spec/unit/datastreams_spec.rb in active-fedora-5.1.0 vs spec/unit/datastreams_spec.rb in active-fedora-5.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,358 +1,243 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe ActiveFedora::Datastreams do
- before do
- @test_object = ActiveFedora::Base.new
- end
+ subject { ActiveFedora::Base.new }
- it "should respond_to has_metadata" do
- ActiveFedora::Base.respond_to?(:has_metadata).should be_true
- end
- describe ".metadata_streams" do
- it "should return all of the datastreams from the object that are kinds of SimpleDatastreams " do
- mock_mds1 = mock("metadata ds1")
- mock_mds2 = mock("metadata ds2")
- mock_fds = mock("file ds")
- mock_fds.expects(:metadata?).returns(false)
- mock_ngds = mock("nokogiri ds")
- mock_ngds.expects(:metadata?).returns(true)
- [mock_mds1,mock_mds2].each do |ds|
- ds.expects(:metadata?).returns(true)
+ describe '.has_metadata' do
+ before do
+ class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
+ has_metadata :name => 'dsid'
+ has_metadata :name => 'complex_ds', :versionable => true, :autocreate => true, :type => 'Z', :label => 'My Label', :control_group => 'Z'
- @test_object.expects(:datastreams).returns({:foo => mock_mds1, :bar => mock_mds2, :baz => mock_fds, :bork=>mock_ngds})
- result = @test_object.metadata_streams
- result.length.should == 3
- result.should include(mock_mds1)
- result.should include(mock_mds2)
- result.should include(mock_ngds)
- end
- describe "datastream_from_spec" do
- it "should accept versionable" do
- ds = @test_object.datastream_from_spec({:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :versionable=>false}, 'test')
- ds.versionable.should be_false
- ds = @test_object.datastream_from_spec({:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :versionable=>true}, 'test')
- ds.versionable.should be_true
+ it "should have a ds_specs entry" do
+ FooHistory.ds_specs.should have_key('dsid')
- it "should default versionable to true" do
- ds = @test_object.datastream_from_spec({:type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream}, 'test')
- ds.versionable.should be_true
+ it "should have reasonable defaults" do
+ FooHistory.ds_specs['dsid'].should include(:autocreate => false)
+ it "should let you override defaults" do
+ FooHistory.ds_specs['complex_ds'].should include(:versionable => true, :autocreate => true, :type => 'Z', :label => 'My Label', :control_group => 'Z')
+ end
- describe "has_metadata" do
- @@last_pid = 0
- def increment_pid
- @@last_pid += 1
+ describe '.has_file_datastream' do
+ before do
+ class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
+ has_file_datastream :name => 'dsid'
+ end
- before(:each) do
- @this_pid = increment_pid.to_s
- stub_get(@this_pid)
- Rubydora::Repository.any_instance.stubs(:client).returns(@mock_client)
- ActiveFedora::Base.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- #ActiveFedora::RubydoraConnection.instance.stubs(:nextid).returns(@this_pid)
+ it "should have reasonable defaults" do
+ FooHistory.ds_specs['dsid'].should include(:type => ActiveFedora::Datastream, :label => 'File Datastream', :control_group => 'M')
+ end
- describe "updates the spec" do
- before do
- class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- end
- end
- after do
- Object.send(:remove_const, :FooHistory)
- end
- subject { FooHistory}
- it "should update the ds_spec" do
- FooHistory.ds_specs.keys.should == ['RELS-EXT']
- FooHistory.has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :name=>'new_ds'
- FooHistory.ds_specs.keys.should include 'new_ds'
- end
- it "should be able to set a type" do
- FooHistory.has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :name=>'new_ds', :control_group=>'R'
- FooHistory.ds_specs['new_ds'][:control_group].should == 'R'
- end
- it "should be able to set versionable to false" do
- FooHistory.has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :name=>'new_ds', :versionable=>false
- FooHistory.has_file_datastream :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :name=>'newer_ds', :versionable=>false
- FooHistory.ds_specs['new_ds'][:versionable].should be_false
- FooHistory.ds_specs['newer_ds'][:versionable].should be_false
- end
- it "should be able to set versionable to true" do
- FooHistory.has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :name=>'new_ds', :versionable=>true
- FooHistory.ds_specs['new_ds'][:versionable].should be_true
- end
- it "should not set versionable if it's not supplied" do
- FooHistory.has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::Datastream, :name=>'new_ds'
- FooHistory.ds_specs['new_ds'].keys.should_not include :versionable
- end
+ describe "#serialize_datastreams" do
+ it "should touch each datastream" do
+ m1 = mock()
+ m2 = mock()
+ m1.should_receive(:serialize!)
