History.txt in ZenTest-4.3.3 vs History.txt in ZenTest-4.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,4 +1,20 @@
+=== 4.4.0 / 2010-09-01
+* 1 major enhancement:
+ * Removed git building. I'm dropping direct support for rubinius.
+* 3 minor enhancements:
+ * Added multiruby mri:list:x.y.z command so you can see what's available.
+ * Enabled installing specific patch versions of ruby.
+ * multiruby rubygems:update now forces a build to be less confusing.
+* 1 bug fix:
+ * Removed redundant test_to_normal, now in zentest_mappings
=== 4.3.3 / 2010-06-17
* 2 minor enhancements:
* Added options and removed pattern from Autotest::RCov