lib/ably/rest/client.rb in ably-0.1.6 vs lib/ably/rest/client.rb in ably-0.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -18,20 +18,28 @@
# @return [String] May contain 'sandbox' when testing the client library against an alternate Ably environment
# @!attribute [r] log_level
# @return [Logger::Severity] Log level configured for this {Client}
# @!attribute [r] channels
# @return [Aby::Rest::Channels] The collection of {Ably::Rest::Channel}s that have been created
+ # @!attribute [r] protocol
+ # @return [Symbol] The protocol configured for this client, either binary `:msgpack` or text based `:json`
+ #
class Client
include Ably::Modules::Conversions
include Ably::Modules::HttpHelpers
extend Forwardable
- DOMAIN = ""
+ DOMAIN = ''
attr_reader :environment, :protocol, :auth, :channels, :log_level
def_delegators :auth, :client_id, :auth_options
+ # @api private
+ # The registered encoders that are used to encode and decode message payloads
+ # @return [Array<Ably::Models::MessageEncoder::Base>]
+ attr_reader :encoders
# The additional options passed to this Client's #initialize method not available as attributes of this class
# @return [Hash]
# @api private
attr_reader :options
@@ -43,10 +51,11 @@
# @option options [String] :api_key API key comprising the key ID and key secret in a single string
# @option options [String] :environment Specify 'sandbox' when testing the client library against an alternate Ably environment
# @option options [Symbol] :protocol Protocol used to communicate with Ably, :json and :msgpack currently supported. Defaults to :msgpack
# @option options [Boolean] :use_binary_protocol Protocol used to communicate with Ably, defaults to true and uses MessagePack protocol. This option will overide :protocol option
# @option options [Logger::Severity,Symbol] :log_level Log level for the standard Logger that outputs to STDOUT. Defaults to Logger::ERROR, can be set to :fatal (Logger::FATAL), :error (Logger::ERROR), :warn (Logger::WARN), :info (Logger::INFO), :debug (Logger::DEBUG)
+ # @option options [Logger] :logger A custom logger can be used however it must adhere to the Ruby Logger interface, see
# @yield (see Ably::Auth#authorise)
# @yieldparam (see Ably::Auth#authorise)
# @yieldreturn (see Ably::Auth#authorise)
@@ -63,17 +72,18 @@
options = options.clone
if options.kind_of?(String)
options = { api_key: options }
- @tls = options.delete(:tls) == false ? false : true
- @environment = options.delete(:environment) # nil is production
- @protocol = options.delete(:protocol) || :msgpack
- @debug_http = options.delete(:debug_http)
- @log_level = options.delete(:log_level) || Logger::ERROR
+ @tls = options.delete(:tls) == false ? false : true
+ @environment = options.delete(:environment) # nil is production
+ @protocol = options.delete(:protocol) || :msgpack
+ @debug_http = options.delete(:debug_http)
+ @log_level = options.delete(:log_level) || ::Logger::ERROR
+ @custom_logger = options.delete(:logger)
- @log_level = Logger.const_get(log_level.to_s.upcase) if log_level.kind_of?(Symbol) || log_level.kind_of?(String)
+ @log_level = ::Logger.const_get(log_level.to_s.upcase) if log_level.kind_of?(Symbol) || log_level.kind_of?(String)
options.delete(:use_binary_protocol).tap do |use_binary_protocol|
if use_binary_protocol == true
@protocol = :msgpack
elsif use_binary_protocol == false
@@ -83,10 +93,13 @@
raise ArgumentError, 'Protocol is invalid. Must be either :msgpack or :json' unless [:msgpack, :json].include?(@protocol)
@options = options.freeze
@auth =, options, &auth_block)
@channels =
+ @encoders = []
+ initialize_default_encoders
# Return a REST {Ably::Rest::Channel} for the given name
# @param (see Ably::Rest::Channels#get)
@@ -149,16 +162,14 @@
host: [@environment, DOMAIN].compact.join('-')
# @!attribute [r] logger
- # @return [Logger] The Logger configured for this client when the client was instantiated.
+ # @return [Logger] The {Ably::Logger} for this client.
# Configure the log_level with the `:log_level` option, refer to {Client#initialize}
def logger
- @logger ||= do |logger|
- logger.level = log_level
- end
+ @logger ||=, log_level, @custom_logger)
# @!attribute [r] mime_type
# @return [String] Mime type used for HTTP requests
def mime_type
@@ -168,10 +179,36 @@
+ # Register a message encoder and decoder that implements Ably::Models::MessageEncoders::Base interface.
+ # Message encoders are used to encode and decode message payloads automatically.
+ # @note Encoders and decoders are processed in the order they are added so the first encoder will be given priority when encoding and decoding
+ #
+ # @param [Ably::Models::MessageEncoders::Base] encoder
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def register_encoder(encoder)
+ encoder_klass = if encoder.kind_of?(String)
+ Object.const_get(encoder)
+ else
+ encoder
+ end
+ raise "Encoder must inherit from `Ably::Models::MessageEncoders::Base`" unless encoder_klass.ancestors.include?(Ably::Models::MessageEncoders::Base)
+ encoders <<
+ end
+ # @!attribute [r] protocol_binary?
+ # @return [Boolean] True of the transport #protocol communicates with Ably with a binary protocol
+ def protocol_binary?
+ protocol == :msgpack
+ end
def request(method, path, params = {}, options = {})
reauthorise_on_authorisation_failure do
connection.send(method, path, params) do |request|
unless options[:send_auth_header] == false
@@ -208,12 +245,13 @@
# @return [Hash]
def connection_options
@connection_options ||= {
builder: middleware,
headers: {
- accept: mime_type,
- user_agent: user_agent
+ content_type: mime_type,
+ accept: mime_type,
+ user_agent: user_agent
request: {
open_timeout: 5,
timeout: 10
@@ -228,17 +266,18 @@
setup_outgoing_middleware builder
# Raise exceptions if response code is invalid
builder.use Ably::Rest::Middleware::Exceptions
- setup_incoming_middleware builder, fail_if_unsupported_mime_type: true
+ setup_incoming_middleware builder, logger, fail_if_unsupported_mime_type: true
- # Log HTTP requests if log level is DEBUG option set
- builder.response :logger if log_level == Logger::DEBUG
# Set Faraday's HTTP adapter
builder.adapter Faraday.default_adapter
+ end
+ def initialize_default_encoders
+ Ably::Models::MessageEncoders.register_default_encoders self