+ m2.should_receive(:serialize!)
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => { :m1 => m1, :m2 => m2})
+ subject.serialize_datastreams
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams" do
+ it "should infer dsLocations for E datastreams without hitting Fedora" do
+ mock_specs = {:e => { :disseminator => 'xyz' }}
+ mock_ds = mock(:controlGroup => 'E')
+ ActiveFedora::Base.stub(:ds_specs => mock_specs)
+ ActiveFedora.stub(:config_for_environment => { :url => 'http://localhost'})
+ subject.stub(:pid => 'test:1', :datastreams => {:e => mock_ds})
+ mock_ds.should_receive(:dsLocation=).with("http://localhost/objects/test:1/methods/xyz")
+ subject.add_disseminator_location_to_datastreams
+ end
- describe "creates datastreams" do
- before(:each) do
- class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"someData", :autocreate => true do |m|
- m.field "fubar", :string
- m.field "swank", :text
- end
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"withText2", :label=>"withLabel", :autocreate => true do |m|
- m.field "fubar", :text
- end
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"no_autocreate", :autocreate => false, :label=>"withLabel" do |m|
- m.field "fubar", :text
- end
- end
- stub_ingest(@this_pid)
- stub_add_ds(@this_pid, ['RELS-EXT', 'someData', 'withText', 'withText2','no_autocreate'])
+ describe "#corresponding_datastream_name" do
+ before(:each) do
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => { 'abc' => mock(), 'a_b_c' => mock(), 'a-b' => mock()})
+ end
- @n = FooHistory.new()
- FooHistory.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- @n.datastreams['RELS-EXT'].expects(:changed?).returns(true).at_least_once
- @n.expects(:update_index)
- end
+ it "should use the name, if it exists" do
+ subject.corresponding_datastream_name('abc').should == 'abc'
+ end
- after do
- Object.send(:remove_const, :FooHistory)
- end
+ it "should hash-erize underscores" do
+ subject.corresponding_datastream_name('a_b').should == 'a-b'
+ end
- it "should respect autocreate => false" do
- @n.datastreams['no_autocreate'].expects(:save).never
- @n.save
- end
+ it "should return nil if nothing matches" do
+ subject.corresponding_datastream_name('xyz').should be_nil
+ end
+ end
+ describe "#datastreams" do
+ it "should return the datastream hash proxy" do
+ subject.stub(:load_datastreams)
+ subject.datastreams.should be_a_kind_of(ActiveFedora::DatastreamHash)
+ end
+ end
- it "should default to autocreating datastreams" do
- @n.datastreams['someData'].expects(:save).once
- @n.save
- end
+ describe "#configure_datastream" do
+ it "should look up the ds_spec" do
+ mock_dsspec = { :type => nil }
+ subject.stub(:ds_specs => {'abc' => mock_dsspec})
+ subject.configure_datastream(mock(:dsid => 'abc'))
+ end
- it "should create specified datastreams with specified fields" do
- @n.save
- @n.datastreams["someData"].should_not be_nil
- @n.datastreams["someData"].fubar='bar'
- @n.datastreams["someData"].fubar.should == ['bar']
- @n.datastreams["withText2"].dsLabel.should == "withLabel"
- end
+ it "should be ok if there is no ds spec" do
+ mock_dsspec = mock()
+ subject.stub(:ds_specs => {})
+ subject.configure_datastream(mock(:dsid => 'abc'))
+ it "should configure RelsExtDatastream" do
+ mock_dsspec = { :type => ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream }
+ subject.stub(:ds_specs => {'abc' => mock_dsspec})
- it "should create specified datastreams with appropriate control group" do
- ActiveFedora.stubs(:config_for_environment).returns(:url=>'sub_url')
- stub_ingest(@this_pid)
- stub_add_ds(@this_pid, ['RELS-EXT', 'DC', 'rightsMetadata', 'properties', 'descMetadata', 'UKETD_DC'])
- stub_get(@this_pid, ['RELS-EXT', 'DC', 'rightsMetadata', 'properties', 'descMetadata', 'UKETD_DC'])
