lib/SematextCloud/api_client.rb in SematextCloud-0.3.1 vs lib/SematextCloud/api_client.rb in SematextCloud-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -4,12 +4,11 @@
#API Explorer provides access and documentation for Sematext REST API. The REST API requires the API Key to be sent as part of `Authorization` header. E.g.: `Authorization : apiKey e5f18450-205a-48eb-8589-7d49edaea813`.
OpenAPI spec version: v3
Generated by:
-Swagger Codegen version: 2.4.12
+Swagger Codegen version: 3.0.30
require 'date'
require 'json'
require 'logger'
@@ -42,11 +41,11 @@
@@default ||=
# Call an API with given options.
- # @return [Array<(Object, Fixnum, Hash)>] an array of 3 elements:
+ # @return [Array<(Object, Integer, Hash)>] an array of 3 elements:
# the data deserialized from response body (could be nil), response status code and response headers.
def call_api(http_method, path, opts = {})
request = build_request(http_method, path, opts)
response =
@@ -126,10 +125,38 @@
request =, req_opts)
download_file(request) if opts[:return_type] == 'File'
+ # Builds the HTTP request body
+ #
+ # @param [Hash] header_params Header parameters
+ # @param [Hash] form_params Query parameters
+ # @param [Object] body HTTP body (JSON/XML)
+ # @return [String] HTTP body data in the form of string
+ def build_request_body(header_params, form_params, body)
+ # http form
+ if header_params['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ||
+ header_params['Content-Type'] == 'multipart/form-data'
+ data = {}
+ form_params.each do |key, value|
+ case value
+ when ::File, ::Array, nil
+ # let typhoeus handle File, Array and nil parameters
+ data[key] = value
+ else
+ data[key] = value.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ elsif body
+ data = body.is_a?(String) ? body : body.to_json
+ else
+ data = nil
+ end
+ data
+ end
# Check if the given MIME is a JSON MIME.
# JSON MIME examples:
# application/json
# application/json; charset=UTF8
@@ -141,11 +168,11 @@
# Deserialize the response to the given return type.
# @param [Response] response HTTP response
- # @param [String] return_type some examples: "User", "Array[User]", "Hash[String,Integer]"
+ # @param [String] return_type some examples: "User", "Array<User>", "Hash<String, Integer>"
def deserialize(response, return_type)
body = response.body
# handle file downloading - return the File instance processed in request callbacks
# note that response body is empty when the file is written in chunks in request on_body callback
@@ -185,11 +212,11 @@
when 'Integer'
when 'Float'
- when 'BOOLEAN'
+ when 'Boolean'
data == true
when 'DateTime'
# parse date time (expecting ISO 8601 format)
DateTime.parse data
when 'Date'
@@ -208,13 +235,11 @@
{}.tap do |hash|
data.each { |k, v| hash[k] = convert_to_type(v, sub_type) }
# models, e.g. Pet
- SematextCloud.const_get(return_type).new.tap do |model|
- model.build_from_hash data
- end
+ SematextCloud.const_get(return_type).build_from_hash(data)
# Save response body into a file in (the defined) temporary folder, using the filename
# from the "Content-Disposition" header if provided, otherwise a random filename.
@@ -242,15 +267,17 @@
request.on_body do |chunk|
request.on_complete do |response|
- tempfile.close
- "Temp file written to #{tempfile.path}, please copy the file to a proper folder "\
- "with e.g. `FileUtils.cp(tempfile.path, '/new/file/path')` otherwise the temp file "\
- "will be deleted automatically with GC. It's also recommended to delete the temp file "\
- "explicitly with `tempfile.delete`"
+ if tempfile
+ tempfile.close
+ "Temp file written to #{tempfile.path}, please copy the file to a proper folder "\
+ "with e.g. `FileUtils.cp(tempfile.path, '/new/file/path')` otherwise the temp file "\
+ "will be deleted automatically with GC. It's also recommended to delete the temp file "\
+ "explicitly with `tempfile.delete`"
+ end
# Sanitize filename by removing path.
# e.g. ../../sun.gif becomes sun.gif
@@ -262,38 +289,10 @@
def build_request_url(path)
# Add leading and trailing slashes to path
path = "/#{path}".gsub(/\/+/, '/')
- URI.encode(@config.base_url + path)
- end
- # Builds the HTTP request body
- #
- # @param [Hash] header_params Header parameters
- # @param [Hash] form_params Query parameters
- # @param [Object] body HTTP body (JSON/XML)
- # @return [String] HTTP body data in the form of string
- def build_request_body(header_params, form_params, body)
- # http form
- if header_params['Content-Type'] == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ||
- header_params['Content-Type'] == 'multipart/form-data'
- data = {}
- form_params.each do |key, value|
- case value
- when ::File, ::Array, nil
- # let typhoeus handle File, Array and nil parameters
- data[key] = value
- else
- data[key] = value.to_s
- end
- end
- elsif body
- data = body.is_a?(String) ? body : body.to_json
- else
- data = nil
- end
- data
+ @config.base_url + path
# Update hearder and query params based on authentication settings.
# @param [Hash] header_params Header parameters