in active_fields-0.2.0 vs in active_fields-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,5 +1,638 @@
# ActiveFields
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+**ActiveFields** is a Rails plugin that implements the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) pattern,
+enabling the addition of custom fields to any model at runtime without requiring changes to the database schema.
+## Key Concepts
+- **Active Field**: A record with the definition of a custom field.
+- **Active Value**: A record that stores the value of an _Active Field_ for a specific _Customizable_.
+- **Customizable**: A record that has custom fields.
+## Models Structure
+ ActiveValue "*" --> "1" ActiveField
+ ActiveValue "*" --> "1" Customizable
+ class ActiveField {
+ + string name
+ + string type
+ + string customizable_type
+ + json default_value
+ + json options
+ }
+ class ActiveValue {
+ + json value
+ }
+ class Customizable {
+ // This is your model
+ }
+All values are stored in a JSON (jsonb) field, which is a highly flexible column type capable of storing various data types,
+such as booleans, strings, numbers, arrays, etc.
+## Installation
+1. Install the gem and add it to your application's Gemfile by running:
+ ```shell
+ bundle add active_fields
+ ```
+2. Run install generator, then run migrations:
+ ```shell
+ bin/rails generate active_fields:install
+ bin/rails db:migrate
+ ```
+3. Add the `has_active_fields` method to any models where you want to enable custom fields:
+ ```ruby
+ class Author < ApplicationRecord
+ has_active_fields
+ end
+ ```
+4. Implement the necessary code to work with _Active Fields_.
+ This plugin provides a convenient API and helpers, allowing you to write code that meets your specific needs
+ without being forced to use predefined implementations that is hard to extend.
+ Generally, you should:
+ - Implement a controller and UI for managing _Active Fields_.
+ - Add inputs for _Active Values_ in _Customizable_ forms and permit their params in the controller.
+ To set _Active Values_ for your _Customizable_, use the `active_fields_attributes=` method,
+ that integrates with Rails `fields_for` to generate appropriate form fields.
+ Alternatively, the alias `active_fields=` can be used in contexts without `fields_for`, such as APIs.
+ To prepare a collection of _Active Values_ for use with the `fields_for` builder,
+ call the `initialize_active_values` method.
+ **Note:** By default, Rails form fields insert an empty string into array (multiple) parameters.
+ You’ll need to handle the removal of these empty strings.
+ ```ruby
+ # app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
+ # ...
+ def new
+ @post =
+ @post.initialize_active_values
+ end
+ def edit
+ @post.initialize_active_values
+ end
+ def post_params
+ permitted_params = params.require(:post).permit(
+ # ...
+ active_fields_attributes: [:name, :value, :_destroy, value: []],
+ )
+ permitted_params[:active_fields_attributes]&.each do |_index, value_attrs|
+ value_attrs[:value] = compact_array_param(value_attrs[:value]) if value_attrs[:value].is_a?(Array)
+ end
+ permitted_params
+ end
+ def compact_array_param(value)
+ if value.first == ""
+ value[1..-1]
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ end
+ ```
+ ```erb
+ # app/views/posts/_form.html.erb
+ # ...
+ <%= form.fields_for :active_fields, post.active_values.sort_by(&:active_field_id), include_id: false do |active_fields_form| %>
+ <%= active_fields_form.hidden_field :name %>
+ # Render appropriate Active Value input and (optionally) destroy flag here
+ <% end %>
+ # ...
+ ```
+ You can find a detailed [example](
+ of how to implement this in a full-stack Rails application.
