spec/active_triples/resource_spec.rb in active-triples-0.11.0 vs spec/active_triples/resource_spec.rb in active-triples-1.0.0.rc1
- old
+ new
@@ -633,9 +633,124 @@
subject.delete RDF::Statement.new(subject.rdf_subject, RDF::Vocab::DC.title, 'Comet in Moominland')
expect(subject.title).to eq []
+ describe 'sources with properties with class_name defined' do
+ before(:context) do
+ class DummyChapter < ActiveTriples::Resource
+ ontology = RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/ontology')
+ type = RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/type')
+ configure repository: :default, type: type / 'Chapter'
+ property :title, predicate: ontology / 'title'
+ property :subtitle, predicate: ontology / 'subtitle'
+ end
+ class DummyBook < ActiveTriples::Resource
+ ontology = RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/ontology')
+ type = RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/type')
+ configure repository: :default, type: type / 'Book'
+ property :title, predicate: ontology / 'title'
+ property :has_chapter, predicate: ontology / 'hasChapter',
+ class_name: DummyChapter
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when loading models from graph' do
+ before(:context) do
+ r = RDF::Repository.new
+ ActiveTriples::Repositories.repositories[:default] = r
+ @book_url = 'http://www.example.com/BOOK_URI'
+ @book_title = 'Example Book.'
+ @chapter_title = 'Chapter 1'
+ ttl = "<#{@book_url}> a <http://www.example.com/type/Book>;
+ <http://www.example.com/ontology/hasChapter> [
+ a <http://www.example.com/type/Chapter>;
+ <http://www.example.com/ontology/title> \"#{@chapter_title}\"
+ ];
+ <http://www.example.com/ontology/title> \"#{@book_title}\" ."
+ book_graph = ::RDF::Graph.new.from_ttl ttl
+ r = ActiveTriples::Repositories.repositories[:default]
+ r << book_graph
+ @book = DummyBook.new(RDF::URI.new(@book_url))
+ end
+ it 'populates DummyBook properly' do
+ expect(@book.rdf_subject.to_s).to eq @book_url
+ expect(@book).to be_a DummyBook
+ expect(@book.type)
+ .to include(RDF::URI.new('http://www.example.com/type/Book'))
+ expect(@book.title.first).to eq @book_title
+ end
+ it 'populates DummyChapter properly' do
+ chapter = @book.has_chapter.first
+ expect(chapter).to be_a DummyChapter
+ expect(chapter.title.first).to eq @chapter_title
+ expect(chapter.type)
+ .to include(RDF::URI.new('http://www.example.com/type/Chapter'))
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when loading models through properties' do
+ before(:context) do
+ r = RDF::Repository.new
+ ActiveTriples::Repositories.repositories[:default] = r
+ bk1 = DummyBook.new('http://www.example.com/book1')
+ bk1.title = 'Learning about Explicit Links in ActiveTriples'
+ ch1 = DummyChapter.new('http://www.example.com/book1/chapter1')
+ ch1.title = 'Defining a source with an Explicit Link'
+ bk1.has_chapter = ch1
+ ch1.persist!
+ bk1.persist!
+ @bk1 = DummyBook.new('http://www.example.com/book1')
+ @ch1 = DummyChapter.new('http://www.example.com/book1/chapter1')
+ end
+ it 'populates DummyBook (resumed resource) properly' do
+ expect(@bk1.type.first)
+ .to eq RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/type/Book')
+ expect(@bk1.title.first)
+ .to eq 'Learning about Explicit Links in ActiveTriples'
+ end
+ it 'populates DummyChapter (property resource) properly' do
+ ch1 = @bk1.has_chapter.first
+ expect(ch1.type.first)
+ .to eq RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/type/Chapter')
+ expect(ch1.title.first)
+ .to eq 'Defining a source with an Explicit Link'
+ end
+ it 'populates DummyChapter (directly from repository) properly' do
+ expect(@ch1.type.first)
+ .to eq RDF::URI('http://www.example.com/type/Chapter')
+ expect(@ch1.title.first)
+ .to eq 'Defining a source with an Explicit Link'
+ end
+ it 'does not reload from repository twice' do
+ ch1 = @bk1.has_chapter.first
+ expect(ch1.title.first).to eq 'Defining a source with an Explicit Link'
+ @ch1.subtitle = 'Changed after original load'
+ @ch1.persist!
+ expect(@ch1.subtitle).to eq ['Changed after original load']
+ expect(ch1.subtitle).to eq []
+ end
+ end
+ end
describe 'big complex graphs' do
before do
class DummyPerson
include ActiveTriples::RDFSource
configure :type => RDF::URI('http://example.org/Person')