spec/acceptance/rest/stats_spec.rb in ably-0.7.1 vs spec/acceptance/rest/stats_spec.rb in ably-0.7.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,61 +1,170 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
describe Ably::Rest::Client, '#stats' do
+ include Ably::Modules::Conversions
+ LAST_YEAR = Time.now.year - 1
+ LAST_INTERVAL = Time.new(LAST_YEAR, 2, 3, 15, 5, 0) # 3rd Feb 20(x) 16:05:00
+ {
+ intervalId: Ably::Models::Stat.to_interval_id(LAST_INTERVAL - 120, :minute),
+ inbound: { realtime: { messages: { count: 50, data: 5000 } } },
+ outbound: { realtime: { messages: { count: 20, data: 2000 } } }
+ },
+ {
+ intervalId: Ably::Models::Stat.to_interval_id(LAST_INTERVAL - 60, :minute),
+ inbound: { realtime: { messages: { count: 60, data: 6000 } } },
+ outbound: { realtime: { messages: { count: 10, data: 1000 } } }
+ },
+ {
+ intervalId: Ably::Models::Stat.to_interval_id(LAST_INTERVAL, :minute),
+ inbound: { realtime: { messages: { count: 70, data: 7000 } } },
+ outbound: { realtime: { messages: { count: 40, data: 4000 } } },
+ persisted: { presence: { count: 20, data: 2000 } },
+ connections: { tls: { peak: 20, opened: 10 } },
+ channels: { peak: 50, opened: 30 },
+ apiRequests: { succeeded: 50, failed: 10 },
+ tokenRequests: { succeeded: 60, failed: 20 },
+ }
+ ]
before(:context) do
- WebMock.disable! # ensure previous test's WebMock does not have side effects
- reload_test_app
+ reload_test_app # ensure no previous stats interfere
+ TestApp.instance.create_test_stats(STATS_FIXTURES)
- before(:context) do
- client = Ably::Rest::Client.new(api_key: api_key, environment: environment)
+ vary_by_protocol do
+ let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(api_key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol) }
- number_of_channels = 3
- number_of_messages_per_channel = 5
+ describe 'fetching application stats' do
+ context 'by minute' do
+ let(:first_inbound_realtime_count) { STATS_FIXTURES.first[:inbound][:realtime][:messages][:count] }
+ let(:last_inbound_realtime_count) { STATS_FIXTURES.last[:inbound][:realtime][:messages][:count] }
- # Wait until the start of the next minute according to the service
- # time because stats are created in 1 minute intervals
- service_time = client.time
- stats_setup_at = (service_time.to_i / 60 + 1) * 60
- sleep_time = stats_setup_at - Time.now.to_i
+ context 'with :from set to last interval and :limit set to 1' do
+ let(:subject) { client.stats(start: as_since_epoch(LAST_INTERVAL), by: :minute, limit: 1) }
+ let(:stat) { subject.first}
- if sleep_time > 30
- stats_setup_at -= 60 # there is enough time to generate the stats in this minute interval
- elsif sleep_time > 0
- sleep sleep_time
- end
+ it 'retrieves only one stat' do
+ expect(subject.count).to eql(1)
+ end
- number_of_channels.times do |i|
- channel = client.channel("stats-#{i}")
+ it 'returns all aggregated message data' do
+ expect(stat.all[:messages][:count]).to eql(70 + 40) # inbound + outbound
+ expect(stat.all[:messages][:data]).to eql(7000 + 4000) # inbound + outbound
+ end
- number_of_messages_per_channel.times do |j|
- channel.publish("event-#{j}", "data-#{j}") || raise("Unable to publish message")
- end
- end
+ it 'returns inbound realtime all data' do
+ expect(stat.inbound[:realtime][:all][:count]).to eql(70)
+ expect(stat.inbound[:realtime][:all][:data]).to eql(7000)
+ end
- # wait for stats to be persisted
- sleep 10
+ it 'returns inbound realtime message data' do
+ expect(stat.inbound[:realtime][:messages][:count]).to eql(70)
+ expect(stat.inbound[:realtime][:messages][:data]).to eql(7000)
+ end
- @stats_setup_at = stats_setup_at
- @messages_published_count = number_of_channels * number_of_messages_per_channel
- end
+ it 'returns outbound realtime all data' do
+ expect(stat.outbound[:realtime][:all][:count]).to eql(40)
+ expect(stat.outbound[:realtime][:all][:data]).to eql(4000)
+ end
- vary_by_protocol do
- describe 'fetching application stats' do
- [:minute, :hour, :day, :month].each do |interval|
- context "by #{interval}" do