- class UketdObject < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_metadata :name => "rightsMetadata", :label=>"Rights metadata", :type => ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream
- # Uses the Hydra MODS Article profile for tracking most of the descriptive metadata
- # TODO: define terminology for ETD
- has_metadata :name => "descMetadata", :label=>"MODS metadata", :control_group=>"M", :type => ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream
+ ds = mock(:dsid => 'abc')
+ ds.should_receive(:model=).with(subject)
- has_metadata :name => "UKETD_DC", :label=>"UKETD_DC metadata", :control_group => "E", :disseminator=>"hull-sDef:uketdObject/getUKETDMetadata", :type => ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream
+ subject.configure_datastream(ds)
+ end
- has_metadata :name => "DC", :type => ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream, :label=>"DC admin metadata"
+ it "should run a Proc" do
+ ds = mock(:dsid => 'abc')
+ @count = 0
+ mock_dsspec = { :block => lambda { |x| @count += 1 } }
+ subject.stub(:ds_specs => {'abc' => mock_dsspec})
- # A place to put extra metadata values
- has_metadata :name => "properties", :label=>"Workflow properties", :type => ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream do |m|
- m.field 'collection', :string
- m.field 'depositor', :string
- end
- end
- @n = UketdObject.new()
- UketdObject.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- @n.save
- @n.datastreams["DC"].controlGroup.should eql("X")
- @n.datastreams["rightsMetadata"].controlGroup.should eql("X")
- @n.datastreams["properties"].controlGroup.should eql("X")
- @n.datastreams["descMetadata"].controlGroup.should eql("M")
- @n.datastreams["UKETD_DC"].controlGroup.should eql("E")
- @n.datastreams["UKETD_DC"].dsLocation.should == "sub_url/objects/#{@this_pid}/methods/hull-sDef:uketdObject/getUKETDMetadata"
+ expect {
+ subject.configure_datastream(ds)
+ }.to change { @count }.by(1)
+ end
+ describe "#datastream_from_spec" do
+ it "should fetch the rubydora datastream" do
+ subject.inner_object.should_receive(:datastream_object_for).with('dsid', {})
+ subject.datastream_from_spec({}, 'dsid')
+ end
+ end
- context ":control_group => 'E'" do
- before do
- stub_get(@this_pid)
- stub_add_ds(@this_pid, ['RELS-EXT', 'externalDisseminator', 'externalUrl'])
- end
+ describe "#load_datastreams" do
+ it "should load and configure persisted datastreams and should add any datastreams left over in the ds specs" do
+ pending
+ end
+ end
- after :each do
- # clean up test class
- Object.send(:remove_const, :MoreFooHistory)
- end
- it "should allow :control_group => 'E' with a :url option" do
- class MoreFooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"externalDisseminator",:control_group => "E", :url => "http://exampl.com/mypic.jpg"
- end
- stub_ingest(@this_pid)
- @n = MoreFooHistory.new
- MoreFooHistory.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- @n.save
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].dsLocation.should == "http://exampl.com/mypic.jpg"
- end
- describe "control_group E without a url" do
- before do
- class MoreFooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"externalDisseminator",:control_group => "E"
- end
- stub_ingest(@this_pid)
- @n = MoreFooHistory.new
- MoreFooHistory.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- end
- it "should allow :control_group => 'E' without a :url option" do
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].dsLocation.present?.should == false
- @n.save
- end
- it "should fail validation if a :url is not added before save" do
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].validate_content_present.should == false
- @n.save
- end
- it "should pass validation if a :url is added before save" do
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].dsLocation = "http://exampl.com/mypic.jpg"