+ Feel free to explore the source code and run it locally:
+ ```shell
+ spec/dummy/bin/setup
+ bin/rails s
+ ```
+## Field Types
+The plugin comes with a structured set of _Active Fields_ types:
+ class ActiveField {
+ + string name
+ + string type
+ + string customizable_type
+ }
+ class Boolean {
+ + boolean default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + boolean nullable
+ }
+ class Date {
+ + date default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + date min
+ + date max
+ }
+ class DateArray {
+ + array~date~ default_value
+ + date min
+ + date max
+ + integer min_size
+ + integer max_size
+ }
+ class DateTime {
+ + datetime default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + datetime min
+ + datetime max
+ + integer precision
+ }
+ class DateTimeArray {
+ + array~datetime~ default_value
+ + datetime min
+ + datetime max
+ + integer precision
+ + integer min_size
+ + integer max_size
+ }
+ class Decimal {
+ + decimal default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + decimal min
+ + decimal max
+ + integer precision
+ }
+ class DecimalArray {
+ + array~decimal~ default_value
+ + decimal min
+ + decimal max
+ + integer precision
+ + integer min_size
+ + integer max_size
+ }
+ class Enum {
+ + string default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + array~string~ allowed_values
+ }
+ class EnumArray {
+ + array~string~ default_value
+ + array~string~ allowed_values
+ + integer min_size
+ + integer max_size
+ }
+ class Integer {
+ + integer default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + integer min
+ + integer max
+ }
+ class IntegerArray {
+ + array~integer~ default_value
+ + integer min
+ + integer max
+ + integer min_size
+ + integer max_size
+ }
+ class Text {
+ + string default_value
+ + boolean required
+ + integer min_length
+ + integer max_length
+ }
+ class TextArray {
+ + array~string~ default_value
+ + integer min_length
+ + integer max_length
+ + integer min_size
+ + integer max_size
+ }
+ ActiveField <|-- Boolean
+ ActiveField <|-- Date
+ ActiveField <|-- DateArray
+ ActiveField <|-- DateTime
+ ActiveField <|-- DateTimeArray
+ ActiveField <|-- Decimal
+ ActiveField <|-- DecimalArray
+ ActiveField <|-- Enum
+ ActiveField <|-- EnumArray
+ ActiveField <|-- Integer
+ ActiveField <|-- IntegerArray
+ ActiveField <|-- Text
+ ActiveField <|-- TextArray
+### Fields Base Attributes
+- `name`(`string`)
+- `type`(`string`)
+- `customizable_type`(`string`)
+- `default_value` (`json`)
+### Field Types Summary
+All _Active Field_ model names start with `ActiveFields::Field`.
+We replace it with `**` for conciseness.
+| Active Field model | Type name | Attributes | Options |
+| `**::Boolean` | `boolean` | `default_value`<br>(`boolean` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `false`<br>`nullable`(`boolean`) - the value could be `nil` |
+| `**::Date` | `date` | `default_value`<br>(`date` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `nil`<br>`min`(`date`) - minimum value allowed<br>`max`(`date`) - maximum value allowed |
+| `**::DateArray` | `date_array` | `default_value`<br>(`array[date]`) | `min`(`date`) - minimum value allowed, for each element<br>`max`(`date`) - maximum value allowed, for each element<br>`min_size`(`integer`) - minimum value size<br>`max_size`(`integer`) - maximum value size |
+| `**::DateTime` | `datetime` | `default_value`<br>(`datetime` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `nil`<br>`min`(`datetime`) - minimum value allowed<br>`max`(`datetime`) - maximum value allowed<br>`precision`(`integer`) - the number of digits in fractional seconds |
+| `**::DateTimeArray` | `datetime_array` | `default_value`<br>(`array[datetime]`) | `min`(`datetime`) - minimum value allowed, for each element<br>`max`(`datetime`) - maximum value allowed, for each element<br>`precision`(`integer`) - the number of digits in fractional seconds, for each element<br>`min_size`(`integer`) - minimum value size<br>`max_size`(`integer`) - maximum value size |
+| `**::Decimal` | `decimal` | `default_value`<br>(`decimal` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `nil`<br>`min`(`decimal`) - minimum value allowed<br>`max`(`decimal`) - maximum value allowed<br>`precision`(`integer`) - the number of digits after the decimal point |
+| `**::DecimalArray` | `decimal_array` | `default_value`<br>(`array[decimal]`) | `min`(`decimal`) - minimum value allowed, for each element<br>`max`(`decimal`) - maximum value allowed, for each element<br>`precision`(`integer`) - the number of digits after the decimal point, for each element<br>`min_size`(`integer`) - minimum value size<br>`max_size`(`integer`) - maximum value size |
