spec/acceptance/realtime/presence_spec.rb in ably-1.1.6 vs spec/acceptance/realtime/presence_spec.rb in ably-1.1.7
- old
+ new
@@ -496,11 +496,13 @@
presence_client_one.enter do
- presence_client_one.leave
+ EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do
+ presence_client_one.leave
+ end
context '#members map / PresenceMap (#RTP2)', api_private: true do
@@ -703,11 +705,11 @@
context '#sync_complete? and SYNC flags (#RTP1)' do
context 'when attaching to a channel without any members present' do
- it 'sync_complete? is true, there is no presence flag, and the presence channel is considered synced immediately (#RTP1)' do
+ xit 'sync_complete? is true, there is no presence flag, and the presence channel is considered synced immediately (#RTP1)' do
flag_checked = false
anonymous_client.connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe(:protocol_message) do |protocol_message|
if protocol_message.action == :attached
flag_checked = true
@@ -1209,14 +1211,15 @@
enter_ack = false
channel_client_one.attach do
presence_client_one.subscribe(:enter) do
presence_client_one.unsubscribe :enter
- expect(presence_client_one.members).to be_in_sync
- expect(presence_client_one.members.send(:members).count).to eql(1)
- presence_client_one.leave data
+ EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do
+ expect(presence_client_one.members).to be_in_sync
+ expect(presence_client_one.members.send(:members).count).to eql(1)
+ presence_client_one.leave data
+ end
presence_client_one.enter(enter_data) do
enter_ack = true
@@ -2135,20 +2138,22 @@
it 'emits an error when cipher does not match and presence data cannot be decoded' do
- incompatible_encrypted_channel.attach do
+ incompatible_encrypted_channel.once(:attached) do
expect(client_two.logger).to receive(:error) do |*args, &block|
expect(args.concat([block ? block.call : nil]).join(',')).to match(/Cipher algorithm AES-128-CBC does not match/)
- end
+ end.at_least(:once)
encrypted_channel.attach do
encrypted_channel.presence.enter data
+ incompatible_encrypted_channel.attach
context 'leaving' do
@@ -2518,159 +2523,9 @@
# Prevents any messages from the WebSocket transport being sent / received
# Connection protocol message subscriptions are still active, but nothing reaches or comes from the WebSocket transport
def cripple_websocket_transport
- end
- context 'and the resume flag is true' do
- context 'and the presence flag is false' do
- it 'does not send any presence events as the PresenceMap is in sync (#RTP5c1)' do
- presence_client_one.enter
- presence_client_one.subscribe(:enter) do
- presence_client_one.unsubscribe :enter
- client_one.connection.transport.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe do |message|
- raise "No presence state updates to Ably are expected. Message sent: #{message.to_json}" if client_one.connection.connected?
- end
- cripple_websocket_transport
- fabricate_incoming_protocol_message Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(
- action: attached_action,
- channel: channel_name,
- flags: resume_flag
- )
- EventMachine.add_timer(1) do
- presence_client_one.get do |members|
- expect(members.length).to eql(1)
- expect(presence_client_one.members.local_members.length).to eql(1)
- stop_reactor
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context 'and the presence flag is true' do
- context 'and following the SYNC all local MemberMap members are present in the PresenceMap' do
- it 'does nothing as MemberMap is in sync (#RTP5c2)' do
- presence_client_one.enter
- presence_client_one.subscribe(:enter) do
- presence_client_one.unsubscribe :enter
- expect(presence_client_one.members.length).to eql(1)
- expect(presence_client_one.members.local_members.length).to eql(1)
- presence_client_one.members.once(:in_sync) do
- presence_client_one.get do |members|
- expect(members.length).to eql(1)
- expect(presence_client_one.members.local_members.length).to eql(1)
- stop_reactor
- end
- end
- client_one.connection.transport.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe do |message|
- raise "No presence state updates to Ably are expected. Message sent: #{message.to_json}" if client_one.connection.connected?
- end
- cripple_websocket_transport
- fabricate_incoming_protocol_message Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(
- action: attached_action,
- channel: channel_name,
- flags: resume_flag + presence_flag
- )
- fabricate_incoming_protocol_message Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(
- action: sync_action,
- channel: channel_name,
- presence: presence_client_one.members.map(&:shallow_clone).map(&:as_json),
- channelSerial: nil # no further SYNC messages expected
- )
- end
- end
- end
- context 'and following the SYNC a local MemberMap member is not present in the PresenceMap' do
- it 're-enters the missing members automatically (#RTP5c2)' do
- sync_check_completed = false
- presence_client_one.enter
- presence_client_one.subscribe(:enter) do
- presence_client_one.unsubscribe :enter
- expect(presence_client_one.members.length).to eql(1)
- expect(presence_client_one.members.local_members.length).to eql(1)
- client_one.connection.__outgoing_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe(:protocol_message) do |message|
- next if message.action == :close # ignore finalization of connection
- expect(message.action).to eq(:presence)
- presence_message = message.presence.first
- expect(presence_message.action).to eq(:enter)
- expect(presence_message.client_id).to eq(client_one.auth.client_id)
- presence_client_one.subscribe(:enter) do |message|
- expect(message.connection_id).to eql(client_one.connection.id)
- expect(message.client_id).to eq(client_one.auth.client_id)
- EventMachine.next_tick do
- expect(presence_client_one.members.length).to eql(2)
- expect(presence_client_one.members.local_members.length).to eql(1)
- expect(sync_check_completed).to be_truthy
- stop_reactor
- end
- end
- # Fabricate Ably sending back the Enter PresenceMessage to the client a short while after
- # ensuring the PresenceMap for a short period does not have this member as to be expected in reality
- EventMachine.add_timer(0.2) do
- connection_id = random_str
- fabricate_incoming_protocol_message Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(
- action: presence_action,
- channel: channel_name,
- connectionId: client_one.connection.id,
- connectionSerial: 50,
- timestamp: as_since_epoch(Time.now),
- presence: [presence_message.shallow_clone(id: "#{client_one.connection.id}:0:0", timestamp: as_since_epoch(Time.now)).as_json]
- )
- end
- end
- presence_client_one.members.once(:in_sync) do
- # For a brief period, the client will have re-entered the missing members from the local_members
- # but the enter from Ably will have not been received, so at this point the local_members will be empty
- presence_client_one.get do |members|
- expect(members.length).to eql(1)
- expect(members.first.connection_id).to_not eql(client_one.connection.id)
- expect(presence_client_one.members.local_members.length).to eql(0)
- sync_check_completed = true
- end
- end
- cripple_websocket_transport
- fabricate_incoming_protocol_message Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(
- action: attached_action,
- channel: channel_name,
- flags: resume_flag + presence_flag
- )
- # Complete the SYNC but without the member who was entered by this client
- connection_id = random_str
- fabricate_incoming_protocol_message Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(
- action: sync_action,
- channel: channel_name,
- timestamp: as_since_epoch(Time.now),
- presence: [{ id: "#{connection_id}:0:0", action: present_action, connection_id: connection_id, client_id: random_str }],
- chanenlSerial: nil # no further SYNC messages expected
- )
- end
- end
- end
- end
context 'and the resume flag is false' do
context 'and the presence flag is false' do
let(:member_data) { random_str }