spec/acceptance/rest/presence_spec.rb in ably-0.8.2 vs spec/acceptance/rest/presence_spec.rb in ably-0.8.3
- old
+ new
@@ -37,14 +37,16 @@
describe '#get' do
let(:presence_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.get }
it 'returns current members on the channel with their action set to :present' do
+ expect(presence_page).to be_a(Ably::Models::PaginatedResult)
expect(presence_page.items.size).to eql(fixtures.count)
non_encoded_fixtures.each do |fixture|
presence_message = presence_page.items.find { |client| client.client_id == fixture[:client_id] }
+ expect(presence_message).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage)
expect(presence_message.data).to eq(fixture[:data])
expect(presence_message.action).to eq(:present)
@@ -52,31 +54,91 @@
let(:page_size) { 3 }
let(:presence_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.get(limit: page_size) }
it 'returns a paged response limiting number of members per page' do
expect(presence_page.items.size).to eql(page_size)
- # TODO: To be enabled once Realtime Presence issue #164 is resolved
- # expect(presence_page).to be_first
next_page = presence_page.next
expect(next_page.items.size).to eql(page_size)
expect(next_page).to be_last
+ context 'default :limit', webmock: true do
+ let(:query_options) do
+ {
+ limit: 100
+ }
+ end
+ let(:endpoint) do
+ client.endpoint.tap do |client_end_point|
+ client_end_point.user = key_name
+ client_end_point.password = key_secret
+ end
+ end
+ let!(:get_stub) {
+ query_params = query_options.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&')
+ stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence?#{query_params}").
+ to_return(:body => '{}', :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })
+ }
+ let(:channel_name) { random_str }
+ let(:channel) { client.channels.get(channel_name) }
+ before do
+ channel.presence.get
+ end
+ it 'defaults to a limit of 100' do
+ expect(get_stub).to have_been_requested
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with :client_id option' do
+ let(:client_id) { non_encoded_fixtures.first[:client_id] }
+ let(:presence_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.get(client_id: client_id) }
+ it 'returns a list members filtered by the provided client ID' do
+ pending 'not implemented in the REST API yet' # TODO realtime/issues/243
+ expect(presence_page.items.count).to eql(1)
+ expect(presence_page.items.first.client_id).to eql(client_id)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with :connection_id option' do
+ let(:connection_id) { fixtures_channel.presence.get.first.connection_id }
+ let(:presence_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.get(connection_id: connection_id) }
+ it 'returns a list members filtered by the provided connection ID' do
+ pending 'not implemented in the REST API yet' # TODO realtime/issues/243
+ expect(presence_page.items.count).to eql(1)
+ expect(presence_page.items.first.connetion_id).to eql(connetion_id)
+ end
+ end
describe '#history' do
let(:history_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.history }
it 'returns recent presence activity' do
+ expect(history_page).to be_a(Ably::Models::PaginatedResult)
expect(history_page.items.size).to eql(fixtures.count)
non_encoded_fixtures.each do |fixture|
presence_message = history_page.items.find { |client| client.client_id == fixture['clientId'] }
+ expect(presence_message).to be_a(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage)
expect(presence_message.data).to eq(fixture[:data])
+ context 'default behaviour' do
+ let(:default_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.history }
+ let(:backwards_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.history(direction: :backwards) }
+ it 'uses backwards direction' do
+ expect(default_page.items).to eq(backwards_page.items)
+ end
+ end
context 'with options' do
let(:page_size) { 3 }
context 'direction: :forwards' do
let(:history_page) { fixtures_channel.presence.history(direction: :forwards) }
@@ -110,11 +172,11 @@
describe '#history' do
- context 'with time range options' do
+ context 'with options' do
let(:channel_name) { "persisted:#{random_str(4)}" }
let(:presence) { client.channel(channel_name).presence }
let(:user) { 'appid.keyuid' }
let(:secret) { random_str(8) }
let(:endpoint) do
@@ -124,45 +186,94 @@
let(:client) do
Ably::Rest::Client.new(key: "#{user}:#{secret}")
- let(:default_options) do
+ let(:history_options) do
direction: :backwards,
limit: 100
- [:start, :end].each do |option|
- describe ":#{option}", :webmock do
- let!(:history_stub) {
- query_params = default_options.merge(option => milliseconds).map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&')
- stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence/history?#{query_params}").
- to_return(:body => '{}', :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })
- }
+ context 'limit options', :webmock do
+ let!(:history_stub) {
+ query_params = history_options.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&')
+ stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence/history?#{query_params}").
+ to_return(:body => '{}', :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })
+ }
- before do
- presence.history(options)
+ before do
+ presence.history(history_options)
+ end
+ context 'default' do
+ it 'is set to 100' do
+ expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested
+ end
- context 'with milliseconds since epoch value' do
- let(:milliseconds) { as_since_epoch(Time.now) }
- let(:options) { { option => milliseconds } }
+ context 'set to 1000' do
+ let(:history_options) do
+ {
+ direction: :backwards,
+ limit: 1000
+ }
+ end
- it 'uses this value in the history request' do
- expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested
- end
+ it 'is passes the limit query param value 1000' do
+ expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested
+ end
+ end
- context 'with Time object value' do
- let(:time) { Time.now }
- let(:milliseconds) { as_since_epoch(time) }
- let(:options) { { option => time } }
+ context 'with time range options' do
+ [:start, :end].each do |option|
+ describe ":#{option}", :webmock do
+ let(:history_options) {
+ {
+ direction: :backwards,
+ limit: 100,
+ option => milliseconds
+ }
+ }
+ let!(:history_stub) {
+ query_params = history_options.map { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v}" }.join('&')
+ stub_request(:get, "#{endpoint}/channels/#{CGI.escape(channel_name)}/presence/history?#{query_params}").
+ to_return(:body => '{}', :headers => { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json' })
+ }
- it 'converts the value to milliseconds since epoch in the hisotry request' do
- expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested
+ before do
+ presence.history(history_options)
+ context 'with milliseconds since epoch value' do
+ let(:milliseconds) { as_since_epoch(Time.now) }
+ let(:options) { { option => milliseconds } }
+ it 'uses this value in the history request' do
+ expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with Time object value' do
+ let(:time) { Time.now }
+ let(:milliseconds) { as_since_epoch(time) }
+ let(:options) { { option => time } }
+ it 'converts the value to milliseconds since epoch in the hisotry request' do
+ expect(history_stub).to have_been_requested
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when argument start is after end' do
+ let(:presence) { client.channel(random_str).presence }
+ let(:subject) { presence.history(start: as_since_epoch(Time.now), end: Time.now - 120) }
+ it 'should raise an exception' do
+ expect { subject.items }.to raise_error ArgumentError