spec/acceptance/realtime/auth_spec.rb in ably-1.0.6 vs spec/acceptance/realtime/auth_spec.rb in ably-1.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -1029,7 +1029,234 @@
expect(response).to be_a(Ably::Models::TokenDetails)
+ context 'when using JWT' do
+ let(:auth_url) { 'https://echo.ably.io/createJWT' }
+ let(:auth_params) { { keyName: key_name, keySecret: key_secret } }
+ let(:channel_name) { "test_JWT_#{random_str}" }
+ let(:message_name) { 'message_JWT' }
+ # RSA8g
+ context 'when using auth_url' do
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_url: auth_url, auth_params: auth_params) }
+ context 'when credentials are valid' do
+ it 'client successfully fetches a channel and publishes a message' do
+ channel = client.channels.get(channel_name)
+ channel.subscribe do |message|
+ expect(message.name).to eql(message_name)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ channel.publish message_name
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when credentials are wrong' do
+ let(:auth_params) { { keyName: key_name, keySecret: 'invalid' } }
+ it 'disconnected includes and invalid signature message' do
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do |state_change|
+ expect(state_change.reason.message.match(/invalid signature/i)).to_not be_nil
+ expect(state_change.reason.code).to eql(40144)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ client.connect
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when token is expired' do
+ let(:token_duration) { 5 }
+ let(:auth_params) { { keyName: key_name, keySecret: key_secret, expiresIn: token_duration } }
+ it 'receives a 40142 error from the server' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do |state_change|
+ expect(state_change.reason).to be_a(Ably::Models::ErrorInfo)
+ expect(state_change.reason.message).to match(/(expire)/i)
+ expect(state_change.reason.code).to eql(40142)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # RSA8g
+ context 'when using auth_callback' do
+ let(:token_callback) do
+ lambda do |token_params|
+ Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options).auth.request_token({}, { auth_url: auth_url, auth_params: auth_params }).token
+ end
+ end
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: token_callback) }
+ WebMock.allow_net_connect!
+ WebMock.disable!
+ context 'when credentials are valid' do
+ it 'authentication succeeds and client can post a message' do
+ channel = client.channels.get(channel_name)
+ channel.subscribe do |message|
+ expect(message.name).to eql(message_name)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ channel.publish(message_name) do
+ # assert_requested :get, Addressable::Template.new("#{auth_url}{?keyName,keySecret}")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when credentials are invalid' do
+ let(:auth_params) { { keyName: key_name, keySecret: 'invalid' } }
+ it 'authentication fails and reason for disconnection is invalid signature' do
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do |state_change|
+ expect(state_change.reason.message.match(/invalid signature/i)).to_not be_nil
+ expect(state_change.reason.code).to eql(40144)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ client.connect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the client is initialized with ClientOptions and the token is a JWT token' do
+ let(:client_options) { { token: token, environment: environment, protocol: protocol } }
+ context 'when credentials are valid' do
+ let(:token) { Faraday.get("#{auth_url}?keyName=#{key_name}&keySecret=#{key_secret}").body }
+ it 'posts successfully to a channel' do
+ channel = client.channels.get(channel_name)
+ channel.subscribe do |message|
+ expect(message.name).to eql(message_name)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ channel.publish(message_name)
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when credentials are invalid' do
+ let(:key_secret) { 'invalid' }
+ let(:token) { Faraday.get("#{auth_url}?keyName=#{key_name}&keySecret=#{key_secret}").body }
+ it 'fails with an invalid signature error' do
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do |state_change|
+ expect(state_change.reason.message.match(/invalid signature/i)).to_not be_nil
+ expect(state_change.reason.code).to eql(40144)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ client.connect
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when JWT token expires' do
+ before do
+ stub_const 'Ably::Models::TokenDetails::TOKEN_EXPIRY_BUFFER', 0 # allow token to be used even if about to expire
+ stub_const 'Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS', Ably::Auth::TOKEN_DEFAULTS.merge(renew_token_buffer: 0) # Ensure tokens issued expire immediately after issue
+ end
+ let(:token_callback) do
+ lambda do |token_params|
+ # Ably in all environments other than production will send AUTH 5 seconds before expiry, so
+ # we generate a JWT that expires in 5s so that the window for Realtime to send has passed
+ tokenResponse = Faraday.get "#{auth_url}?keyName=#{key_name}&keySecret=#{key_secret}&expiresIn=5"
+ tokenResponse.body
+ end
+ end
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(use_token_auth: true, auth_callback: token_callback) }
+ # RTC8a
+ it 'client disconnects, a new token is requested via auth_callback and the client gets reconnected' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ original_token = auth.current_token_details
+ original_conn_id = client.connection.id
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do |state_change|
+ expect(state_change.reason.code).to eql(40142)
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ expect(original_token).to_not eql(auth.current_token_details)
+ expect(original_conn_id).to eql(client.connection.id)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'and an AUTH procol message is received' do
+ let(:token_callback) do
+ lambda do |token_params|
+ # Ably in all environments other than local will send AUTH 30 seconds before expiry
+ # We set the TTL to 35s so there's room to receive an AUTH protocol message
+ tokenResponse = Faraday.get "#{auth_url}?keyName=#{key_name}&keySecret=#{key_secret}&expiresIn=35"
+ tokenResponse.body
+ end
+ end
+ # RTC8a, RTC8a4
+ it 'client reauths correctly without going through a disconnection' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ original_token = client.auth.current_token_details
+ received_auth = false
+ client.connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.subscribe(:protocol_message) do |protocol_message|
+ received_auth = true if protocol_message.action == :auth
+ end
+ client.connection.once(:update) do
+ expect(received_auth).to be_truthy
+ expect(original_token).to_not eql(client.auth.current_token_details)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the JWT token request includes a client_id' do
+ let(:client_id) { random_str }
+ let(:auth_callback) do
+ lambda do |token_params|
+ Faraday.get("#{auth_url}?keyName=#{key_name}&keySecret=#{key_secret}&client_id=#{client_id}").body
+ end
+ end
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: auth_callback) }
+ it 'the client_id is the same that was specified in the auth_callback that generated the JWT token' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ expect(client.auth.client_id).to eql(client_id)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when the JWT token request includes a subscribe-only capability' do
+ let(:channel_with_publish_permissions) { "test_JWT_with_publish_#{random_str}" }
+ let(:basic_capability) { JSON.dump(channel_name => ['subscribe'], channel_with_publish_permissions => ['publish']) }
+ let(:auth_callback) do
+ lambda do |token_params|
+ Faraday.get("#{auth_url}?keyName=#{key_name}&keySecret=#{key_secret}&capability=#{URI.escape(basic_capability)}").body
+ end
+ end
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: auth_callback) }
+ it 'client fails to publish to a channel with subscribe-only capability and publishes successfully on a channel with permissions' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ forbidden_channel = client.channels.get(channel_name)
+ allowed_channel = client.channels.get(channel_with_publish_permissions)
+ forbidden_channel.publish('not-allowed').errback do |error|
+ expect(error.code).to eql(40160)
+ expect(error.message).to match(/permission denied/)
+ allowed_channel.publish(message_name) do |message|
+ expect(message.name).to eql(message_name)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end