spec/acceptance/realtime/auth_spec.rb in ably-0.8.11 vs spec/acceptance/realtime/auth_spec.rb in ably-0.8.12
- old
+ new
@@ -252,9 +252,198 @@
+ context 'with force: true to trigger an authentication upgrade' do
+ let(:rest_client) { Ably::Rest::Client.new(default_options) }
+ let(:client_publisher) { auto_close Ably::Realtime::Client.new(default_options) }
+ let(:basic_capability) { JSON.dump("foo" => ["subscribe"]) }
+ let(:basic_token_cb) { Proc.new do
+ rest_client.auth.create_token_request({ capability: basic_capability })
+ end }
+ let(:upgraded_capability) { JSON.dump({ "foo" => ["subscribe", "publish"] }) }
+ let(:upgraded_token_cb) { Proc.new do
+ rest_client.auth.create_token_request({ capability: upgraded_capability })
+ end }
+ let(:identified_token_cb) { Proc.new do
+ rest_client.auth.create_token_request({ client_id: 'bob' })
+ end }
+ let(:downgraded_capability) { JSON.dump({ "bar" => ["subscribe"] }) }
+ let(:downgraded_token_cb) { Proc.new do
+ rest_client.auth.create_token_request({ capability: downgraded_capability })
+ end }
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: basic_token_cb) }
+ it 'forces the connection to disconnect and reconnect with a new token when in the CONNECTED state' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ existing_token = client.auth.current_token_details
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ expect(existing_token).to_not eql(client.auth.current_token_details)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'forces the connection to disconnect and reconnect with a new token when in the CONNECTING state' do
+ client.connection.once(:connecting) do
+ existing_token = client.auth.current_token_details
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ expect(existing_token).to_not eql(client.auth.current_token_details)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when client is identified' do
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: basic_token_cb, log_level: :none) }
+ let(:basic_token_cb) { Proc.new do
+ rest_client.auth.create_token_request({ client_id: 'mike', capability: basic_capability })
+ end }
+ it 'transisitions the connection state to FAILED if the client_id changes' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, auth_callback: identified_token_cb, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:failed) do
+ expect(client.connection.error_reason.message).to match(/incompatible.*client ID/)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when upgrading capabilities' do
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: basic_token_cb, log_level: :error) }
+ it 'is allowed' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ channel = client.channels.get('foo')
+ channel.publish('not-allowed').errback do |error|
+ expect(error.code).to eql(40160)
+ expect(error.message).to match(/permission denied/)
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, auth_callback: upgraded_token_cb, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ expect(client.connection.error_reason).to be_nil
+ channel.subscribe('allowed') do |message|
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ channel.publish 'allowed'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when downgrading capabilities' do
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: basic_token_cb, log_level: :none) }
+ it 'is allowed and channels are detached' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ channel = client.channels.get('foo')
+ channel.attach do
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, auth_callback: downgraded_token_cb, force: true)
+ channel.once(:failed) do
+ expect(channel.error_reason.code).to eql(40160)
+ expect(channel.error_reason.message).to match(/Channel denied access/)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'ensures message delivery continuity whilst upgrading' do
+ received_messages = []
+ subscriber_channel = client.channels.get('foo')
+ publisher_channel = client_publisher.channels.get('foo')
+ subscriber_channel.attach do
+ subscriber_channel.subscribe do |message|
+ received_messages << message
+ end
+ publisher_channel.attach do
+ publisher_channel.publish('foo') do
+ EventMachine.add_timer(2) do
+ expect(received_messages.length).to eql(1)
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:disconnected) do
+ publisher_channel.publish('bar') do
+ expect(received_messages.length).to eql(1)
+ end
+ end
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ EventMachine.add_timer(2) do
+ expect(received_messages.length).to eql(2)
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ it 'does not change the connection state if current connection state is closing' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ client.connection.once(:closing) do
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ raise "Should not reconnect following auth force: true"
+ end
+ EventMachine.add_timer(4) do
+ expect(client.connection).to be_closed
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ client.connection.close
+ end
+ end
+ it 'does not change the connection state if current connection state is closed' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ client.connection.once(:closed) do
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ raise "Should not reconnect following auth force: true"
+ end
+ EventMachine.add_timer(4) do
+ expect(client.connection).to be_closed
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ client.connection.close
+ end
+ end
+ context 'when state is failed' do
+ let(:client_options) { default_options.merge(auth_callback: basic_token_cb, log_level: :none) }
+ it 'does not change the connection state' do
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ client.connection.once(:failed) do
+ client.auth.authorise(nil, force: true)
+ client.connection.once(:connected) do
+ raise "Should not reconnect following auth force: true"
+ end
+ EventMachine.add_timer(4) do
+ expect(client.connection).to be_failed
+ stop_reactor
+ end
+ end
+ protocol_message = Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage.new(action: Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage::ACTION.Error.to_i)
+ client.connection.__incoming_protocol_msgbus__.publish :protocol_message, protocol_message
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
context '#authorise_async' do
it 'returns a token synchronously' do
auth.authorise_sync(ttl: custom_ttl, client_id: custom_client_id).tap do |token_details|