in accept_headers-0.0.8 vs in accept_headers-0.0.9
- old
+ new
@@ -166,14 +166,53 @@
languages.accept?('en-gb') # true
-## TODO
+## Rack Middleware
-* Write rack middleware
-* More edge case tests
-* Add rdoc
+Add the middleware:
+require 'accept_headers/middleware'
+use AcceptHeaders::Middleware
+run YourApp
+Simple way to set the content response headers based on the request accept headers and the supported media types, encodings, and languages provided by the app or route.
+class YourApp
+ def initialize(app)
+ @app = app
+ end
+ def call(env)
+ # List your arrays of supported media types, encodings, languages. This can be global or per route/controller
+ supported_media_types = %w[application/json application/xml text/html text/plain]
+ supported_encodings = %w[gzip identify]
+ supported_languages = %w[en-US en-GB]
+ # Call the Negotiators and pass in the supported arrays and it'll return the best match
+ matched_media_type = env["accept_headers.media_types"].negotiate(supported_media_types)
+ matched_encoding = env["accept_headers.encodings"].negotiate(supported_encodings)
+ matched_language = env["accept_headers.languages"].negotiate(supported_languages)
+ # Set a default, in this case an empty string, in case of a bad header that cannot be parsed
+ # The return value is a MediaType, Encoding, or Language depending on the case:
+ # On MediaType, you can call #type ('text'), #subtype ('html'), #media_range ('text/html') to get the stringified parts
+ # On Encoding, you can call #encoding to get the string encoding ('gzip')
+ # On Language, you can call #primary_tag ('en'), #subtag ('us'), or #language_tag ('en-us')
+ headers = {
+ 'Content-Type' => matched_media_type ? matched_media_type.media_range : '',
+ 'Content-Encoding' => matched_encoding ? matched_encoding.encoding : '',
+ 'Content-Language' => matched_language ? matched_language.language_tag : '',
+ }
+ [200, headers, ["Hello World!"]]
+ end
## Contributing
1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/accept_headers/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)