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].validate_content_present.should == true
- @n.save
- end
- end
+ describe "#add_datastream" do
+ it "should add the datastream to the object" do
+ ds = mock(:dsid => 'Abc')
+ subject.add_datastream(ds)
+ subject.datastreams['Abc'].should == ds
- context ":control_group => 'R'" do
- before do
- stub_get(@this_pid)
- stub_add_ds(@this_pid, ['RELS-EXT', 'externalDisseminator' ])
- end
- after :each do
- Object.send(:remove_const, :MoreFooHistory)
- end
- it "should allow :control_group => 'R' with a :url option" do
- stub_ingest(@this_pid)
- class MoreFooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"externalDisseminator",:control_group => "R", :url => "http://exampl.com/mypic.jpg"
- end
- @n = MoreFooHistory.new
- MoreFooHistory.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- @n.save
- end
- describe "control_group R without url" do
- before do
- class MoreFooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_metadata :type=>ActiveFedora::SimpleDatastream, :name=>"externalDisseminator",:control_group => "R"
- end
- MoreFooHistory.stubs(:assign_pid).returns(@this_pid)
- stub_ingest(@this_pid)
- @n = MoreFooHistory.new
- end
- it "should allow :control_group => 'R' without a :url option" do
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].dsLocation.present?.should == false
- @n.save
- end
- it "should fail validation if a :url is not added before save" do
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].validate_content_present.should == false
- @n.save
- end
- it "should pass validation if a :url is added before save" do
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].dsLocation = "http://exampl.com/mypic.jpg"
- @n.datastreams['externalDisseminator'].validate_content_present.should == true
- @n.save
- end
- end
+ it "should mint a dsid" do
+ ds = ActiveFedora::Datastream.new
+ subject.add_datastream(ds).should == 'DS1'
- describe "#create_datastream" do
- it 'should create a datastream object using the type of object supplied in the string (does reflection)' do
- f = File.new(File.join( File.dirname(__FILE__), "../fixtures/minivan.jpg"))
- f.stubs(:content_type).returns("image/jpeg")
- f.stubs(:original_filename).returns("minivan.jpg")
- ds = @test_object.create_datastream("ActiveFedora::Datastream", 'NAME', {:blob=>f})
- ds.class.should == ActiveFedora::Datastream
- ds.dsLabel.should == "minivan.jpg"
- ds.mimeType.should == "image/jpeg"
+ describe "#metadata_streams" do
+ it "should only be metadata datastreams" do
+ ds1 = mock(:metadata? => true)
+ ds2 = mock(:metadata? => true)
+ ds3 = mock(:metadata? => true)
+ relsextds = ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream.new
+ file_ds = mock(:metadata? => false)
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => {:a => ds1, :b => ds2, :c => ds3, :d => relsextds, :e => file_ds})
+ subject.metadata_streams.should include(ds1, ds2, ds3)
+ subject.metadata_streams.should_not include(relsextds)
+ subject.metadata_streams.should_not include(file_ds)
- it 'should create a datastream object from a string' do
- ds = @test_object.create_datastream("ActiveFedora::Datastream", 'NAME', {:blob=>"My file data"})
- ds.class.should == ActiveFedora::Datastream
- ds.dsLabel.should == nil
- ds.mimeType.should == "application/octet-stream"
+ end
+ describe "#generate_dsid" do
+ it "should create an autoincrementing dsid" do
+ subject.generate_dsid('FOO').should == 'FOO1'
- it 'should not set dsLocation if dsLocation is nil' do
- ActiveFedora::Datastream.any_instance.expects(:dsLocation=).never
- ds = @test_object.create_datastream("ActiveFedora::Datastream", 'NAME', {:dsLocation=>nil})
+ it "should start from the highest existin dsid" do
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => {'FOO56' => mock()})
+ subject.generate_dsid('FOO').should == 'FOO57'
+ end
