lib/submodules/ably-ruby/lib/ably/realtime/client.rb in ably-rest-0.8.5 vs lib/submodules/ably-ruby/lib/ably/realtime/client.rb in ably-rest-0.8.6
- old
+ new
@@ -28,10 +28,14 @@
attr_reader :channels
# (see Ably::Rest::Client#auth)
attr_reader :auth
+ # The underlying connection for this client
+ # @return [Aby::Realtime::Connection]
+ attr_reader :connection
# The {Ably::Rest::Client REST client} instantiated with the same credentials and configuration that is used for all REST operations such as authentication
# @return [Ably::Rest::Client]
attr_reader :rest_client
# When false the client suppresses messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection. Defaults to true
@@ -67,10 +71,13 @@
# @option options [Boolean] :queue_messages If false, this disables the default behaviour whereby the library queues messages on a connection in the disconnected or connecting states
# @option options [Boolean] :echo_messages If false, prevents messages originating from this connection being echoed back on the same connection
# @option options [String] :recover When a recover option is specified a connection inherits the state of a previous connection that may have existed under a different instance of the Realtime library, please refer to the API documentation for further information on connection state recovery
# @option options [Boolean] :auto_connect By default as soon as the client library is instantiated it will connect to Ably. You can optionally set this to false and explicitly connect.
+ # @option options [Integer] :disconnected_retry_timeout (15 seconds). When the connection enters the DISCONNECTED state, after this delay in milliseconds, if the state is still DISCONNECTED, the client library will attempt to reconnect automatically
+ # @option options [Integer] :suspended_retry_timeout (30 seconds). When the connection enters the SUSPENDED state, after this delay in milliseconds, if the state is still SUSPENDED, the client library will attempt to reconnect automatically
+ #
# @return [Ably::Realtime::Client]
# @example
# # create a new client authenticating with basic auth
# client ='')
@@ -80,10 +87,11 @@
def initialize(options)
@rest_client =
@auth =
@channels =
+ @connection =, options)
@echo_messages = @rest_client.options.fetch(:echo_messages, true) == false ? false : true
@queue_messages = @rest_client.options.fetch(:queue_messages, true) == false ? false : true
@custom_realtime_host = @rest_client.options[:realtime_host] || @rest_client.options[:ws_host]
@auto_connect = @rest_client.options.fetch(:auto_connect, true) == false ? false : true
@recover = @rest_client.options[:recover]
@@ -140,13 +148,12 @@
# @return [URI::Generic] Default Ably Realtime endpoint used for all requests
def endpoint
endpoint_for_host(custom_realtime_host || [environment, DOMAIN].compact.join('-'))
- # @!attribute [r] connection
- # @return [Aby::Realtime::Connection] The underlying connection for this client
def connection
- @connection ||=
+ @connection
# (see Ably::Rest::Client#register_encoder)
def register_encoder(encoder)
rest_client.register_encoder encoder