+| `**::Enum` | `enum` | `default_value`<br>(`string` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `nil`<br>**\***`allowed_values`(`array[string]`) - a list of allowed values |
+| `**::EnumArray` | `enum_array` | `default_value`<br>(`array[string]`) | **\***`allowed_values`(`array[string]`) - a list of allowed values<br>`min_size`(`integer`) - minimum value size<br>`max_size`(`integer`) - maximum value size |
+| `**::Integer` | `integer` | `default_value`<br>(`integer` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `nil`<br>`min`(`integer`) - minimum value allowed<br>`max`(`integer`) - maximum value allowed |
+| `**::IntegerArray` | `integer_array` | `default_value`<br>(`array[integer]`) | `min`(`integer`) - minimum value allowed, for each element<br>`max`(`integer`) - maximum value allowed, for each element<br>`min_size`(`integer`) - minimum value size<br>`max_size`(`integer`) - maximum value size |
+| `**::Text` | `text` | `default_value`<br>(`string` or `nil`) | `required`(`boolean`) - the value must not be `nil`<br>`min_length`(`integer`) - minimum value length allowed<br>`max_length`(`integer`) - maximum value length allowed |
+| `**::TextArray` | `text_array` | `default_value`<br>(`array[string]`) | `min_length`(`integer`) - minimum value length allowed, for each element<br>`max_length`(`integer`) - maximum value length allowed, for each element<br>`min_size`(`integer`) - minimum value size<br>`max_size`(`integer`) - maximum value size |
+| _Your custom class can be here_ | _..._ | _..._ | _..._ |
+**Note:** Options marked with **\*** are mandatory.
+## Configuration
+### Limiting Field Types for a Customizable
+You can restrict the allowed _Active Field_ types for a _Customizable_ by passing _type names_ to the `types` argument in the `has_active_fields` method:
+class Post < ApplicationRecord
+ has_active_fields types: %i[boolean date_array integer your_custom_field_type_name]
+ # ...
+Attempting to save an _Active Field_ with a disallowed type will result in a validation error:
+active_field = "date", customizable_type: "Post")
+active_field.valid? #=> false
+active_field.errors.messages #=> {:customizable_type=>["is not included in the list"]}
+### Customizing Internal Model Classes
+You can extend the functionality of _Active Fields_ and _Active Values_ by changing their classes.
+By default, _Active Fields_ inherit from `ActiveFields::Field::Base` (utilizing STI),
+and _Active Values_ class is `ActiveFields::Value`.
+You should include the mix-ins `ActiveFields::FieldConcern` and `ActiveFields::ValueConcern`
+in your custom models to add the necessary functionality.
+# config/initializers/active_fields.rb
+ActiveFields.configure do |config|
+ config.field_base_class_name = "CustomField"
+ config.value_class_name = "CustomValue"
+# app/models/custom_field.rb
+class CustomField < ApplicationRecord
+ self.table_name = "active_fields" # Ensure the model uses the correct table
+ include ActiveFields::FieldConcern
+ # Your custom code to extend Active Fields
+ def label = name.titleize
+ # ...
+# app/models/custom_value.rb
+class CustomValue < ApplicationRecord
+ self.table_name = "active_fields_values" # Ensure the model uses the correct table
+ include ActiveFields::ValueConcern
+ # Your custom code to extend Active Values
+ def label = active_field.label
+ # ...
+### Adding Custom Field Types
+To add a custom _Active Field_ type, create a subclass of the `ActiveFields.config.field_base_class`,
+register it in the global configuration and configure the field by calling `acts_as_active_field`.
+# config/initializers/active_fields.rb
+ActiveFields.configure do |config|
+ # The first argument - field type name, the second - field class name
+ config.register_field :ip, "IpField"
+# app/models/ip_field.rb
+class IpField < ActiveFields.config.field_base_class
+ # Configure the field
+ acts_as_active_field(
+ validator: {
+ class_name: "IpValidator",
+ options: -> { { required: required? } }, # options that will be passed to the validator
+ },
+ caster: {
+ class_name: "IpCaster",
+ options: -> { { strip: strip? } }, # options that will be passed to the caster
+ },
+ )
+ # Store specific attributes in `options`
+ store_accessor :options, :required, :strip
+ # You can use built-in casters to cast your options
+ %i[required strip].each do |column|
+ define_method(column) do
+ end
+ define_method(:"#{column}?") do
+ !!public_send(column)
+ end
+ define_method(:"#{column}=") do |other|
+ super(
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # This method allows you to assign default values to your options.
