bin/bj in ThiagoLelis-backgroundjob-1.0.4 vs bin/bj in ThiagoLelis-backgroundjob-1.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,679 +1,679 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env ruby
-require "bj"
-require "main"
-Main {
- usage["description"] = <<-txt
- ________________________________
- Overview
- --------------------------------
- Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero admin background priority queue
- for Rails. Bj is robust, platform independent (including windows), and
- supports internal or external manangement of the background runner process.
- Jobs can be submitted to the queue directly using the api or from the command
- line using the ./script/bj:
- api:
- Bj.submit 'cat /etc/password'
- command line:
- bj submit cat /etc/password
- Bj's priority queue lives in the database and is therefore durable - your jobs
- will live across an app crash or machine reboot. The job management is
- comprehensive capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, and temporal statistics
- about each job:
- jobs = Bj.submit array_of_commands, :priority => 42
- ...
- jobs.each do |job|
- if job.finished?
- p job.stdout
- p job.stderr
- p job.exit_status
- p job.started_at
- p job.finished_at
- end
- end
- In addition the background runner process logs all commands run and their
- exit_status to a log named using the following convention:
- rails_root/log/bj.\#{ HOSTNAME }.\#{ RAILS_ENV }.log
- Bj allows you to submit jobs to multiple databases; for instance, if your
- application is running in development mode you may do:
- :production do
- Bj.submit 'my_job.exe'
- end
- Bj manages the ever growing list of jobs ran by automatically archiving them
- into another table (by default jobs > 24 hrs old are archived) to prevent the
- jobs table from becoming bloated and huge.
- All Bj's tables are namespaced and accessible via the Bj module:
- Bj.table.job.find(:all) # jobs table
- Bj.table.job_archive.find(:all) # archived jobs
- Bj.table.config.find(:all) # configuration and runner state
- Bj always arranges for submitted jobs to run with a current working directory
- of RAILS_ROOT and with the correct RAILS_ENV setting. For example, if you
- submit a job in production it will have ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'production'.
- When Bj manages the background runner it will never outlive the rails
- application - it is started and stopped on demand as the rails app is started
- and stopped. This is also true for ./script/console - Bj will automatically
- fire off the background runner to process jobs submitted using the console.
- Bj ensures that only one background process is running for your application -
- firing up three mongrels or fcgi processes will result in only one background
- runner being started. Note that the number of background runners does not
- determine throughput - that is determined primarily by the nature of the jobs
- themselves and how much work they perform per process.
- ________________________________
- Architecture
- --------------------------------
- If one ignores platform specific details the design of Bj is quite simple: the
- main Rails application submits jobs to table, stored in the database. The act
- of submitting triggers exactly one of two things to occur:
- 1) a new long running background runner to be started
- 2) an existing background runner to be signaled
- The background runner refuses to run two copies of itself for a given
- hostname/rails_env combination. For example you may only have one background
- runner processing jobs on localhost in development mode.
- The background runner, under normal circumstances, is managed by Bj itself -
- you need do nothing to start, monitor, or stop it - it just works. However,
- some people will prefer manage their own background process, see 'External
- Runner' section below for more on this.
- The runner simply processes each job in a highest priority oldest-in fashion,
- capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, etc. and storing the information back
- into the database while logging it's actions. When there are no jobs to run
- the runner goes to sleep for 42 seconds; however this sleep is interuptable,
- such as when the runner is signaled that a new job has been submitted so,
- under normal circumstances there will be zero lag between job submission and
- job running for an empty queue.
- ________________________________
- External Runner / Clustering
- --------------------------------
- For the paranoid control freaks out there (myself included) it is quite
- possible to manage and monitor the runner process manually. This can be
- desirable in production setups where monitoring software may kill leaking
- rails apps periodically.
- Recalling that Bj will only allow one copy of itself to process jobs per
- hostname/rails_env pair we can simply do something like this in cron
- cmd = bj run --forever \\
- --rails_env=development \\
- --rails_root=/Users/ahoward/rails_root
- */15 * * * * $cmd
- this will simply attempt the start the background runner every 15 minutes if,
- and only if, it's not *already* running.
