lib/sgf/properties.rb in SgfParser-1.0.0 vs lib/sgf/properties.rb in SgfParser-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,97 +1,90 @@
-# A parser for SGF Files. Main usage: :filename => file_name
-module SgfParser
+module SGF
-# Here we define SGF::Properties, so we can figure out what each property
-# is and does.
+ class Game
- property_string = %Q{AB Add Black setup list of stone
-AE Add Empty setup list of point
-AN Annotation game-info simpletext
-AP Application root composed simpletext ':' simpletext
-AR Arrow - list of composed point ':' point
-AS Who adds stones - (LOA) simpletext
-AW Add White setup list of stone
-B Black move move
-BL Black time left move real
-BM Bad move move double
-BR Black rank game-info simpletext
-BT Black team game-info simpletext
-C Comment - text
-CA Charset root simpletext
-CP Copyright game-info simpletext
-CR Circle - list of point
-DD Dim points - (inherit) elist of point
-DM Even position - double
-DO Doubtful move none
-DT Date game-info simpletext
-EV Event game-info simpletext
-FF Fileformat root number (range: 1-4)
-FG Figure - none | composed number ":" simpletext
-GB Good for Black - double
-GC Game comment game-info text
-GM Game root number (range: 1-5,7-16)
-GN Game name game-info simpletext
-GW Good for White - double
-HA Handicap game-info (Go) number
-HO Hotspot - double
-IP Initial pos. game-info (LOA) simpletext
-IT Interesting move none
-IY Invert Y-axis game-info (LOA) simpletext
-KM Komi game-info (Go) real
-KO Ko move none
-LB Label - list of composed point ':' simpletext
-LN Line - list of composed point ':' point
-MA Mark - list of point
-MN set move number move number
-N Nodename - simpletext
-OB OtStones Black move number
-ON Opening game-info simpletext
-OT Overtime game-info simpletext
-OW OtStones White move number
-PB Player Black game-info simpletext
-PC Place game-info simpletext
-PL Player to play setup color
-PM Print move mode - (inherit) number
-PW Player White game-info simpletext
-RE Result game-info simpletext
-RO Round game-info simpletext
-RU Rules game-info simpletext
-SE Markup - (LOA) point
-SL Selected - list of point
-SO Source game-info simpletext
-SQ Square - list of point
-ST Style root number (range: 0-3)
-SU Setup type game-info (LOA) simpletext
-SZ Size root (number | composed number ':' number)
-TB Territory Black - (Go) elist of point
-TE Tesuji move double
-TM Timelimit game-info real
-TR Triangle - list of point
-TW Territory White - (Go) elist of point
-UC Unclear pos - double
-US User game-info simpletext
-V Value - real
-VW View - (inherit) elist of point
-W White move move
-WL White time left move real
-WR White rank game-info simpletext
-WT White team game-info simpletext }
- property_array = property_string.split("\n")
- hash = {}
- property_array.each do |set|
- temp = set.gsub("\t", " ")
- id = temp[0..3].strip
- desc = temp[4..19].strip
- property_type = temp[20..35].strip
- property_value = temp[37..-1].strip
- hash[id] = [desc, property_type, property_value]
+ PROPERTIES = {"annotator"=>"AN",
+ "black_octisquares"=>"BO", #Octi
+ "black_rank"=>"BR",
+ "black_team"=>"BT",
+ "copyright"=>"CP",
+ "date"=>"DT",
+ "event"=>"EV",
+ "game_content"=>"GC",
+ "handicap"=>"HA", #Go
+ "initial_position"=>"IP", #Lines of Action
+ "invert_y_axis"=>"IY", #Lines of Action
+ "komi"=>"KM", #Go
+ "match_information"=>"MI", #Backgammon
+ "name"=>"GN",
+ "prongs"=>"NP", #Octi
+ "reserve"=>"NR", #Octi
+ "superprongs"=>"NS", #Octi
+ "opening"=>"ON",
+ "overtime"=>"OT",
+ "black_player"=>"PB",
+ "place"=>"PC",
+ "puzzle"=>"PZ",
+ "white_player"=>"PW",
+ "result"=>"RE",
+ "round"=>"RO",
+ "rules"=>"RU",
+ "setup_type"=>"SU", #Lines of Action
+ "source"=>"SO",
+ "time"=>"TM",
+ "data_entry"=>"US",
+ "white_octisquares"=>"WO", #Octi
+ "white_rank"=>"WR",
+ "white_team"=>"WT"}
- # All this work for this minuscule line!
+ class Node
+ "black_move" => "B",
+ "black_time_left" => "BL",
+ "bad_move" => "BM",
+ "doubtful" => "DO",
+ "interesting" => "IT",
+ "ko" => "KO",
+ "set_move_number" => "MN",
+ "otstones_black" => "OB", # What?
+ "otstones_white" => "OW", # Again! What?
+ "tesuji" => "TE",
+ "white_move" => "W",
+ "white_time_left" => "WL",
+ "add_black" => "AB",
+ "add_empty" => "AE",
+ "add_white" => "AW",
+ "player" => "PL",
+ "arrow" => "AR",
+ "comment" => "C",
+ "circle" => "CR",
+ "dim_points" => "DD",
+ "even_position" => "DM", #Yep. No idea how that makes sense.
+ "figure" => "FG",
+ "good_for_black" => "GB",
+ "good_for_white" => "GW",
+ "hotspot" => "HO",
+ "label" => "LB",
+ "line" => "LN",
+ "mark" => "MA",
+ "node_name" => "N",
+ "print_move_node" => "PM", #Am I going to have to code this?
+ "selected" => "SL",
+ "square" => "SQ",
+ "triangle" => "TR",
+ "unclear_position" => "UC",
+ "value" => "V",
+ "view" => "VW",
+ "application" => "AP",
+ "charset" => "CA",
+ "file_format" => "FF",
+ "game" => "GM",
+ "style" => "ST",
+ "size" => "SZ"
+ }
+ end