+ # It is automatically executed within the `after_initialize` callback.
+ def set_defaults
+ self.required ||= false
+ self.strip ||= true
+ end
+To create an array _Active Field_ type, pass the `array: true` option to `acts_as_active_field`.
+This will add `min_size` and `max_size` options, as well as some important internal methods such as `array?`.
+# config/initializers/active_fields.rb
+ActiveFields.configure do |config|
+ config.register_field :ip_array, "IpArrayField"
+# app/models/ip_array_field.rb
+class IpArrayField < ActiveFields.config.field_base_class
+ acts_as_active_field(
+ array: true,
+ validator: {
+ class_name: "IpArrayValidator",
+ options: -> { { min_size: min_size, max_size: max_size } },
+ },
+ caster: {
+ class_name: "IpArrayCaster",
+ },
+ )
+ # ...
+For each custom _Active Field_ type, you must define a **validator** and a **caster**:
+#### Validator
+Create a class that inherits from `ActiveFields::Validators::BaseValidator` and implements the `perform_validation` method.
+This method is responsible for validating `active_field.default_value` and `active_value.value`, and adding any errors to the `errors` set.
+These errors will then propagate to the corresponding record.
+Each error should match the arguments format of the _ActiveModel_ `errors.add` method.
+# lib/ip_validator.rb (or anywhere you want)
+class IpValidator < ActiveFields::Validators::BaseValidator
+ private
+ def perform_validation(value)
+ if value.nil?
+ if options[:required]
+ errors << :required # type only
+ end
+ elsif value.is_a?(String)
+ unless value.match?(Resolv::IPv4::Regex)
+ errors << [:invalid, message: "doesn't match the IPv4 format"] # type with options
+ end
+ else
+ errors << :invalid
+ end
+ end
+#### Caster
+Create a class that inherits from `ActiveFields::Casters::BaseCaster`
+and implements methods `serialize` (used when setting a value) and `deserialize` (used when retrieving a value).
+These methods handle the conversion of `active_field.default_value` and `active_value.value`.
+# lib/ip_caster.rb (or anywhere you want)
+class IpCaster < ActiveFields::Casters::BaseCaster
+ def serialize(value)
+ value = value&.to_s
+ value = value&.strip if options[:strip]
+ value
+ end
+ def deserialize(value)
+ value = value&.to_s
+ value = value&.strip if options[:strip]
+ value
+ end
+### Localization (I18n)
+The built-in _validators_ primarily use _Rails_ default error types.
+However, there are some custom error types that you’ll need to handle in your locale files:
+- `size_too_short` (args: `count`): Triggered when the size of an array _Active Field_ value is smaller than the allowed minimum.
+- `size_too_long` (args: `count`): Triggered when the size of an array _Active Field_ value exceeds the allowed maximum.
+- `duplicate`: Triggered when an enum array _Active Field_ contains duplicate elements.
+For an example, refer to the [locale file](
+## Current Restrictions
+1. Only _PostgreSQL_ is fully supported.
+ The gem is tested exclusively with _PostgreSQL_. Support for other databases is not guaranteed.
+ However, you can give it a try! :)
+2. Updating some _Active Fields_ options may be unsafe.
+ This could cause existing _Active Values_ to become invalid,
+ leading to the associated _Customizables_ also becoming invalid,
+ which could potentially result in update failures.
