lib/ably/models/paginated_resource.rb in ably-0.7.5 vs lib/ably/models/paginated_resource.rb in ably-0.7.6
- old
+ new
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
module Ably::Models
- # Wraps any Ably HTTP response that supports paging and automatically provides methods to iterate through
- # the array of resources using {#first_page}, {#next_page}, {#first_page?} and {#last_page?}
+ # Wraps any Ably HTTP response that supports paging and provides methods to iterate through
+ # the pages using {#first}, {#next}, {#first?}, {#has_next?} and {#last?}
+ # All items in the HTTP response are available in the Array returned from {#items}
+ #
# Paging information is provided by Ably in the LINK HTTP headers
+ #
class PaginatedResource
- include Enumerable
include Ably::Modules::AsyncWrapper if defined?(Ably::Realtime)
+ # The items contained within this {PaginatedResource}
+ # @return [Array]
+ attr_reader :items
# @param [Faraday::Response] http_response Initial HTTP response from an Ably request to a paged resource
# @param [String] base_url Base URL for request that generated the http_response so that subsequent paged requests can be made
# @param [Client] client {Ably::Client} used to make the request to Ably
# @param [Hash] options Options for this paged resource
# @option options [Symbol,String] :coerce_into symbol or string representing class that should be used to create each item in the PaginatedResource
@@ -23,102 +29,83 @@
@coerce_into = options[:coerce_into]
@raw_body = http_response.body
@each_block = each_block
@make_async = options.fetch(:async_blocking_operations, false)
- @body = http_response.body
- @body = coerce_items_into(body, @coerce_into) if @coerce_into
- @body = { |item| yield item } if block_given?
+ @items = http_response.body
+ @items = coerce_items_into(items, @coerce_into) if @coerce_into
+ @items = { |item| yield item } if block_given?
# Retrieve the first page of results.
# When used as part of the {Ably::Realtime} library, it will return a {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} object,
# and allows an optional success callback block to be provided.
# @return [PaginatedResource,Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable]
- def first_page(&success_callback)
+ def first(&success_callback)
async_wrap_if_realtime(success_callback) do
+ return nil unless supports_pagination?'first')), base_url, client, pagination_options, &each_block)
# Retrieve the next page of results.
# When used as part of the {Ably::Realtime} library, it will return a {Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable} object,
# and allows an optional success callback block to be provided.
# @return [PaginatedResource,Ably::Util::SafeDeferrable]
- def next_page(&success_callback)
+ def next(&success_callback)
async_wrap_if_realtime(success_callback) do
- raise Ably::Exceptions::InvalidPageError, 'There are no more pages' if supports_pagination? && last_page?
+ return nil unless has_next?'next')), base_url, client, pagination_options, &each_block)
# True if this is the last page in the paged resource set
# @return [Boolean]
- def last_page?
+ def last?
!supports_pagination? ||
# True if this is the first page in the paged resource set
# @return [Boolean]
- def first_page?
+ def first?
!supports_pagination? ||
pagination_header('first') == pagination_header('current')
+ # True if there is a subsequent page in this paginated set available with {#next}
+ #
+ # @return [Boolean]
+ def has_next?
+ supports_pagination? && !last?
+ end
# True if the HTTP response supports paging with the expected LINK HTTP headers
# @return [Boolean]
def supports_pagination?
- # Standard Array accessor method
- def [](index)
- body[index]
- end
- # Returns number of items within this page, not the total number of items in the entire paged resource set
- def length
- body.length
- end
- alias_method :count, :length
- alias_method :size, :length
- # Method to allow {PaginatedResource} to be { Enumerable}
- def each(&block)
- return to_enum(:each) unless block_given?
- body.each(&block)
- end
- # First item in this page
- def first
- body.first
- end
- # Last item in this page
- def last
- body.last
- end
def inspect
<<-EOF.gsub(/^ /, '')
- @first_page?=#{!!first_page?},
- @last_page?=#{!!first_page?},
- @body=
- #{ { |item| item.inspect }.join(",\n ") }
+ @first?=#{!!first?},
+ @last?=#{!!first?},
+ @has_next?=#{!!has_next?},
+ @items=
+ #{ { |item| item.inspect }.join(",\n ") }
- attr_reader :body, :http_response, :base_url, :client, :coerce_into, :raw_body, :each_block, :make_async
+ attr_reader :http_response, :base_url, :client, :coerce_into, :raw_body, :each_block, :make_async
def coerce_items_into(items, type_string) do |item|
@coerce_into.split('::').inject(Kernel) do |base, klass_name|
base.public_send(:const_get, klass_name)