- In addtion to this you'll want to tell Bj not to manage the runner itself
- using
- Bj.config["production.no_tickle"] = true
- Note that, for clusting setups, it's as simple as adding a crontab and config
- entry like this for each host. Because Bj throttles background runners per
- hostname this will allow one runner per hostname - making it quite simple to
- cluster three nodes behind a besieged rails application.
- ________________________________
- Designing Jobs
- --------------------------------
- Bj runs it's jobs as command line applications. It ensures that all jobs run
- in RAILS_ROOT so it's quite natural to apply a pattern such as
- mkdir ./jobs
- edit ./jobs/background_job_to_run
- ...
- Bj.submit "./jobs/background_job_to_run"
- If you need to run you jobs under an entire rails environment you'll need to
- do this:
- Bj.submit "./script/runner ./jobs/background_job_to_run"
- Obviously "./script/runner" loads the rails environment for you. It's worth
- noting that this happens for each job and that this is by design: the reason
- is that most rails applications leak memory like a sieve so, if one were to
- spawn a long running process that used the application code base you'd have a
- lovely doubling of memory usage on you app servers. Although loading the
- rails environment for each background job requires a little time, a little
- cpu, and a lot less memory. A future version of Bj will provide a way to load
- the rails environment once and to process background jobs in this environment,
- but anyone wanting to use this in production will be required to duct tape
- their entire chest and have a team of oxen rip off the tape without screaming
- to prove steelyness of spirit and profound understanding of the other side.
- Don't forget that you can submit jobs with command line arguments:
- Bj.submit "./jobs/a.rb 1 foobar --force"
- and that you can do powerful things by passing stdin to a job that powers
- through a list of work. For instance, assume a "./jobs/bulkmail" job
- resembling
- STDIN.each do |line|
- address = line.strip
- mail_message_to address
- end
- then you could
- stdin = [
- "",
- "",
- "",
- ]
- Bj.submit "./script/runner ./jobs/bulkmail", :stdin => stdin
- and all those emails would be sent in the background.
- Bj's power is putting jobs in the background in a simple and robust fashion.
- It's your task to build intelligent jobs that leverage batch processing, and
- other, possibilities. The upshot of building tasks this way is that they are
- quite easy to test before submitting them from inside your application.
- ________________________________
- Install
- --------------------------------
- Bj can be installed two ways: as a plugin or via rubygems
- plugin:
- 1) ./script/plugin install
- 2) ./script/bj setup
- gem:
- 1) $sudo gem install bj
- 2) add "require 'bj'" to config/environment.rb
- 3) bj setup
- ________________________________
- Api
- --------------------------------
- submit jobs for background processing. 'jobs' can be a string or array of
- strings. options are applied to each job in the 'jobs', and the list of
- submitted jobs is always returned. options (string or symbol) can be
- :rails_env => production|development|key_in_database_yml
- when given this keyword causes bj to submit jobs to the
- specified database. default is RAILS_ENV.
- :priority => any number, including negative ones. default is zero.
- :tag => a tag added to the job. simply makes searching easier.
- :env => a hash specifying any additional environment vars the background
- process should have.
- :stdin => any stdin the background process should have. must respond_to
- to_s
- eg:
- jobs = Bj.submit 'echo foobar', :tag => 'simple job'
- jobs = Bj.submit '/bin/cat', :stdin => 'in the hat', :priority => 42
- jobs = Bj.submit './script/runner ./scripts/a.rb', :rails_env => 'production'
- jobs = Bj.submit './script/runner /dev/stdin',
- :stdin => 'p RAILS_ENV',
- :tag => 'dynamic ruby code'
- jobs Bj.submit array_of_commands, :priority => 451
- when jobs are run, they are run in RAILS_ROOT. various attributes are
- available *only* once the job has finished. you can check whether or not a
- job is finished by using the #finished method, which simple does a reload and
- checks to see if the exit_status is non-nil.
- eg:
- jobs = Bj.submit list_of_jobs, :tag => 'important'
- ...
- jobs.each do |job|
- if job.finished?
- p job.exit_status
- p job.stdout
- p job.stderr
- end
- end
- See lib/bj/api.rb for more details.
