rails/script/editor in RailsEditor-0.0.27 vs rails/script/editor in RailsEditor-0.0.28

- old
+ new

@@ -60,10 +60,12 @@ opts.on("-Zcaption_highlight_color", "--caption_hilight=COLOR",String, "Foreground Color of Caption line Active Window Text","Default: red") { |color| OPTIONS[:caption_highlight_color] = screen_color(color) } opts.separator "Available colors are black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white, and default (transparent)" opts.on("-Nname", "--name=NAME",String, "Name to use for screen session","Default: Rails") { |OPTIONS[:screen_name]| } + opts.on("-Echar", "--escape=CHARACTER",String, + "Escape Key to use for screen session","Default: C-a") { |OPTIONS[:screen_escape]| } opts.on("-?", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit } opts.parse! end OPTIONS[:multiuser] ||= false @@ -74,10 +76,11 @@ OPTIONS[:highlight_color] ||= 'G' OPTIONS[:caption_foreground_color] ||= 'C' OPTIONS[:caption_background_color] ||= 'd' OPTIONS[:caption_highlight_color] ||= 'R' OPTIONS[:shell] ||= 'bash' +OPTIONS[:screen_escape] ||= "^Aa" begin # Standard erb template erb_template = $home + "/config/.screenrc.code.erb" @@ -125,10 +128,10 @@ %x{ln -sf #{screenfile} #{$old_home}/.screenrc.code } %x{ln -sf #{screenfile} #{$home}/.screenrc.code } Dir.chdir($home) # Start a screen with the newly linked .screenrc.code - exec("screen","-c#{File.basename(screenfile)}","-S","rails") + exec("screen","-c#{File.basename(screenfile)}","-S","rails","-e",OPTIONS[:screen_escape]) rescue => e require "pp" pp OPTIONS puts e