- let(:client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(api_key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol) }
+ it 'returns persisted presence all data' do
+ expect(stat.persisted[:all][:count]).to eql(20)
+ expect(stat.persisted[:all][:data]).to eql(2000)
+ end
- it 'should return all the stats for the application' do
- stats = client.stats(start: @stats_setup_at * 1000, by: interval.to_s, direction: 'forwards')
+ it 'returns connections all data' do
+ expect(stat.connections[:tls][:peak]).to eql(20)
+ expect(stat.connections[:tls][:opened]).to eql(10)
+ end
- expect(stats.size).to eql(1)
- stat = stats.first
+ it 'returns channels all data' do
+ expect(stat.channels[:peak]).to eql(50)
+ expect(stat.channels[:opened]).to eql(30)
+ end
- expect(@messages_published_count).to be_a(Numeric)
- expect(stat[:inbound][:all][:messages][:count]).to eql(@messages_published_count)
- expect(stat[:inbound][:rest][:messages][:count]).to eql(@messages_published_count)
+ it 'returns api_requests data' do
+ expect(stat.api_requests[:succeeded]).to eql(50)
+ expect(stat.api_requests[:failed]).to eql(10)
+ end
+ it 'returns token_requests data' do
+ expect(stat.token_requests[:succeeded]).to eql(60)
+ expect(stat.token_requests[:failed]).to eql(20)
+ end
+ it 'returns stat objects with #interval_granularity equal to :minute' do
+ expect(stat.interval_granularity).to eq(:minute)
+ end
+ it 'returns stat objects with #interval_id matching :start' do
+ expect(stat.interval_id).to eql(LAST_INTERVAL.strftime('%Y-%m-%d:%H:%M'))
+ end
+ it 'returns stat objects with #interval_time matching :start Time' do
+ expect(stat.interval_time.to_i).to eql(LAST_INTERVAL.to_i)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with :start set to first interval, :limit set to 1 and direction :forwards' do
+ let(:first_interval) { LAST_INTERVAL - 120 }
+ let(:subject) { client.stats(start: as_since_epoch(first_interval), by: :minute, direction: :forwards, limit: 1) }
+ let(:stat) { subject.first}
+ it 'returns the first interval stats as stats are provided forwards from :start' do
+ expect(stat.inbound[:realtime][:all][:count]).to eql(first_inbound_realtime_count)
+ end
+ it 'returns 3 pages of stats' do
+ expect(subject).to be_first_page
+ expect(subject).to_not be_last_page
+ page3 = subject.next_page.next_page
+ expect(page3).to be_last_page
+ expect(page3.first.inbound[:realtime][:all][:count]).to eql(last_inbound_realtime_count)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with :end set to last interval, :limit set to 1 and direction :backwards' do
+ let(:subject) { client.stats(:end => as_since_epoch(LAST_INTERVAL), by: :minute, direction: :backwards, limit: 1) }
+ let(:stat) { subject.first}
+ it 'returns the 3rd interval stats first as stats are provided backwards from :end' do
+ expect(stat.inbound[:realtime][:all][:count]).to eql(last_inbound_realtime_count)
+ end
+ it 'returns 3 pages of stats' do
+ expect(subject).to be_first_page
+ expect(subject).to_not be_last_page
+ page3 = subject.next_page.next_page
+ expect(page3.first.inbound[:realtime][:all][:count]).to eql(first_inbound_realtime_count)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ [:hour, :day, :month].each do |interval|
+ context "by #{interval}" do
+ let(:subject) { client.stats(start: as_since_epoch(LAST_INTERVAL), by: interval, direction: 'forwards', limit: 1) }
+ let(:stat) { subject.first }
+ let(:aggregate_messages_count) do
+ STATS_FIXTURES.inject(0) do |sum, fixture|
+ sum + fixture[:inbound][:realtime][:messages][:count] + fixture[:outbound][:realtime][:messages][:count]
+ end
+ end
+ let(:aggregate_messages_data) do
+ STATS_FIXTURES.inject(0) do |sum, fixture|
+ sum + fixture[:inbound][:realtime][:messages][:data] + fixture[:outbound][:realtime][:messages][:data]
+ end
+ end
+ it 'should aggregate the stats for that period' do
+ expect(subject.count).to eql(1)
+ expect(stat.all[:messages][:count]).to eql(aggregate_messages_count)
+ expect(stat.all[:messages][:data]).to eql(aggregate_messages_data)