lib/ably/modules/state_emitter.rb in ably-0.6.2 vs lib/ably/modules/state_emitter.rb in ably-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -24,10 +24,11 @@
# connection.connecting? # => true
# connection.state # => STATE.Connecting
# connection.state = :invalid # raises an Exception as only a valid state can be defined
# connection.trigger :invalid # raises an Exception as only a valid state can be used for EventEmitter
# connection.change_state :connected # emits :connected event via EventEmitter, returns STATE.Connected
+ # connection.once_or_if(:connected) { puts 'block called once when state is connected or becomes connected' }
module StateEmitter
# Current state {Ably::Modules::Enum}
# @return [Symbol] state
@@ -53,10 +54,85 @@
trigger @state, *args
alias_method :change_state, :state=
+ # If the current state matches the target_state argument the block is called immediately.
+ # Else the block is called once when the target_state is reached.
+ #
+ # If the option block :else is provided then if any state other than target_state is reached, the :else block is called,
+ # however only one of the blocks will ever be called
+ #
+ # @param [Symbol,Ably::Modules::Enum,Array] target_states a single state or array of states that once met, will fire the success block only once
+ # @param [Hash] options
+ # @option options [Proc] :else block called once the state has changed to anything but target_state
+ #
+ # @yield block is called if the state is matched immediately or once when the state is reached
+ #
+ # @return [void]
+ def once_or_if(target_states, options = {}, &success_block)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Block is expected' unless block_given?
+ if Array(target_states).any? { |target_state| state == target_state }
+ else
+ failure_block = options.fetch(:else, nil)
+ failure_wrapper = nil
+ success_wrapper = do
+ off &success_wrapper
+ off &failure_wrapper if failure_wrapper
+ end
+ failure_wrapper = proc do |*args|
+ *args
+ off &success_wrapper
+ off &failure_wrapper
+ end if failure_block
+ Array(target_states).each do |target_state|
+ once target_state, &success_wrapper
+ once_state_changed do |*args|
+ *args unless state == target_state
+ end if failure_block
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # Calls the block once when the state changes
+ #
+ # @yield block is called once the state changes
+ # @return [void]
+ #
+ # @api private
+ def once_state_changed(&block)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Block is expected' unless block_given?
+ once_block = proc do |*args|
+ off *, &once_block
+ yield *args
+ end
+ once *, &once_block
+ end
+ # Returns an {EventMachine::Deferrable} and once the target state is reached, the
+ # success_block if provided and {EventMachine::Deferrable#callback} is called.
+ # If the state changes to any other state, the {EventMachine::Deferrable#errback} is called.
+ #
+ def deferrable_for_state_change_to(target_state, &success_block)
+ do |deferrable|
+ once_or_if(target_state, else: proc { |*args| self, *args }) do
+ self if block_given?
+ deferrable.succeed self
+ end
+ end
+ end
def self.included(klass)
klass.configure_event_emitter coerce_into: { |event|
if event == :error