spec/acceptance/realtime/message_spec.rb in ably-0.8.12 vs spec/acceptance/realtime/message_spec.rb in ably-0.8.13
- old
+ new
@@ -481,15 +481,17 @@
[MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => SecureRandom.hex }), 'ã unicode', { 'key' => SecureRandom.hex }].each do |payload|
payload_description = "#{payload.class}#{" #{payload.encoding}" if payload.kind_of?(String)}"
it "delivers a #{payload_description} payload to the receiver" do
- encrypted_channel_client1.publish 'example', payload
- encrypted_channel_client2.subscribe do |message|
- expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
- expect(message.encoding).to be_nil
- stop_reactor
+ encrypted_channel_client2.attach do
+ encrypted_channel_client1.publish 'example', payload
+ encrypted_channel_client2.subscribe do |message|
+ expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
+ expect(message.encoding).to be_nil
+ stop_reactor
+ end
@@ -518,15 +520,17 @@
let(:unencrypted_channel_client2) { other_client.channel(channel_name) }
let(:payload) { MessagePack.pack({ 'key' => random_str }) }
it 'delivers the message but still encrypted with a value in the #encoding attribute' do
- encrypted_channel_client1.publish 'example', payload
- unencrypted_channel_client2.subscribe do |message|
- expect(message.data).to_not eql(payload)
- expect(message.encoding).to match(/^cipher\+aes-256-cbc/)
- stop_reactor
+ unencrypted_channel_client2.attach do
+ encrypted_channel_client1.publish 'example', payload
+ unencrypted_channel_client2.subscribe do |message|
+ expect(message.data).to_not eql(payload)
+ expect(message.encoding).to match(/^cipher\+aes-256-cbc/)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
it 'emits a Cipher error on the channel' do
unencrypted_channel_client2.attach do
@@ -725,9 +729,127 @@
raise 'Message delivery should not happen'
deferrable.errback do
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'message encoding interoperability' do
+ let(:client_options) { { key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: :json } }
+ let(:channel_name) { "subscribe_send_text-#{random_str}" }
+ fixtures_path = File.expand_path('../../../../lib/submodules/ably-common/test-resources/messages-encoding.json', __FILE__)
+ context 'over a JSON transport' do
+ let(:realtime_client) do
+ auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options)
+ end
+ let(:rest_client) do
+ Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options)
+ end
+ let(:realtime_channel) { realtime_client.channels.get(channel_name) }
+ JSON.parse(File.read(fixtures_path))['messages'].each do |encoding_spec|
+ context "when decoding #{encoding_spec['expectedType']}" do
+ it 'ensures that client libraries have compatible encoding and decoding using common fixtures' do
+ realtime_channel.attach do
+ realtime_channel.subscribe do |message|
+ if encoding_spec['expectedHexValue']
+ expect(message.data.unpack('H*').first).to eql(encoding_spec['expectedHexValue'])
+ else
+ expect(message.data).to eql(encoding_spec['expectedValue'])
+ end
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ raw_message = { "data" => encoding_spec['data'], "encoding" => encoding_spec['encoding'] }
+ rest_client.post("/channels/#{channel_name}/messages", JSON.dump(raw_message))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when encoding #{encoding_spec['expectedType']}" do
+ it 'ensures that client libraries have compatible encoding and decoding using common fixtures' do
+ data = if encoding_spec['expectedHexValue']
+ encoding_spec['expectedHexValue'].scan(/../).map { |x| x.hex }.pack('c*')
+ else
+ encoding_spec['expectedValue']
+ end
+ realtime_channel.publish("event", data) do
+ response = rest_client.get("/channels/#{channel_name}/messages")
+ message = response.body[0]
+ expect(message['encoding']).to eql(encoding_spec['encoding'])
+ if message['encoding'] == 'json'
+ expect(JSON.parse(encoding_spec['data'])).to eql(JSON.parse(message['data']))
+ else
+ expect(encoding_spec['data']).to eql(message['data'])
+ end
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'over a MsgPack transport' do
+ JSON.parse(File.read(fixtures_path))['messages'].each do |encoding_spec|
+ context "when publishing a #{encoding_spec['expectedType']} using JSON protocol" do
+ let(:rest_publish_client) do
+ Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(protocol: :json))
+ end
+ let(:realtime_subscribe_client) do
+ Ably::Realtime::Client.new(client_options.merge(protocol: :msgpack))
+ end
+ let(:realtime_subscribe_channel) { realtime_subscribe_client.channels.get(channel_name) }
+ it 'receives the message over MsgPack and the data matches' do
+ expect(realtime_subscribe_client).to be_protocol_binary
+ realtime_subscribe_channel.attach do
+ realtime_subscribe_channel.subscribe do |message|
+ if encoding_spec['expectedHexValue']
+ expect(message.data.unpack('H*').first).to eql(encoding_spec['expectedHexValue'])
+ else
+ expect(message.data).to eql(encoding_spec['expectedValue'])
+ end
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ raw_message = { "data" => encoding_spec['data'], "encoding" => encoding_spec['encoding'] }
+ rest_publish_client.post("/channels/#{channel_name}/messages", JSON.dump(raw_message))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context "when retrieving a #{encoding_spec['expectedType']} using JSON protocol" do
+ let(:rest_publish_client) do
+ Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(protocol: :msgpack))
+ end
+ let(:rest_retrieve_client) do
+ Ably::Rest::Client.new(client_options.merge(protocol: :json))
+ end
+ let(:rest_publish_channel) { rest_publish_client.channels.get(channel_name) }
+ it 'is compatible with a publishes using MsgPack' do
+ expect(rest_publish_client).to be_protocol_binary
+ data = if encoding_spec['expectedHexValue']
+ encoding_spec['expectedHexValue'].scan(/../).map { |x| x.hex }.pack('c*')
+ else
+ encoding_spec['expectedValue']
+ end
+ rest_publish_channel.publish "event", data
+ response = rest_retrieve_client.get("/channels/#{channel_name}/messages")
+ message = response.body[0]
+ expect(message['encoding']).to eql(encoding_spec['encoding'])
+ expect(encoding_spec['data']).to eql(message['data'])
+ stop_reactor