.join(path, filename))
+ # filenames << filename
+ # end
+ # end
+ # break if filenames.any?
+ # end
+ # filenames
+ #end
+ #def filename_with_extensions(format, name, parser=:erb)
+ # [name, format, parser].compact.join(".")
+ #end
+ end
+ end