spec/tree_spec.rb in SgfParser-0.9.1 vs spec/tree_spec.rb in SgfParser-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,41 +1,29 @@
-require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper')
-describe "SgfParser::Tree" do
- before :each do
- end
- it "should parse properly" do
- tree = SgfParser::Tree.new :filename => 'sample_sgf/ff4_ex.sgf'
- tree.class.should == SgfParser::Tree
- tree.root.children.size.should == 2
- tree.root.children[0].children.size.should == 5
- end
- it "should save a simple tree properly" do
- tree = SgfParser::Tree.new :filename => 'sample_sgf/simple.sgf'
- new = 'sample_sgf/simple_saved.sgf'
- tree.save :filename => new
- tree2 = SgfParser::Tree.new :filename => new
- tree.should == tree2
- end
- it "should save the sample SGF properly" do
- tree = SgfParser::Tree.new :filename => 'sample_sgf/ff4_ex.sgf'
- new = 'sample_sgf/ff4_ex_saved.sgf'
- tree.save :filename => new
- tree2 = SgfParser::Tree.new :filename => new
- tree_children = []
- tree2_children = []
- tree.each { |node| tree_children << node }
- tree2.each { |node| tree2_children << node }
- tree_children.size.should == tree2_children.size
- tree_children.each_with_index do |node, index|
- node.properties.should == tree2_children[index].properties
- end
- tree_children.should == tree2_children
- tree2.should == tree
- end
+require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper')
+describe "SgfParser::Tree" do
+ it "should load a file properly" do
+ tree = SGF::Parser.new('spec/data/ff4_ex.sgf').parse
+ tree.class.should == SGF::Tree
+ tree.root.children.size.should == 2
+ tree.root.children[0].children.size.should == 5
+ end
+ it "should save a simple tree properly" do
+ tree = SGF::Parser.new('spec/data/simple.sgf').parse
+ new_file = 'spec/data/simple_saved.sgf'
+ tree.save :filename => new_file
+ tree2 = SGF::Parser.new(new_file).parse
+ tree.should == tree2
+ end
+ it "should save the sample SGF properly" do
+ tree = SGF::Parser.new('spec/data/ff4_ex.sgf').parse
+ new_file = 'spec/data/ff4_ex_saved.sgf'
+ tree.save :filename => new_file
+ tree2 = SGF::Parser.new(new_file).parse
+ tree2.should == tree
+ end