lib/ably/realtime/presence.rb in ably-1.2.2 vs lib/ably/realtime/presence.rb in ably-1.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
module Ably::Realtime
- # Presence provides access to presence operations and state for the associated Channel
+ # Enables the presence set to be entered and subscribed to, and the historic presence set to be retrieved for a channel.
+ #
class Presence
include Ably::Modules::Conversions
include Ably::Modules::EventEmitter
include Ably::Modules::AsyncWrapper
include Ably::Modules::MessageEmitter
@@ -88,19 +89,18 @@
- # Enter the specified client_id into this channel. The given client will be added to the
- # presence set and presence subscribers will see a corresponding presence message.
- # This method is provided to support connections (e.g. connections from application
- # server instances) that act on behalf of multiple client_ids. In order to be able to
- # enter the channel with this method, the client library must have been instanced
- # either with a key, or with a token bound to the wildcard client_id
+ # Enters the presence set of the channel for a given clientId. Enables a single client to update presence on behalf
+ # of any number of clients using a single connection. The library must have been instantiated with an API key
+ # or a token bound to a wildcard clientId. An optional callback may be provided to notify of the success or failure of the operation.
+ # @spec RTP4, RTP14, RTP15
+ #
# @param [String] client_id id of the client
- # @param [String,Hash,nil] data optional data (eg a status message) for this member
+ # @param [String,Hash,nil] data The payload associated with the presence member. A JSON object of arbitrary key-value pairs that may contain metadata, and/or ancillary payloads.
# @yield [Ably::Realtime::Presence] On success, will call the block with this {Ably::Realtime::Presence} object
# @return [Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable] Deferrable that supports both success (callback) and failure (errback) callbacks
def enter_client(client_id, data = nil, &success_block)
@@ -149,34 +149,38 @@
- # Leave a given client_id from this channel. This client will be removed from the
- # presence set and presence subscribers will see a leave message for this client.
+ # Leaves the presence set of the channel for a given clientId. Enables a single client to update presence on behalf
+ # of any number of clients using a single connection. The library must have been instantiated with an API key
+ # or a token bound to a wildcard clientId. An optional callback may be provided to notify of the success or failure of the operation.
- # @param (see Presence#enter_client)
+ # @spec RTP15
- # @yield (see Presence#enter_client)
- # @return (see Presence#enter_client)
+ # @param (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence#enter_client})
+ # @yield (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence#enter_client})
+ # @return (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence#enter_client})
+ #
def leave_client(client_id, data = nil, &success_block)
ensure_supported_client_id client_id
ensure_supported_payload data
send_presence_action_for_client(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION.Leave, client_id, data, &success_block)
- # Update the presence data for this client. If the client is not already a member of
- # the presence set it will be added, and presence subscribers will see an enter or
- # update message for this client.
+ # Updates the data payload for a presence member. If called before entering the presence set, this is treated as
+ # an {Ably::Realtime::Presence::STATE.Entered} event. An optional callback may be provided to notify of the success or failure of the operation.
- # @param (see Presence#enter)
+ # @spec RTP9
- # @yield (see Presence#enter)
- # @return (see Presence#enter)
+ # @param (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence#enter})
+ # @yield (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence#enter})
+ # @return (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence#enter})
+ #
def update(data = nil, &success_block)
deferrable = create_deferrable
ensure_supported_payload data
@@ -195,16 +199,17 @@
- # Update the presence data for a specified client_id into this channel.
- # If the client is not already a member of the presence set it will be added, and
- # presence subscribers will see an enter or update message for this client.
- # As with {#enter_client}, the connection must be authenticated in a way that
- # enables it to represent an arbitrary clientId.
+ # Updates the data payload for a presence member using a given clientId. Enables a single client to update presence
+ # on behalf of any number of clients using a single connection. The library must have been instantiated with an API
+ # key or a token bound to a wildcard clientId. An optional callback may be provided to notify of the success
+ # or failure of the operation.
+ # @spec RTP15
+ #
# @param (see Presence#enter_client)
# @yield (see Presence#enter_client)
# @return (see Presence#enter_client)
@@ -213,17 +218,21 @@
ensure_supported_payload data
send_presence_action_for_client(Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION.Update, client_id, data, &success_block)
- # Get the presence members for this Channel.
+ # Retrieves the current members present on the channel and the metadata for each member, such as their
+ # {Ably::Models::ProtocolMessage::ACTION} and ID. Returns an array of {Ably::Models::PresenceMessage} objects.
- # @param (see Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get)
- # @option options (see Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get)
- # @yield (see Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get)
- # @return (see Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get)
+ # @spec RTP11, RTP11c1, RTP11c2, RTP11c3
+ # @param (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get})
+ # @option options (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get})
+ # @yield (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get})
+ #
+ # @return (see {Ably::Realtime::Presence::MembersMap#get})
+ #
def get(options = {}, &block)
deferrable = create_deferrable
# #RTP11d Don't return PresenceMap when wait for sync is true
# if the map is stale
@@ -250,13 +259,16 @@
- # Subscribe to presence events on the associated Channel.
- # This implicitly attaches the Channel if it is not already attached.
+ # Registers a listener that is called each time a {Ably::Models::PresenceMessage} is received on the channel,
+ # such as a new member entering the presence set. A callback may optionally be passed in to this call to be notified
+ # of success or failure of the channel {Ably::Realtime::Channel#attach} operation.
+ # @spec RTP6a, RTP6b
+ #
# @param actions [Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION] Optional, the state change action to subscribe to. Defaults to all presence actions
# @yield [Ably::Models::PresenceMessage] For each presence state change event, the block is called
# @return [void]
@@ -264,25 +276,32 @@
# Unsubscribe the matching block for presence events on the associated Channel.
- # If a block is not provided, all subscriptions will be unsubscribed
+ # If a block is not provided, all subscriptions will be unsubscribed {Ably::Models::PresenceMessage} for the channel.
+ # @spec RTP7a, RTP7b, RTE5
+ #
# @param actions [Ably::Models::PresenceMessage::ACTION] Optional, the state change action to subscribe to. Defaults to all presence actions
# @return [void]
def unsubscribe(*actions, &callback)
- # Return the presence messages history for the channel
+ # Retrieves a {Ably::Models::PaginatedResult} object, containing an array of historical
+ # {Ably::Models::PresenceMessage} objects for the channel. If the channel is configured to persist messages,
+ # then presence messages can be retrieved from history for up to 72 hours in the past. If not, presence messages
+ # can only be retrieved from history for up to two minutes in the past.
- # @param (see Ably::Rest::Presence#history)
- # @option options (see Ably::Rest::Presence#history)
+ # @spec RTP12c, RTP12a
+ # @param (see {Ably::Rest::Presence#history})
+ # @option options (see {Ably::Rest::Presence#history})
+ #
# @yield [Ably::Models::PaginatedResult<Ably::Models::PresenceMessage>] First {Ably::Models::PaginatedResult page} of {Ably::Models::PresenceMessage} objects accessible with {Ably::Models::PaginatedResult#items #items}.
# @return [Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable]
def history(options = {}, &callback)
@@ -304,10 +323,16 @@
# @api private
def logger
- # Returns true when the initial member SYNC following channel attach is completed
+ # Indicates whether the presence set synchronization between Ably and the clients on the channel has been completed.
+ # Set to true when the sync is complete.
+ #
+ # @spec RTP13
+ #
+ # return [Boolean]
+ #
def sync_complete?