- it 'should set attributes passed in onto the datastream' do
- ds = @test_object.create_datastream("ActiveFedora::Datastream", 'NAME', {:dsLocation=>"a1", :mimeType=>'image/png', :controlGroup=>'X', :dsLabel=>'My Label', :checksumType=>'SHA-1'})
- ds.location.should == 'a1'
- ds.mimeType.should == 'image/png'
- ds.controlGroup.should == 'X'
- ds.label.should == 'My Label'
- ds.checksumType.should == 'SHA-1'
+ describe "#dc" do
+ it "should be the DC datastream" do
+ m = mock
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => { 'DC' => m})
+ subject.dc.should == m
- describe ".has_file_datastream" do
- before do
- class FileDS < ActiveFedora::Datastream; end
- class FooHistory < ActiveFedora::Base
- has_file_datastream
- has_file_datastream :name=>"second", :label=>"Second file", :type=>FileDS, :control_group=>'X'
- end
+ describe "#relsext" do
+ it "should be the RELS-EXT datastream" do
+ m = mock
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => { 'RELS-EXT' => m})
+ subject.rels_ext.should == m
- after do
- Object.send(:remove_const, :FooHistory)
- Object.send(:remove_const, :FileDS)
+ it "should make one up otherwise" do
+ subject.stub(:datastreams => {})
+ subject.rels_ext.should be_a_kind_of(ActiveFedora::RelsExtDatastream)
- it "Should add a line in ds_spec" do
- FooHistory.ds_specs['content'][:type].should == ActiveFedora::Datastream
- FooHistory.ds_specs['content'][:label].should == "File Datastream"
- FooHistory.ds_specs['content'][:control_group].should == "M"
- FooHistory.ds_specs['second'][:type].should == FileDS
- FooHistory.ds_specs['second'][:label].should == "Second file"
- FooHistory.ds_specs['second'][:control_group].should == "X"
- end
describe "#add_file_datastream" do
- before do
- @mock_file = mock('file')
+ # tested elsewhere :/
+ end
+ describe "#create_datastream" do
+ it "should mint a DSID" do
+ ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {})
+ ds.dsid.should == 'DS1'
- it "should pass prefix" do
- stub_add_ds(@test_object.pid, ['content1'])
- @test_object.add_file_datastream(@mock_file, :prefix=>'content' )
- @test_object.datastreams.keys.should include 'content1'
+ it "should raise an argument error if the supplied dsid is nonsense" do
+ expect { subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, 0) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
- it "should pass dsid" do
- stub_add_ds(@test_object.pid, ['MY_DSID'])
- @test_object.add_file_datastream(@mock_file, :dsid=>'MY_DSID')
- @test_object.datastreams.keys.should include 'MY_DSID'
+ it "should try to get a mime type from the blob" do
+ mock_file = mock(:content_type => 'x-application/asdf')
+ ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {:blob => mock_file})
+ ds.mimeType.should == 'x-application/asdf'
- it "without dsid or prefix" do
- stub_add_ds(@test_object.pid, ['DS1'])
- @test_object.add_file_datastream(@mock_file, {} )
- @test_object.datastreams.keys.should include 'DS1'
+ it "should provide a default mime type" do
+ mock_file = mock()
+ ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {:blob => mock_file})
+ ds.mimeType.should == 'application/octet-stream'
- it "Should pass checksum Type" do
- stub_add_ds(@test_object.pid, ['DS1'])
- @test_object.add_file_datastream(@mock_file, {:checksumType=>'MD5'} )
- @test_object.datastreams['DS1'].checksumType.should == 'MD5'
+ it "should use the filename as a default label" do
+ mock_file = mock(:path => '/asdf/fdsa')
+ ds = subject.create_datastream(ActiveFedora::Datastream, nil, {:blob => mock_file})
+ ds.dsLabel.should == 'fdsa'
+ describe "#additional_attributes_for_external_and_redirect_control_groups" do
+ before(:all) do
+ @behavior = ActiveFedora::Datastreams.deprecation_behavior
+ ActiveFedora::Datastreams.deprecation_behavior = :silence
+ end
+ after :all do
+ ActiveFedora::Datastreams.deprecation_behavior = @behavior
+ end
+ end