- ________________________________
- Sponsors
- --------------------------------
- <<-- (targeted marketing aimed at *you*)
- ________________________________
- Version
- --------------------------------
- #{ Bj.version }
- usage["uris"] = <<-txt
- txt
- author ""
- option("rails_root", "R"){
- description "the rails_root will be guessed unless you set this"
- argument_required
- default RAILS_ROOT
- }
- option("rails_env", "E"){
- description "set the rails_env"
- argument_required
- default RAILS_ENV
- }
- option("log", "l"){
- description "set the logfile"
- argument_required
- default STDERR
- }
- mode "migration_code" do
- description "dump migration code on stdout"
- def run
- puts Bj.table.migration_code
- end
- end
- mode "generate_migration" do
- description "generate a migration"
- def run
- Bj.generate_migration
- end
- end
- mode "migrate" do
- description "migrate the db"
- def run
- Bj.migrate
- end
- end
- mode "setup" do
- description "generate a migration and migrate"
- def run
- set_rails_env(argv.first) if argv.first
- Bj.setup
- end
- end
- mode "plugin" do
- description "dump the plugin into rails_root"
- def run
- Bj.plugin
- end
- end
- mode "run" do
- description "start a job runnner, possibly as a daemon"
- option("--forever"){}
- option("--ppid"){
- argument :required
- cast :integer
- }
- option("--wait"){
- argument :required
- cast :integer
- }
- option("--limit"){
- argument :required
- cast :integer
- }
- option("--redirect"){
- argument :required
- }
- option("--daemon"){}
- def run
- options = {}
- %w[ forever ].each do |key|
- options[key.to_sym] = true if param[key].given?
- end
- %w[ forever ppid wait limit ].each do |key|
- options[key.to_sym] = param[key].value if param[key].given?
- end
-#p options
- if param["redirect"].given?
- open(param["redirect"].value, "a+") do |fd|
- STDERR.reopen fd
- STDOUT.reopen fd
- end
- STDERR.sync = true
- STDOUT.sync = true
- end
- trap("SIGTERM"){
- info{ "SIGTERM" }
- exit
- }
- if param["daemon"].given?
- daemon{ options }
- else
- options
- end
- end
- end
- mode "submit" do
- keyword("file"){
- argument :required
- attr
- }
- def run
- joblist = Bj.joblist.for argv.join(' ')
- case file
- when "-"
- joblist.push(Bj.joblist.jobs_from_io(STDIN))
- when "--", "---"
- joblist.push(Bj.joblist.jobs_from_yaml(STDIN))
- else
- open(file){|io| joblist.push(Bj.joblist.jobs_from_io(io)) }
- end
- jobs = Bj.submit joblist, :no_tickle => true
- oh = lambda{|job| OrderedHash["id",, "command", job.command]}
- y{|job| oh[job]}
- end
- end
- mode "list" do
- def run
- Bj.transaction do
- y Bj::Table::Job.find(:all).map(&:to_hash)
- end
- end
- end
- mode "set" do
- argument("key"){ attr }
- argument("value"){ attr }
- option("hostname", "H"){
- argument :required
- default Bj.hostname
- attr
- }
- option("cast", "c"){
- argument :required
- default "to_s"
- attr
- }
- def run
- Bj.transaction do
- Bj.config.set(key, value, :hostname => hostname, :cast => cast)
- y Bj.table.config.for(:hostname => hostname)
- end
- end
- end
- mode "config" do
- option("hostname", "H"){
- argument :required
- default Bj.hostname
- }
- def run
- Bj.transaction do
- y Bj.table.config.for(:hostname => param["hostname"].value)
- end
- end
- end
- mode "pid" do
- option("hostname", "H"){
- argument :required
- default Bj.hostname
- }
- def run
- Bj.transaction do
- config = Bj.table.config.for(:hostname => param["hostname"].value)
- puts config[ "#{ RAILS_ENV }.pid" ] if config
- end
- end
- end
- def run
- help!
- end
- def before_run
- self.logger = param["log"].value
- Bj.logger = logger
- set_rails_root(param["rails_root"].value) if param["rails_root"].given?
- set_rails_env(param["rails_env"].value) if param["rails_env"].given?
- end
- def set_rails_root rails_root
- ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] = rails_root
- ::Object.instance_eval do
- remove_const :RAILS_ROOT
- const_set :RAILS_ROOT, rails_root
- end
- end
- def set_rails_env rails_env
- ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = rails_env
- ::Object.instance_eval do
- remove_const :RAILS_ENV
- const_set :RAILS_ENV, rails_env
- end
- end
- def daemon
- ra, wa = IO.pipe
- rb, wb = IO.pipe
- if fork
- at_exit{ exit! }
- wa.close
- r = ra
- rb.close
- w = wb
- pid = r.gets
- w.puts pid
- Integer pid.strip
- else
- ra.close
- w = wa
- wb.close
- r = rb
- open("/dev/null", "r+") do |fd|
- STDIN.reopen fd
- STDOUT.reopen fd
- STDERR.reopen fd
- end
- Process::setsid rescue nil
- pid =
- fork do
- Dir::chdir RAILS_ROOT
- File::umask 0
- $DAEMON = true
- yield
- exit!
- end
- w.puts pid
- r.gets
- exit!
- end
- end
-# we setup a few things so the script works regardless of whether it was
-# called out of /usr/local/bin, ./script, or wherever. note that the script
-# does *not* require the entire rails application to be loaded into memory!
-# we could just load boot.rb and environment.rb, but this method let's
-# submitting and running jobs be infinitely more lightweight.
-# see if we're running out of RAILS_ROOT/script/
-unless defined?(BJ_SCRIPT)
- if %w[ script config app ].map{|d| test ?d, "#{ File.dirname __FILE__ }/../#{ d }"}.all?
- __FILE__
- else
- nil
- end
-# setup RAILS_ROOT
-unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
- ### grab env var first
- rails_root = ENV["RAILS_ROOT"]
- ### commandline usage clobbers
- kv = nil
- ARGV.delete_if{|arg| arg =~ %r/^RAILS_ROOT=/ and kv = arg}
- rails_root = kv.split(%r/=/,2).last if kv
- ### we know the rails_root if we are in RAILS_ROOT/script/
- unless rails_root
- rails_root = File.expand_path "#{ File.dirname __FILE__ }/.."
- end
- end
- ### perhaps the current directory is a rails_root?
- unless rails_root
- if %w[ script config app ].map{|d| test(?d, d)}.all?
- rails_root = File.expand_path "."
- end
- end
- ### bootstrap
- RAILS_ROOT = rails_root
-# setup RAILS_ENV
-unless defined?(RAILS_ENV)
- ### grab env var first
- rails_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"]
- ### commandline usage clobbers
- kv = nil
- ARGV.delete_if{|arg| arg =~ %r/^RAILS_ENV=/ and kv = arg}
- rails_env = kv.split(%r/=/,2).last if kv
- ### fallback to development
- unless rails_env
- rails_env = "development"
- end
- ### bootstrap
- RAILS_ENV = rails_env
-# ensure that rubygems is loaded
- begin
- require "rubygems"
- rescue
- 42
- end
-# load gems from plugin dir iff installed as plugin - otherwise load normally
- dir = Gem.dir
- path = Gem.path
- gem_home = File.join RAILS_ROOT, "vendor", "plugins", "bj", "gem_home"
- gem_path = [gem_home]
- Gem.send :use_paths, gem_home, gem_path
- gem "bj"
- require "bj"
- gem "main"
- require "main"
- libdir = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "vendor", "plugins", "bj", "lib")
- $LOAD_PATH.unshift libdir
-# hack of #to_s of STDERR/STDOUT for nice help messages
- class << STDERR
- def to_s() 'STDERR' end
- end
- class << STDOUT
- def to_s() 'STDOUT' end
- end
+#! /usr/bin/env ruby
+require "bj"
+require "main"
+Main {
+ usage["description"] = <<-txt
+ ________________________________
+ Overview
+ --------------------------------
+ Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero admin background priority queue
+ for Rails. Bj is robust, platform independent (including windows), and
+ supports internal or external manangement of the background runner process.
+ Jobs can be submitted to the queue directly using the api or from the command
+ line using the ./script/bj:
+ api:
+ Bj.submit 'cat /etc/password'
+ command line:
+ bj submit cat /etc/password
+ Bj's priority queue lives in the database and is therefore durable - your jobs
+ will live across an app crash or machine reboot. The job management is
+ comprehensive capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, and temporal statistics
+ about each job:
+ jobs = Bj.submit array_of_commands, :priority => 42
+ ...
+ jobs.each do |job|
+ if job.finished?
+ p job.stdout
+ p job.stderr
+ p job.exit_status
+ p job.started_at
+ p job.finished_at
+ end
+ end
+ In addition the background runner process logs all commands run and their
+ exit_status to a log named using the following convention:
+ rails_root/log/bj.\#{ HOSTNAME }.\#{ RAILS_ENV }.log
+ Bj allows you to submit jobs to multiple databases; for instance, if your
+ application is running in development mode you may do:
+ :production do
+ Bj.submit 'my_job.exe'
+ end
+ Bj manages the ever growing list of jobs ran by automatically archiving them
+ into another table (by default jobs > 24 hrs old are archived) to prevent the
+ jobs table from becoming bloated and huge.
+ All Bj's tables are namespaced and accessible via the Bj module:
+ Bj.table.job.find(:all) # jobs table
+ Bj.table.job_archive.find(:all) # archived jobs
+ Bj.table.config.find(:all) # configuration and runner state
+ Bj always arranges for submitted jobs to run with a current working directory
+ of RAILS_ROOT and with the correct RAILS_ENV setting. For example, if you
+ submit a job in production it will have ENV['RAILS_ENV'] == 'production'.
+ When Bj manages the background runner it will never outlive the rails
+ application - it is started and stopped on demand as the rails app is started
+ and stopped. This is also true for ./script/console - Bj will automatically
+ fire off the background runner to process jobs submitted using the console.
+ Bj ensures that only one background process is running for your application -
+ firing up three mongrels or fcgi processes will result in only one background
+ runner being started. Note that the number of background runners does not
+ determine throughput - that is determined primarily by the nature of the jobs
+ themselves and how much work they perform per process.
+ ________________________________
+ Architecture
+ --------------------------------
+ If one ignores platform specific details the design of Bj is quite simple: the
+ main Rails application submits jobs to table, stored in the database. The act
+ of submitting triggers exactly one of two things to occur:
+ 1) a new long running background runner to be started
+ 2) an existing background runner to be signaled
+ The background runner refuses to run two copies of itself for a given
+ hostname/rails_env combination. For example you may only have one background
+ runner processing jobs on localhost in development mode.
+ The background runner, under normal circumstances, is managed by Bj itself -
+ you need do nothing to start, monitor, or stop it - it just works. However,
+ some people will prefer manage their own background process, see 'External
+ Runner' section below for more on this.
+ The runner simply processes each job in a highest priority oldest-in fashion,
+ capturing stdout, stderr, exit_status, etc. and storing the information back
+ into the database while logging it's actions. When there are no jobs to run
+ the runner goes to sleep for 42 seconds; however this sleep is interuptable,
+ such as when the runner is signaled that a new job has been submitted so,
+ under normal circumstances there will be zero lag between job submission and
+ job running for an empty queue.
+ ________________________________
+ External Runner / Clustering
+ --------------------------------
+ For the paranoid control freaks out there (myself included) it is quite
+ possible to manage and monitor the runner process manually. This can be
+ desirable in production setups where monitoring software may kill leaking
+ rails apps periodically.
+ Recalling that Bj will only allow one copy of itself to process jobs per
+ hostname/rails_env pair we can simply do something like this in cron
+ cmd = bj run --forever \\
+ --rails_env=development \\
+ --rails_root=/Users/ahoward/rails_root
+ */15 * * * * $cmd
+ this will simply attempt the start the background runner every 15 minutes if,
+ and only if, it's not *already* running.
+ In addtion to this you'll want to tell Bj not to manage the runner itself
+ using
+ Bj.config["production.no_tickle"] = true
+ Note that, for clusting setups, it's as simple as adding a crontab and config
+ entry like this for each host. Because Bj throttles background runners per
+ hostname this will allow one runner per hostname - making it quite simple to
+ cluster three nodes behind a besieged rails application.
+ ________________________________
+ Designing Jobs
+ --------------------------------
+ Bj runs it's jobs as command line applications. It ensures that all jobs run
+ in RAILS_ROOT so it's quite natural to apply a pattern such as
+ mkdir ./jobs
+ edit ./jobs/background_job_to_run
+ ...
+ Bj.submit "./jobs/background_job_to_run"
+ If you need to run you jobs under an entire rails environment you'll need to
+ do this:
+ Bj.submit "./script/runner ./jobs/background_job_to_run"
+ Obviously "./script/runner" loads the rails environment for you. It's worth
+ noting that this happens for each job and that this is by design: the reason
+ is that most rails applications leak memory like a sieve so, if one were to
+ spawn a long running process that used the application code base you'd have a
+ lovely doubling of memory usage on you app servers. Although loading the
+ rails environment for each background job requires a little time, a little
+ cpu, and a lot less memory. A future version of Bj will provide a way to load
+ the rails environment once and to process background jobs in this environment,
+ but anyone wanting to use this in production will be required to duct tape
+ their entire chest and have a team of oxen rip off the tape without screaming
+ to prove steelyness of spirit and profound understanding of the other side.
+ Don't forget that you can submit jobs with command line arguments:
+ Bj.submit "./jobs/a.rb 1 foobar --force"
+ and that you can do powerful things by passing stdin to a job that powers
+ through a list of work. For instance, assume a "./jobs/bulkmail" job
+ resembling
+ STDIN.each do |line|
+ address = line.strip
+ mail_message_to address
+ end
+ then you could
+ stdin = [
+ "",
+ "",
+ "",
+ ]
+ Bj.submit "./script/runner ./jobs/bulkmail", :stdin => stdin
+ and all those emails would be sent in the background.
+ Bj's power is putting jobs in the background in a simple and robust fashion.
+ It's your task to build intelligent jobs that leverage batch processing, and
+ other, possibilities. The upshot of building tasks this way is that they are
+ quite easy to test before submitting them from inside your application.
+ ________________________________
+ Install
+ --------------------------------
+ Bj can be installed two ways: as a plugin or via rubygems
+ plugin:
+ 1) ./script/plugin install
+ 2) ./script/bj setup
+ gem:
+ 1) $sudo gem install bj
+ 2) add "require 'bj'" to config/environment.rb
+ 3) bj setup
+ ________________________________
+ Api
+ --------------------------------
+ submit jobs for background processing. 'jobs' can be a string or array of
+ strings. options are applied to each job in the 'jobs', and the list of
+ submitted jobs is always returned. options (string or symbol) can be
+ :rails_env => production|development|key_in_database_yml
+ when given this keyword causes bj to submit jobs to the
+ specified database. default is RAILS_ENV.
+ :priority => any number, including negative ones. default is zero.
+ :tag => a tag added to the job. simply makes searching easier.
+ :env => a hash specifying any additional environment vars the background
+ process should have.
+ :stdin => any stdin the background process should have. must respond_to
+ to_s
+ eg:
+ jobs = Bj.submit 'echo foobar', :tag => 'simple job'
+ jobs = Bj.submit '/bin/cat', :stdin => 'in the hat', :priority => 42
+ jobs = Bj.submit './script/runner ./scripts/a.rb', :rails_env => 'production'
+ jobs = Bj.submit './script/runner /dev/stdin',
+ :stdin => 'p RAILS_ENV',
+ :tag => 'dynamic ruby code'
+ jobs Bj.submit array_of_commands, :priority => 451
+ when jobs are run, they are run in RAILS_ROOT. various attributes are
+ available *only* once the job has finished. you can check whether or not a
+ job is finished by using the #finished method, which simple does a reload and
+ checks to see if the exit_status is non-nil.
+ eg:
+ jobs = Bj.submit list_of_jobs, :tag => 'important'
+ ...
+ jobs.each do |job|
+ if job.finished?
+ p job.exit_status
+ p job.stdout
+ p job.stderr
+ end
+ end
+ See lib/bj/api.rb for more details.
+ ________________________________
+ Sponsors
+ --------------------------------
+ <<-- (targeted marketing aimed at *you*)
+ ________________________________
+ Version
+ --------------------------------
+ #{ Bj.version }
+ usage["uris"] = <<-txt
+ txt
+ author ""
+ option("rails_root", "R"){
+ description "the rails_root will be guessed unless you set this"
+ argument_required
+ default RAILS_ROOT
+ }
+ option("rails_env", "E"){
+ description "set the rails_env"
+ argument_required
+ default RAILS_ENV
+ }
+ option("log", "l"){
+ description "set the logfile"
+ argument_required
+ default STDERR
+ }
+ mode "migration_code" do
+ description "dump migration code on stdout"
+ def run
+ puts Bj.table.migration_code
+ end
+ end
+ mode "generate_migration" do
+ description "generate a migration"
+ def run
+ Bj.generate_migration
+ end
+ end
+ mode "migrate" do
+ description "migrate the db"
+ def run
+ Bj.migrate
+ end
+ end
+ mode "setup" do
+ description "generate a migration and migrate"
+ def run
+ set_rails_env(argv.first) if argv.first
+ Bj.setup
+ end
+ end
+ mode "plugin" do
+ description "dump the plugin into rails_root"
+ def run
+ Bj.plugin
+ end
+ end
+ mode "run" do
+ description "start a job runnner, possibly as a daemon"
+ option("--forever"){}
+ option("--ppid"){
+ argument :required
+ cast :integer
+ }
+ option("--wait"){
+ argument :required
+ cast :integer
+ }
+ option("--limit"){
+ argument :required
+ cast :integer
+ }
+ option("--redirect"){
+ argument :required
+ }
+ option("--daemon"){}
+ def run
+ options = {}
+ %w[ forever ].each do |key|
+ options[key.to_sym] = true if param[key].given?
+ end
+ %w[ forever ppid wait limit ].each do |key|
+ options[key.to_sym] = param[key].value if param[key].given?
+ end
+#p options
+ if param["redirect"].given?
+ open(param["redirect"].value, "a+") do |fd|
+ STDERR.reopen fd
+ STDOUT.reopen fd
+ end
+ STDERR.sync = true
+ STDOUT.sync = true
+ end
+ trap("SIGTERM"){
+ info{ "SIGTERM" }
+ exit
+ }
+ if param["daemon"].given?
+ daemon{ options }
+ else
+ options
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mode "submit" do
+ keyword("file"){
+ argument :required
+ attr
+ }
+ def run
+ joblist = Bj.joblist.for argv.join(' ')
+ case file
+ when "-"
+ joblist.push(Bj.joblist.jobs_from_io(STDIN))
+ when "--", "---"
+ joblist.push(Bj.joblist.jobs_from_yaml(STDIN))
+ else
+ open(file){|io| joblist.push(Bj.joblist.jobs_from_io(io)) }
+ end
+ jobs = Bj.submit joblist, :no_tickle => true
+ oh = lambda{|job| OrderedHash["id",, "command", job.command]}
+ y{|job| oh[job]}
+ end
+ end
+ mode "list" do
+ def run
+ Bj.transaction do
+ y Bj::Table::Job.find(:all).map(&:to_hash)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mode "set" do
+ argument("key"){ attr }
+ argument("value"){ attr }
+ option("hostname", "H"){
+ argument :required
+ default Bj.hostname
+ attr
+ }
+ option("cast", "c"){
+ argument :required
+ default "to_s"
+ attr
+ }
+ def run
+ Bj.transaction do
+ Bj.config.set(key, value, :hostname => hostname, :cast => cast)
+ y Bj.table.config.for(:hostname => hostname)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mode "config" do
+ option("hostname", "H"){
+ argument :required
+ default Bj.hostname
+ }
+ def run
+ Bj.transaction do
+ y Bj.table.config.for(:hostname => param["hostname"].value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mode "pid" do
+ option("hostname", "H"){
+ argument :required
+ default Bj.hostname
+ }
+ def run
+ Bj.transaction do
+ config = Bj.table.config.for(:hostname => param["hostname"].value)
+ puts config[ "#{ RAILS_ENV }.pid" ] if config
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def run
+ help!
+ end
+ def before_run
+ self.logger = param["log"].value
+ Bj.logger = logger
+ set_rails_root(param["rails_root"].value) if param["rails_root"].given?
+ set_rails_env(param["rails_env"].value) if param["rails_env"].given?
+ end
+ def set_rails_root rails_root
+ ENV["RAILS_ROOT"] = rails_root
+ ::Object.instance_eval do
+ remove_const :RAILS_ROOT
+ const_set :RAILS_ROOT, rails_root
+ end
+ end
+ def set_rails_env rails_env
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = rails_env
+ ::Object.instance_eval do
+ remove_const :RAILS_ENV
+ const_set :RAILS_ENV, rails_env
+ end
+ end
+ def daemon
+ ra, wa = IO.pipe
+ rb, wb = IO.pipe
+ if fork
+ at_exit{ exit! }
+ wa.close
+ r = ra
+ rb.close
+ w = wb
+ pid = r.gets
+ w.puts pid
+ Integer pid.strip
+ else
+ ra.close
+ w = wa
+ wb.close
+ r = rb
+ open("/dev/null", "r+") do |fd|
+ STDIN.reopen fd
+ STDOUT.reopen fd
+ STDERR.reopen fd
+ end
+ Process::setsid rescue nil
+ pid =
+ fork do
+ Dir::chdir RAILS_ROOT
+ File::umask 0
+ $DAEMON = true
+ yield
+ exit!
+ end
+ w.puts pid
+ r.gets
+ exit!
+ end
+ end
+# we setup a few things so the script works regardless of whether it was
+# called out of /usr/local/bin, ./script, or wherever. note that the script
+# does *not* require the entire rails application to be loaded into memory!
+# we could just load boot.rb and environment.rb, but this method let's
+# submitting and running jobs be infinitely more lightweight.
+# see if we're running out of RAILS_ROOT/script/
+unless defined?(BJ_SCRIPT)
+ if %w[ script config app ].map{|d| test ?d, "#{ File.dirname __FILE__ }/../#{ d }"}.all?
+ __FILE__
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+# setup RAILS_ROOT
+unless defined?(RAILS_ROOT)
+ ### grab env var first
+ rails_root = ENV["RAILS_ROOT"]
+ ### commandline usage clobbers
+ kv = nil
+ ARGV.delete_if{|arg| arg =~ %r/^RAILS_ROOT=/ and kv = arg}
+ rails_root = kv.split(%r/=/,2).last if kv
+ ### we know the rails_root if we are in RAILS_ROOT/script/
+ unless rails_root
+ rails_root = File.expand_path "#{ File.dirname __FILE__ }/.."
+ end
+ end
+ ### perhaps the current directory is a rails_root?
+ unless rails_root
+ if %w[ script config app ].map{|d| test(?d, d)}.all?
+ rails_root = File.expand_path "."
+ end
+ end
+ ### bootstrap
+ RAILS_ROOT = rails_root
+# setup RAILS_ENV
+unless defined?(RAILS_ENV)
+ ### grab env var first
+ rails_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"]
+ ### commandline usage clobbers
+ kv = nil
+ ARGV.delete_if{|arg| arg =~ %r/^RAILS_ENV=/ and kv = arg}
+ rails_env = kv.split(%r/=/,2).last if kv
+ ### fallback to development
+ unless rails_env
+ rails_env = "development"
+ end
+ ### bootstrap
+ RAILS_ENV = rails_env
+# ensure that rubygems is loaded
+ begin
+ require "rubygems"
+ rescue
+ 42
+ end
+# load gems from plugin dir iff installed as plugin - otherwise load normally
+ dir = Gem.dir
+ path = Gem.path
+ gem_home = File.join RAILS_ROOT, "vendor", "plugins", "bj", "gem_home"
+ gem_path = [gem_home]
+ Gem.send :use_paths, gem_home, gem_path
+ gem "bj"
+ require "bj"
+ gem "main"
+ require "main"
+ libdir = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "vendor", "plugins", "bj", "lib")
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift libdir
+# hack of #to_s of STDERR/STDOUT for nice help messages
+ class << STDERR
+ def to_s() 'STDERR' end
+ end
+ class << STDOUT
+ def to_s() 'STDOUT' end
+ end