lib/TokiCLI.rb in TokiCLI-0.2.1 vs lib/TokiCLI.rb in TokiCLI-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,7 +1,272 @@
# encoding: utf-8
-require 'ostruct'
require 'thor'
-require 'amalgalite'
-require 'terminal-table/import'
-require_relative "TokiCLI/version"
-require_relative "TokiCLI/app"
+module TokiCLI
+ class App < Thor
+ package_name "TokiCLI"
+ require_relative 'API/toki_api'
+ %w{version status fileops view adnimport}.each {|r| require_relative "TokiCLI/#{r}"}
+ desc "version", "TokiCLI version number"
+ map "-v" => :version
+ def version
+ end
+ desc "scan", "Scan applications folders for full names"
+ def scan
+ puts Status.scanning
+ fileops =
+ fileops.save_bundles
+ puts Status.file_saved(fileops.bundles_file)
+ puts Status.next_launch_with_names
+ end
+ desc "total", "Show total for all apps"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a CSV file'
+ def total
+ # Initializes files and instances
+ ## Replace with init(true) to backup the db before using it
+ ## Not necessary for read-only commands like this one
+ init()
+ # Gets the JSON response from TokiAPI
+ ## Here the response is stocked locally in 'apps' but using a variable is optional:
+ ## the response is memoized in @toki.response when a @toki method is called
+ ## (see other commands)
+ apps = @toki.apps_total()
+ # Export or display
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ else
+ # Title is optional: @view.apps_total(apps)
+ title = "Toki - Total usage of all apps"
+ @view.apps_total(apps, title)
+ end
+ end
+ desc "top", "Show total for most used apps"
+ option :number, aliases: '-n', type: :numeric, desc: 'Specify the number of apps'
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a CSV file'
+ def top
+ init()
+ max = options[:number] || 5
+ @toki.apps_top(max)
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ else
+ @view.apps(@toki.response, "Toki - Total usage of most used apps")
+ end
+ end
+ desc "day DATE", "Show total for apps used on a specific day"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a CSV file'
+ def day(*args)
+ init()
+ @toki.apps_day(args[0])
+ exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response()
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ else
+ @view.apps(@toki.response, "Toki - All apps used on #{args[0]}")
+ end
+ end
+ desc "range DATE1 DATE2", "Show total for all apps used between two specific days"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a CSV file'
+ def range(*args)
+ init()
+ @toki.apps_range(args[0], args[1])
+ exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response()
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ else
+ @view.apps(@toki.response, "Toki - All apps used between #{args[0]} and #{args[1]}")
+ end
+ end
+ desc "since DATE", "Show total for all apps used since a specific day"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a CSV file'
+ def since(*args)
+ init()
+ @toki.apps_since(args[0])
+ exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response()
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ else
+ @view.apps(@toki.response, "Toki - All apps used since #{args[0]}")
+ end
+ end
+ desc "before DATE", "Show total for all apps used before a specific day"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results in a CSV file'
+ def before(*args)
+ init()
+ @toki.apps_before(args[0])
+ exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response()
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ else
+ @view.apps(@toki.response, "Toki - All apps used before #{args[0]}")
+ end
+ end
+ desc "activity", "Shows recent log updates"
+ option :since, type: :string, desc: 'Request log starting on this date'
+ option :day, type: :string, desc: 'Request log for a specific day'
+ def activity
+ init()
+ if options.since?
+ @toki.log_since(options.since)
+ elsif
+ @toki.log_day(
+ else
+ @toki.log_since()
+ end
+ @view.log_activity(@toki.response)
+ end
+ desc "bundle BUNDLE_ID", "Show complete log for an app from its exact bundle id"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results as a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results as a CSV file'
+ option :before, type: :string, desc: 'Request log before this date'
+ option :since, type: :string, desc: 'Request log starting on this date'
+ option :day, type: :string, desc: 'Request log for a specific day'
+ option :range, type: :array, desc: 'Request log between two specific days'
+ def bundle(bundle_id)
+ init()
+ title = bundle_title(bundle_id, options)
+ bundle_log(bundle_id, options)
+ exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response(Status.no_data)
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options)
+ elsif options[:since] || options[:before] || options[:day] || options[:range]
+ @view.log(@toki.response, title)
+ else
+ @view.log_total(@toki.response, title)
+ end
+ end
+ desc "app APP_NAME", "Show complete log for an app from (part of) its name"
+ option :json, aliases: '-J', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results as a JSON file'
+ option :csv, aliases: '-C', type: :boolean, desc: 'Export the results as a CSV file'
+ option :before, type: :string, desc: 'Request log before this date'
+ option :since, type: :string, desc: 'Request log starting on this date'
+ option :day, type: :string, desc: 'Request log for a specific day'
+ option :range, type: :array, desc: 'Request log between two specific days'
+ def app(*app_name)
+ init()
+ abort(Status.please_scan) if @toki.bundles.nil?
