spec/acceptance/realtime/message_spec.rb in ably-0.1.5 vs spec/acceptance/realtime/message_spec.rb in ably-0.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -2,132 +2,154 @@
require 'securerandom'
describe 'Ably::Realtime::Channel Messages' do
include RSpec::EventMachine
- let(:client) do
- Ably::Realtime::Client.new(options.merge(api_key: api_key, environment: environment))
- end
- let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) }
+ [:msgpack, :json].each do |protocol|
+ context "over #{protocol}" do
+ let(:default_options) { options.merge(api_key: api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol) }
+ let(:client) do
+ Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options)
+ end
+ let(:channel) { client.channel(channel_name) }
- let(:other_client) do
- Ably::Realtime::Client.new(options.merge(api_key: api_key, environment: environment))
- end
- let(:other_client_channel) { other_client.channel(channel_name) }
+ let(:other_client) do
+ Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options)
+ end
+ let(:other_client_channel) { other_client.channel(channel_name) }
- context 'using binary protocol' do
- skip 'sends a string message'
- skip 'sends a single message with an echo on another connection'
- skip 'all tests with multiple messages'
- end
+ let(:channel_name) { 'subscribe_send_text' }
+ let(:options) { { :protocol => :json } }
+ let(:payload) { 'Test message (subscribe_send_text)' }
- context 'using text protocol' do
- let(:channel_name) { 'subscribe_send_text' }
- let(:options) { { :protocol => :json } }
- let(:payload) { 'Test message (subscribe_send_text)' }
- it 'sends a string message' do
- run_reactor do
- channel.attach
- channel.on(:attached) do
- channel.publish('test_event', payload) do |message|
- expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
- stop_reactor
+ it 'sends a string message' do
+ run_reactor do
+ channel.attach
+ channel.on(:attached) do
+ channel.publish('test_event', payload) do |message|
+ expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
- end
- it 'sends a single message with an echo on another connection' do
- run_reactor do
- other_client_channel.attach
- other_client_channel.on(:attached) do
- channel.publish 'test_event', payload
- other_client_channel.subscribe('test_event') do |message|
- expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
- stop_reactor
+ it 'sends a single message with an echo on another connection' do
+ run_reactor do
+ other_client_channel.attach do
+ channel.publish 'test_event', payload
+ other_client_channel.subscribe('test_event') do |message|
+ expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
- end
- context 'with multiple messages' do
- let(:send_count) { 15 }
- let(:expected_echos) { send_count * 2 }
- let(:channel_name) { SecureRandom.hex }
- let(:echos) do
- { client: 0, other: 0 }
- end
- let(:callbacks) do
- { client: 0, other: 0 }
- end
+ context 'with echo_messages => false' do
+ let(:no_echo_client) do
+ Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options.merge(echo_messages: false))
+ end
+ let(:no_echo_channel) { no_echo_client.channel(channel_name) }
- def expect_messages_to_be_echoed_on_both_connections
- {
- channel => :client,
- other_client_channel => :other
- }.each do |target_channel, echo_key|
- EventMachine.defer do
- target_channel.subscribe('test_event') do |message|
- echos[echo_key] += 1
+ it 'sends a single message without a reply yet the messages is echoed on another normal connection' do
+ run_reactor do
+ channel.attach do |echo_channel|
+ no_echo_channel.attach do
+ no_echo_channel.publish 'test_event', payload
- if echos[:client] == expected_echos && echos[:other] == expected_echos
- # Wait briefly before doing the final check in case additional messages received
- EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do
- expect(echos[:client]).to eql(expected_echos)
- expect(echos[:other]).to eql(expected_echos)
- expect(callbacks[:client]).to eql(send_count)
- expect(callbacks[:other]).to eql(send_count)
- stop_reactor
+ no_echo_channel.subscribe('test_event') do |message|
+ fail "Message should not have been echoed back"
+ echo_channel.subscribe('test_event') do |message|
+ expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
+ EventMachine.add_timer(1.5) { stop_reactor }
+ end
- it 'sends and receives the messages on both opened connections (4 x send count due to local echos) and calls the callbacks' do
- run_reactor(10) do
- channel.attach
- other_client_channel.attach
+ context 'with multiple messages' do
+ let(:send_count) { 15 }
+ let(:expected_echos) { send_count * 2 }
+ let(:channel_name) { SecureRandom.hex }
+ let(:echos) do
+ { client: 0, other: 0 }
+ end
+ let(:callbacks) do
+ { client: 0, other: 0 }
+ end
- channel.on(:attached) do
- other_client_channel.on(:attached) do
- send_count.times do |index|
- channel.publish('test_event', "#{index}: #{payload}") do
- callbacks[:client] += 1
+ def expect_messages_to_be_echoed_on_both_connections
+ {
+ channel => :client,
+ other_client_channel => :other
+ }.each do |target_channel, echo_key|
+ EventMachine.defer do
+ target_channel.subscribe('test_event') do |message|
+ echos[echo_key] += 1
+ if echos[:client] == expected_echos && echos[:other] == expected_echos
+ # Wait briefly before doing the final check in case additional messages received
+ EventMachine.add_timer(0.5) do
+ expect(echos[:client]).to eql(expected_echos)
+ expect(echos[:other]).to eql(expected_echos)
+ expect(callbacks[:client]).to eql(send_count)
+ expect(callbacks[:other]).to eql(send_count)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
- other_client_channel.publish('test_event', "#{index}: #{payload}") do
- callbacks[:other] += 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'sends and receives the messages on both opened connections (4 x send count due to local echos) and calls the callbacks' do
+ run_reactor(10) do
+ channel.attach
+ other_client_channel.attach
+ channel.on(:attached) do
+ other_client_channel.on(:attached) do
+ send_count.times do |index|
+ channel.publish('test_event', "#{index}: #{payload}") do
+ callbacks[:client] += 1
+ end
+ other_client_channel.publish('test_event', "#{index}: #{payload}") do
+ callbacks[:other] += 1
+ end
+ expect_messages_to_be_echoed_on_both_connections
- expect_messages_to_be_echoed_on_both_connections
- end
- context 'without suitable publishing permissions' do
- let(:restricted_client) do
- Ably::Realtime::Client.new(options.merge(api_key: restricted_api_key, environment: environment))
- end
- let(:restricted_channel) { restricted_client.channel(channel_name) }
- let(:payload) { 'Test message without permission to publish' }
+ context 'without suitable publishing permissions' do
+ let(:restricted_client) do
+ Ably::Realtime::Client.new(options.merge(api_key: restricted_api_key, environment: environment, protocol: protocol))
+ end
+ let(:restricted_channel) { restricted_client.channel("cansubscribe:example") }
+ let(:payload) { 'Test message without permission to publish' }
- it 'calls the error callback' do
- run_reactor do
- restricted_channel.attach
- restricted_channel.on(:attached) do
- deferrable = restricted_channel.publish('test_event', payload)
- deferrable.errback do |message, error|
- expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
- expect(error.status).to eql(401)
- stop_reactor
- end
- deferrable.callback do |message|
- fail 'Success callback should not have been called'
- stop_reactor
+ it 'calls the error callback' do
+ run_reactor do
+ restricted_channel.attach
+ restricted_channel.on(:attached) do
+ deferrable = restricted_channel.publish('test_event', payload)
+ deferrable.errback do |message, error|
+ expect(message.data).to eql(payload)
+ expect(error.status).to eql(401)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ deferrable.callback do |message|
+ fail 'Success callback should not have been called'
+ stop_reactor
+ end