+## API Overview
+### Fields API
+active_field = ActiveFields::Field::Boolean.take
+# Associations:
+active_field.active_values # `has_many` association with Active Values associated with this Active Field
+# Attributes:
+active_field.type # Class name of this Active Field (utilizing STI)
+active_field.customizable_type # Name of the Customizable model this Active Field is registered to # Identifier of this Active Field, it should be unique in scope of customizable_type
+active_field.default_value_meta # JSON column declaring the default value. Consider using `default_value` instead
+active_field.options # A hash (json) containing type-specific attributes for this Active Field
+# Methods:
+active_field.default_value # Default value for all Active Values associated with this Active Field
+active_field.array? # Returns whether the Active Field type is an array
+active_field.value_validator_class # Class used for values validation
+active_field.value_validator # Validator object that performs values validation
+active_field.value_caster_class # Class used for values casting
+active_field.value_caster # Caster object that performs values casting
+active_field.customizable_model # Customizable model class
+active_field.type_name # Identifier of the type of this Active Field (instead of class name)
+# Scopes:
+ActiveFields::Field::Boolean.for("Author") # Collection of Active Fields registered for the specified Customizable type
+### Values API
+active_value = ActiveFields::Value.take
+# Associations:
+active_value.active_field # `belongs_to` association with the associated Active Field
+active_value.customizable # `belongs_to` association with the associated Customizable
+# Attributes:
+active_value.value_meta # JSON column declaring the value. Consider using `value` instead
+# Methods:
+active_value.value # The value of this Active Value # Name of the associated Active Field
+### Customizable API
+customizable = Author.take
+# Associations:
+customizable.active_values # `has_many` association with Active Values linked to this Customizable
+# Methods:
+customizable.active_fields # Collection of Active Fields registered for this record
+# Create, update or destroy Active Values.
+customizable.active_fields_attributes = [
+ { name: "integer_array", value: [1, 4, 5, 5, 0] }, # create or update (symbol keys)
+ { "name" => "text", "value" => "Lasso" }, # create or update (string keys)
+ { name: "date", _destroy: true }, # destroy (symbol keys)
+ { "name" => "boolean", "_destroy" => true }, # destroy (string keys)
+ permitted_params, # params could be passed, but they must be permitted
+# Alias of `#active_fields_attributes=`.
+customizable.active_fields = [
+ { name: "integer_array", value: [1, 4, 5, 5, 0] }, # create or update (symbol keys)
+ { "name" => "text", "value" => "Lasso" }, # create or update (string keys)
+ { name: "date", _destroy: true }, # destroy (symbol keys)
+ { "name" => "boolean", "_destroy" => true }, # destroy (string keys)
+ permitted_params, # params could be passed, but they must be permitted
+# Create, update or destroy Active Values.
+# Implemented by `accepts_nested_attributes_for`.
+# Please use `active_fields_attributes=`/`active_fields=` instead.
+customizable.active_values_attributes = attributes
+# Build an Active Value, if it doesn't exist, with the default value for each Active Field.
+# This method is useful with `fields_for`, allowing you to pass the collection as an argument to render new Active Values:
+# `form.fields_for :active_values, customizable.active_values`.
+### Global Config
+ActiveFields.config # Access the plugin's global configuration
+ActiveFields.config.fields # Registered Active Fields types (type_name => field_class)
+ActiveFields.config.field_base_class # Base class for all Active Fields
+ActiveFields.config.field_base_class_name # Name of the Active Fields base class
+ActiveFields.config.value_class # Active Values class
+ActiveFields.config.value_class_name # Name of the Active Values class
+ActiveFields.config.field_base_class_changed? # Check if the Active Fields base class has changed
+ActiveFields.config.value_class_changed? # Check if the Active Values class has changed
+ActiveFields.config.type_names # Registered Active Fields type names
+ActiveFields.config.type_class_names # Registered Active Fields class names
+ActiveFields.config.register_field(:ip, "IpField") # Register a custom Active Field type
+### Customizable Config
+customizable_model = Author
+customizable_model.active_fields_config # Access the Customizable's configuration
+customizable_model.active_fields_config.customizable_model # The Customizable model itself
+customizable_model.active_fields_config.types # Allowed Active Field types (e.g., `[:boolean]`)
+customizable_model.active_fields_config.types_class_names # Allowed Active Field class names (e.g., `[ActiveFields::Field::Boolean]`)
+## Development
+After checking out the repo, run `spec/dummy/bin/setup` to setup the environment.
+Then, run `bin/rspec` to run the tests.
+You can also run `bin/rubocop` to lint the source code,
+`bin/rails c` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment
+and `bin/rails s` to start the Dummy app with plugin already enabled and configured.
+To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bin/rake install`.
+To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bin/rake release`,
+which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag,
+and push the `.gem` file to [](
+## Contributing
+Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
+This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors
+are expected to adhere to the [code of conduct](
+## License
+The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](
+## Code of Conduct
+Everyone interacting in the ActiveFields project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists
+is expected to follow the [code of conduct](