spec/pratt_spec.rb in Pratt-1.5.6 vs spec/pratt_spec.rb in Pratt-1.5.8
- old
+ new
@@ -4,127 +4,133 @@
describe Pratt do
before :each do
@pratt = Pratt.new
-# it "should act like an array" do
-# @pratt.should respond_to(:<<)
-# lambda {
-# @pratt << :this
-# }.should change(@pratt.todo, :size).by(1)
-# @pratt.todo.should == [:this]
-# end
-# it "correctly report i_should?" do
-# @pratt.send(:i_should?, :this).should be_false
-# @pratt << :this
-# @pratt.send(:i_should?, :this).should be_true
-# end
-# it "should start a new project when calling begin" do
-# @pratt.project = mock('Refactor')
-# @pratt.when_to = Time.now
-# @pratt.project.expects(:start!).with(@pratt.when_to)
-# @pratt.begin
-# end
-# it "should allow project to be set by object" do
-# primary = Project.new :name => 'project', :weight => 1
-# Project.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).never
-# @pratt.project = primary
-# @pratt.project.should == primary
-# end
-# it "should allow project to be set by a string" do
-# Project.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).with( { :name => 'Refactor' } )
-# @pratt.project = 'Refactor'
-# end
-# describe "color" do
-# it "should color when expected" do
-# @pratt.color = true
-# @pratt.send( :red, 'this' ).should == 'this'.red
-# end
-# it "should not color when not expected" do
-# @pratt.color = false
-# @pratt.send( :red, 'this' ).should == 'this'
-# end
-# end
-# describe "\b#root" do
-# before :each do
-# Dir.stubs(:pwd).returns("/home/scott/git/pratt")
-# @expected_root = "/home/scott/git/pratt"
-# end
-# it "is correct without arguments" do
-# Pratt.root.should == [Pathname.new(@expected_root)]
-# end
-# it "is correct with a block but no argument" do
-# received = []
-# Pratt.root {|model| received << model }
-# received.should == [Pathname.new(@expected_root)]
-# end
-# it "is correct with an argument but no block" do
-# Pratt.root('models').should == [Pathname.new(File.join(@expected_root, "models"))]
-# end
-# it "is correct with an argument and block" do
-# received = []
-# Pratt.root('models', '*.rb') {|model| received << model }
-# received.to_set.should == %w(app.rb customer.rb log.rb project.rb payment.rb pratt.rb whence.rb).collect {|model| Pathname.new File.join(@expected_root, "models", model) }.to_set
-# end
-# end
-# describe "graph" do
-# before :each do
-# @when_to = Chronic.parse('last week').beginning_of_week
-# @pratt.scale = 'week'
-# @pratt.when_to = @when_to
-# end
-# after :each do
-# Whence.delete_all
-# end
-# def task name, time_spent
-# task1 = Project.find_or_create_by_name :name => name
-# task1.start! @when_to
-# task1.stop! @when_to+time_spent
-# end
-# def populate_with_data
-# Project.find_or_create_by_name :name => '**** ********', :weight => 1
-# task 'Lunch/Break', 1.hour+21.minutes
-# task 'Task1', 1.hour+4.minutes
-# task 'Task2', 58.minutes
-# task 'Another Task', 5.minutes
-# task 'Task3', 1.day+17.hours+32.minutes
-# end
-# def get_expected_display
-# Pratt.root('spec', 'fixtures', 'graph.expectation') {|file| File.open(file).read }
-# end
-# it "report no data" do
-# Project.expects(:all).returns([])
-# @pratt.expects(:process_template!).never
-# @pratt.graph.should == "No data to report"
-# end
-# it "should look right with data" do
-# populate_with_data
+ it "should act like an array" do
+ @pratt.should respond_to(:<<)
+ lambda {
+ @pratt << :this
+ }.should change(@pratt.todo, :size).by(1)
+ @pratt.todo.should == [:this]
+ end
+ it "correctly report i_should?" do
+ @pratt.send(:i_should?, :this).should be_false
+ @pratt << :this
+ @pratt.send(:i_should?, :this).should be_true
+ end
+ it "should start a new project when calling begin" do
+ @pratt.project = mock('Refactor')
+ @pratt.when_to = Time.now
+ @pratt.project.expects(:start!).with(@pratt.when_to)
+ @pratt.begin
+ end
+ it "should allow project to be set by object" do
+ primary = Project.new :name => 'project', :weight => 1
+ Project.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).never
+ @pratt.project = primary
+ @pratt.project.should == primary
+ end
+ it "should allow project to be set by a string" do
+ Project.expects(:find_or_create_by_name).with( { :name => 'Refactor' } )
+ @pratt.project = 'Refactor'
+ end
+ describe "color" do
+ it "should color when expected" do
+ Pratt.color = true
+ 'this'.red.should == 'this'.red
+ end
+ it "should not color when not expected" do
+ Pratt.color = false
+ 'this'.red.should == 'this'
+ end
+ end
+ describe "\b#root" do
+ before :each do
+ Dir.stubs(:pwd).returns("/home/scott/git/pratt")
+ @expected_root = "/home/scott/git/pratt"
+ end
+ it "is correct without arguments" do
+ Pratt.root.should == [Pathname.new(@expected_root)]
+ end
+ it "is correct with a block but no argument" do
+ received = []
+ Pratt.root {|model| received << model }
+ received.should == [Pathname.new(@expected_root)]
+ end
+ it "is correct with an argument but no block" do
+ Pratt.root('models').should == [Pathname.new(File.join(@expected_root, "models"))]
+ end
+ it "is correct with an argument and block" do
+ received = []
+ Pratt.root('models', '*.rb') {|model| received << model }
+ received.to_set.should == %w(app.rb customer.rb project.rb payment.rb pratt.rb whence.rb).collect {|model| Pathname.new File.join(@expected_root, "models", model) }.to_set
+ end
+ end
+ describe "graph" do
+ before :each do
+ @when_to = Chronic.parse('last week').beginning_of_week
+ @pratt.scale = 'week'
+ @pratt.when_to = @when_to
+ @customer = Customer.create :name => 'Bob Hope', :address => '123 Where St', :zip => '22222'
+ @tasks = []
+ end
+ after :each do
+ Whence.delete_all
+ @customer.destroy
+ @tasks.each(&:destroy)
+ end
+ def task name, time_spent
+ task = Project.find_or_create_by_name :name => name, :customer => @customer
+ task.start! @when_to
+ task.stop! @when_to+time_spent
+ @tasks << task
+ end
+ def populate_with_data
+ @tasks << Project.find_or_create_by_name( :name => '**** ********', :weight => 1, :customer => @customer )
+ task 'Lunch/Break', 1.hour+21.minutes
+ task 'Task1', 1.hour+4.minutes
+ task 'Task2', 58.minutes
+ task 'Another Task', 5.minutes
+ task 'Task3', 1.day+17.hours+32.minutes
+ end
+ def get_expected_display
+ e = ''
+ Pratt.root('spec', 'fixtures', 'graph.expectation') {|file| e = File.open(file).read }
+ e
+ end
+ it "report no data" do
+ Project.expects(:all).returns([])
+ @pratt.expects(:process_template!).never
+ @pratt.graph.should == "No data to report"
+ end
+ it "should look right with data" do
+ populate_with_data
# @pratt.expects(:process_template!)
-# @pratt.graph.should == get_expected_display
-# end
-# end
+ @pratt.graph.should == get_expected_display
+ end
+ end
describe "parse" do
it "handles cli arg -n setting appropriate environment config"
# do
## Pratt.expects(:connect).with('staging')