in acfs- vs in acfs-
- old
+ new
@@ -136,9 +136,47 @@
@user.changed? # => false
@user.persisted? # => true
+## Singleton resources
+Singletons can be used in Acfs by creating a new resource which inherits from `SingletonResource`:
+class Single < Acfs::SingletonResource
+ service UserService # Associate `Single` model with `UserService`.
+ # Define model attributes and types as with regular resources
+ attribute :name, :string, default: 'Anonymous'
+ attribute :age, :integer
+The following code explains the routing for singleton resource requests:
+my_single = # sends POST request to /single
+my_single = Single.find # sends GET request to /single
+my_single.age = 28 # sends PUT request to /single
+my_single.delete # sends DELETE request to /single
+You also can pass parameters to the find call, these will sent as GET params to the index action:
+my_single = Single.find name: 'Max' # sends GET request with param to /single?name=Max
## Resource Inheritance
Acfs provides a resource inheritance similar to ActiveRecord Single Table Inheritance. If a
`type` attribute exists and is a valid subclass of your resource they will be converted
to you subclassed resources: