lib/marvin/abstract_client.rb in Sutto-marvin- vs lib/marvin/abstract_client.rb in Sutto-marvin-0.1.20081115
- old
+ new
@@ -3,15 +3,16 @@
require "marvin/irc/event"
module Marvin
class AbstractClient
- cattr_accessor :events, :handlers, :configuration, :logger, :is_setup, :connections
+ include Marvin::Dispatchable
+ cattr_accessor :events, :configuration, :logger, :is_setup, :connections
attr_accessor :channels, :nickname
# Set the default values for the variables
- self.handlers = [] = []
self.configuration =
self.configuration.channels = []
self.connections = []
@@ -25,16 +26,17 @@
self.channels = []
self.connections << self
logger.debug "Setting the client for each handler"
self.handlers.each { |h| h.client = self if h.respond_to?(:client=) }
logger.debug "Dispatching the default :client_connected event"
- dispatch_event :client_connected
+ dispatch :client_connected
def process_disconnect
self.connections.delete(self) if self.connections.include?(self)
- dispatch_event :client_disconnected
+ dispatch :client_disconnected
+ Marvin::Loader.stop! if self.connections.blank?
# Sets the current class-wide settings of this IRC Client
# to either an OpenStruct or the results of #to_hash on
# any other value that is passed in.
@@ -62,79 +64,38 @@
self.is_setup = true
## Handling all of the the actual client stuff.
- # Appends a handler to the end of the handler callback
- # chain. Note that they will be called in the order they
- # are appended.
- def self.register_handler(handler)
- return if handler.blank?
- self.handlers << handler
- end
def receive_line(line)
- dispatch_event :incoming_line, :line => line
+ dispatch :incoming_line, :line => line
event = Marvin::Settings.default_parser.parse(line)
- dispatch_event(event.to_incoming_event_name, event.to_hash) unless event.nil?
+ dispatch(event.to_incoming_event_name, event.to_hash) unless event.nil?
- # Handles the dispatch of an event and it's associated options
- # / properties (defaulting to an empty hash) to both the client
- # (used for things such as responding to PING) and each of the
- # registered handlers.
- def dispatch_event(name, opts = {})
- # The full handler name is simply what is used to handle
- # a single event (e.g. handle_incoming_message)
- full_handler_name = "handle_#{name}"
- # If the current handle_name method is defined on this
- # class, we dispatch to that first. We use this to provide
- # functionality such as responding to PING's and handling
- # required stuff on connections.
- self.send(full_handler_name, opts) if respond_to?(full_handler_name)
- begin
- # For each of the handlers, check first if they respond to
- # the full handler name (e.g. handle_incoming_message) - calling
- # that if it exists - otherwise falling back to the handle method.
- # if that doesn't exist, nothing is done.
- self.handlers.each do |handler|
- if handler.respond_to?(full_handler_name)
- handler.send(full_handler_name, opts)
- elsif handler.respond_to?(:handle)
- handler.handle name, opts
- end
- end
- # Raise an exception in order to stop the flow
- # of the control. Ths enables handlers to prevent
- # responses from happening multiple times.
- rescue HaltHandlerProcessing
- logger.debug "Handler Progress halted; Continuing on."
- end
- end
# Default handlers
# The default handler for all things initialization-related
# on the client. Usually, this will send the user command,
# set out nick, join all of the channels / rooms we wish
# to be in and if a password is specified in the configuration,
# it will also attempt to identify us.
def handle_client_connected(opts = {})
logger.debug "About to handle post init"
# IRC Connection is establish so we send all the required commands to the server.
- logger.debug "sending user command"
- command :user, self.configuration.user, "0", "*", Marvin::Util.last_param(
- default_nickname = self.configuration.nick || self.configuration.nicknames.shift
logger.debug "Setting default nickname"
+ default_nickname = self.configuration.nick || self.configuration.nicknames.shift
nick default_nickname
+ logger.debug "sending user command"
+ command :user, self.configuration.user, "0", "*", Marvin::Util.last_param(
# If a password is specified, we will attempt to message
# NickServ to identify ourselves.
say ":IDENTIFY #{self.configuration.password}", "NickServ" unless self.configuration.password.blank?
# Join the default channels
self.configuration.channels.each { |c| self.join c }
+ rescue Exception => e
+ Marvin::ExceptionTracker.log(e)
# The default handler for when a users nickname is taken on
# on the server. It will attempt to get the nicknickname from
# the nicknames part of the configuration (if available) and
@@ -165,11 +126,11 @@
# TODO: Get the correct mapping for a given
# Code.
def handle_incoming_numeric(opts = {})
code = opts[:code].to_i
args = Marvin::Util.arguments(opts[:data])
- dispatch_event :incoming_numeric_processed, {:code => code, :data => args}
+ dispatch :incoming_numeric_processed, {:code => code, :data => args}
## General IRC Functions
# Sends a specified command to the server.
@@ -188,18 +149,18 @@
channel = Marvin::Util.channel_name(channel)
# Record the fact we're entering the room.
self.channels << channel
command :JOIN, channel "Joined channel #{channel}"
- dispatch_event :outgoing_join, :target => channel
+ dispatch :outgoing_join, :target => channel
def part(channel, reason = nil)
channel = Marvin::Util.channel_name(channel)
if self.channels.include?(channel)
command :part, channel, Marvin::Util.last_param(reason)
- dispatch_event :outgoing_part, :target => channel, :reason => reason
+ dispatch :outgoing_part, :target => channel, :reason => reason "Parted from room #{channel}#{reason ? " - #{reason}" : ""}"
logger.warn "Tried to disconnect from #{channel} - which you aren't a part of"
@@ -210,39 +171,39 @@
logger.debug "Parting from #{chan}"
self.part chan, reason
logger.debug "Parted from all channels, quitting"
command :quit
- dispatch_event :quit
+ dispatch :quit
# Remove the connections from the pool
self.connections.delete(self) "Quit from server"
def msg(target, message)
command :privmsg, target, Marvin::Util.last_param(message) "Message sent to #{target} - #{message}"
- dispatch_event :outgoing_message, :target => target, :message => message
+ dispatch :outgoing_message, :target => target, :message => message
def action(target, message)
action_text = Marvin::Util.last_param "\01ACTION #{message.strip}\01"
command :privmsg, target, action_text
- dispatch_event :outgoing_action, :target => target, :message => message
+ dispatch :outgoing_action, :target => target, :message => message "Action sent to #{target} - #{message}"
def pong(data)
command :pong, data
- dispatch_event :outgoing_pong
+ dispatch :outgoing_pong "PONG sent to #{data}"
def nick(new_nick) "Changing nickname to #{new_nick}"
command :nick, new_nick
self.nickname = new_nick
- dispatch_event :outgoing_nick, :new_nick => new_nick
+ dispatch :outgoing_nick, :new_nick => new_nick "Nickname changed to #{new_nick}"
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