+ candidates = @fileops.get_bundle_from_name(app_name)
+ candidates.each.with_index(1) do |bundle_id, index|
+ say "\nApp N°#{'%.2d' % index}: #{bundle_id}" if candidates.length > 1
+ bundle_log(bundle_id, options)
+ if JSON.parse(@toki.response)['meta']['code'] != 200
+ say Status.no_data
+ else
+ if options[:json] || options[:csv]
+ export(@toki, options, bundle_id)
+ elsif options[:since] || options[:before] || options[:day] || options[:range]
+ @view.log(@toki.response, bundle_title(bundle_id, options))
+ else
+ @view.log_total(@toki.response, bundle_title(bundle_id, options))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ desc "restore", "Restore your database from the backup"
+ def restore
+ init(true)
+ adn =
+ adn.restore
+ end
+ desc "serve", "Start a local Toki API server"
+ map "server" => :serve
+ def serve
+ require_relative '../lib/TokiServer/tokiserver'
+ puts "\n\n"
+ say_status :starting, "Toki API server"
+ say "\n\nPress [CTRL-C] to stop.\n\nThe index page URL is: http://localhost:4567\n\n"
+ puts "\n\n"
+ say_status :halt, "Toki API server"
+ end
+ # ---
+ desc "delete BUNDLE_ID", "Permanently delete this application from the database"
+ option :'no-backup', aliases: '-X',type: :boolean, desc: 'Do not backup the database before processing'
+ def delete(bundle_id)
+ options['no-backup'] ? init() : init(true)
+ name = @toki.bundles[bundle_id]
+ confirm_delete(bundle_id, name)
+ say "\nDeleting entries..."
+ @toki.delete_bundle(bundle_id)
+ exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response(
+ say "\nDone.\n"
+ end
+ private
+ def confirm_delete(bundle_id, name)
+ name.nil? ? insert = '' : insert = " (#{name})"
+ xx = yes?("\nAre you sure you want to remove all '#{bundle_id}'#{insert} entries from the database ?\n\n>> ")
+ abort("\nCanceled.\n\n") if xx == false
+ end
+ def bundle_log(bundle_id, options)
+ if options[:since]
+ @toki.bundle_log_since(bundle_id, options[:since])
+ elsif options[:before]
+ @toki.bundle_log_before(bundle_id, options[:before])
+ elsif options[:day]
+ @toki.bundle_log_day(bundle_id, options[:day])
+ elsif options[:range]
+ @toki.bundle_log_range(bundle_id, options[:range][0], options[:range][1])
+ else
+ @toki.bundle_log(bundle_id)
+ end
+ end
+ def bundle_title(bundle_id, options = {})
+ prefix = "Toki - Complete log for #{bundle_id}"
+ if options[:since]
+ "#{prefix} since #{options[:since]}"
+ elsif options[:before]
+ "#{prefix} before #{options[:before]}"
+ elsif options[:day]
+ "#{prefix} - #{options[:day]}"
+ elsif options[:range]
+ "#{prefix} - #{options[:range][0]}/#{options[:range][1]}"
+ else
+ prefix
+ end
+ end
+ def exit_with_msg_if_invalid_response(msg =
+ abort(msg) if JSON.parse(@toki.response)['meta']['code'] != 200
+ end
+ def export(toki, options, title = nil)
+ @fileops.export(toki, options, title)
+ end
+ # Replaces usual initialize method
+ def init(backup = false)
+ @fileops =
+ @fileops.backup_db if backup == true
+ @toki =, @fileops.bundles) # @fileops.bundles is optional
+ @view = # @fileops.config is optional
+ end
+ end