spec/acceptance/rest/message_spec.rb in ably-1.0.7 vs spec/acceptance/rest/message_spec.rb in ably-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# encoding: utf-8
require 'spec_helper'
+require 'base64'
require 'securerandom'
describe Ably::Rest::Channel, 'messages' do
include Ably::Modules::Conversions
@@ -89,38 +90,208 @@
expect(channel.history.items.first.extras).to be_nil
+ context 'idempotency (#RSL1k)' do
+ let(:id) { random_str }
+ let(:name) { 'event' }
+ let(:data) { random_str }
+ context 'when ID is not included (#RSL1k2)' do
+ context 'with Message object' do
+ let(:message) { Ably::Models::Message.new(data: data) }
+ it 'publishes the same message three times' do
+ 3.times { channel.publish [message] }
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(3)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with #publish arguments only' do
+ it 'publishes the same message three times' do
+ 3.times { channel.publish 'event', data }
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(3)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when ID is included (#RSL1k2, #RSL1k5)' do
+ context 'with Message object' do
+ let(:message) { Ably::Models::Message.new(id: id, data: data) }
+ specify 'three REST publishes result in only one message being published' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ 3.times { channel.publish [message] }
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(1)
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].id).to eql(id)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with #publish arguments only' do
+ it 'three REST publishes result in only one message being published' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ 3.times { channel.publish 'event', data, id: id }
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(1)
+ end
+ end
+ specify 'the ID provided is used for the published messages' do
+ channel.publish 'event', data, id: id
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].id).to eql(id)
+ end
+ specify 'for multiple messages in one publish operation (#RSL1k3)' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ message_arr = 3.times.map { Ably::Models::Message.new(id: id, data: data) }
+ expect { channel.publish message_arr }.to raise_error do |error|
+ expect(error.code).to eql(40031) # Invalid publish request (invalid client-specified id), see https://github.com/ably/ably-common/pull/30
+ end
+ end
+ specify 'for multiple messages in one publish operation with IDs following the required format described in RSL1k1 (#RSL1k3)' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ message_arr = 3.times.map { |index| Ably::Models::Message.new(id: "#{id}:#{index}", data: data) }
+ channel.publish message_arr
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].id).to eql("{id}:0")
+ expect(channel.history.items[2].id).to eql("{id}:2")
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(3)
+ end
+ end
+ specify 'idempotent publishing is disabled by default with 1.1 (#TO3n)' do
+ client = Ably::Rest::Client.new(key: api_key, protocol: protocol)
+ expect(client.idempotent_rest_publishing).to be_falsey
+ end
+ specify 'idempotent publishing is enabled by default with 1.2 (#TO3n)' do
+ stub_const 'Ably::VERSION', '1.2.0'
+ client = Ably::Rest::Client.new(key: api_key, protocol: protocol)
+ expect(client.idempotent_rest_publishing).to be_truthy
+ end
+ context 'when idempotent publishing is enabled in the client library ClientOptions (#TO3n)' do
+ let(:client_options) { default_client_options.merge(idempotent_rest_publishing: true, log_level: :error) }
+ context 'when there is a network failure triggering an automatic retry (#RSL1k4)' do
+ def mock_for_two_publish_failures
+ @failed_http_posts = 0
+ allow(client).to receive(:can_fallback_to_alternate_ably_host?).and_return(true)
+ allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:post) do |*args|
+ @failed_http_posts += 1
+ if @failed_http_posts == 2
+ # Ensure the 3rd requests operates as normal
+ allow_any_instance_of(Faraday::Connection).to receive(:post).and_call_original
+ end
+ raise Faraday::ClientError.new('Fake client error')
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with Message object' do
+ let(:message) { Ably::Models::Message.new(data: data) }
+ before { mock_for_two_publish_failures }
+ specify 'two REST publish retries result in only one message being published' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ channel.publish [message]
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(1)
+ expect(@failed_http_posts).to eql(2)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with #publish arguments only' do
+ before { mock_for_two_publish_failures }
+ specify 'two REST publish retries result in only one message being published' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ channel.publish 'event', data
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(1)
+ expect(@failed_http_posts).to eql(2)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'with explicitly provided message ID' do
+ let(:id) { random_str }
+ before { mock_for_two_publish_failures }
+ specify 'two REST publish retries result in only one message being published' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ channel.publish 'event', data, id: id
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(1)
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].id).to eql(id)
+ expect(@failed_http_posts).to eql(2)
+ end
+ end
+ specify 'for multiple messages in one publish operation' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ message_arr = 3.times.map { Ably::Models::Message.new(data: data) }
+ 3.times { channel.publish message_arr }
+ expect(channel.history.items.length).to eql(message_arr.length)
+ end
+ end
+ specify 'the ID is populated with a random ID and serial 0 from this lib (#RSL1k1)' do
+ channel.publish 'event'
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].id).to match(/^[A-Za-z0-9\+\/]+:0$/)
+ base_64_id = channel.history.items[0].id.split(':')[0]
+ expect(Base64.decode64(base_64_id).length).to eql(9)
+ end
+ context 'when publishing a batch of messages' do
+ specify 'the ID is populated with a single random ID and sequence of serials from this lib (#RSL1k1)' do
+ pending 'idempotency rolled out to global cluster'
+ message = { name: 'event' }
+ channel.publish [message, message, message]
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].length).to eql(3)
+ expect(channel.history.items[0].id).to match(/^[A-Za-z0-9\+\/]+:0$/)
+ expect(channel.history.items[2].id).to match(/^[A-Za-z0-9\+\/]+:2$/)
+ base_64_id = channel.history.items[0].id.split(':')[0]
+ expect(Base64.decode64(base_64_id).length).to eql(9)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
context 'with unsupported data payload content type' do
context 'Integer' do
let(:data) { 1 }
- it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do
+ it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40013 exception' do
expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType)
context 'Float' do
let(:data) { 1.1 }
- it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do
+ it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40013 exception' do
expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType)
context 'Boolean' do
let(:data) { true }
- it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do
+ it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40013 exception' do
expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType)
context 'False' do
let(:data) { false }
- it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40011 exception' do
+ it 'is raises an UnsupportedDataType 40013 exception' do
expect { channel.publish 'event', data }.to raise_error(Ably::Exceptions::UnsupportedDataType)