lib/ably/rest/client.rb in ably-1.0.6 vs lib/ably/rest/client.rb in ably-1.0.7
- old
+ new
@@ -115,9 +115,10 @@
# @option options [Integer] :http_max_retry_count (3) maximum number of fallback host retries for HTTP requests that fail due to network issues or server problems
# @option options [Integer] :http_max_retry_duration (15 seconds) maximum elapsed time in which fallback host retries for HTTP requests will be attempted i.e. if the first default host attempt takes 5s, and then the subsequent fallback retry attempt takes 7s, no further fallback host attempts will be made as the total elapsed time of 12s exceeds the default 10s limit
# @option options [Boolean] :fallback_hosts_use_default (false) When true, forces the user of fallback hosts even if a non-default production endpoint is being used
# @option options [Array<String>] :fallback_hosts When an array of fallback hosts are provided, these fallback hosts are always used if a request fails to the primary endpoint. If an empty array is provided, the fallback host functionality is disabled
+ # @option options [Boolean] :add_request_ids (false) When true, adds a unique request_id to each request sent to Ably servers. This is handy when reporting issues, because you can refer to a specific request.
# @return [Ably::Rest::Client]
# @example
# # create a new client authenticating with basic auth