bin/PlayRockPaperScissorsGame in PlayRockPaperScissorsGame-2.2.8 vs bin/PlayRockPaperScissorsGame in PlayRockPaperScissorsGame-2.2.9
- old
+ new
@@ -10,42 +10,41 @@
class PlayRockPaperScissorsGame
require_relative "./../lib/rps/version.rb"
# intiate the colorize gem
require "colorized_string"
require_relative "./../lib/Constants.rb"
protected_methods :Constants
- class << self
+ class << self # make continue a self calling method
def continue(str1,str2,str3) # pass in 3 parameters
- puts ColorizedString[str1].colorize(:color => :green)
+ puts ColorizedString[str1].colorize(:color => :green) # make string output green text
print ColorizedString[str2].colorize(:color => :green)
gets # press enter or return to continue
puts ColorizedString[str3].colorize(:color => :green)
- continue(Constants::INIT_STRINGS[0], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[1], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[2])
+ continue(Constants::INIT_STRINGS[0], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[1], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[2]) # define passed in parameters
def initialize
- @player_score = @computer_score = @ties = 0
+ @player_score = @computer_score = @ties = 0 # intialize variables
def play(winning_score)
- while @player_score < winning_score && @computer_score < winning_score
+ while @player_score < winning_score && @computer_score < winning_score # both the player's and the computer's score have to be less than 3
puts ColorizedString["Player score: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) +
ColorizedString["Computer score: #{@computer_score}, Ties: #{@ties}"].colorize(:blue)
player = PrivateMethods.player_choice
- computer = Constants::COMPUTER_CHOICES.sample # chooses a random option
+ computer = Constants::COMPUTER_CHOICES.sample # chooses a random option for the computer
puts ColorizedString["\nPlayer chooses #{player.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue)
puts ColorizedString["Computer chooses #{computer.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue)
- case PrivateMethods.player_outcome [player, computer]
+ case PrivateMethods.player_outcome [player, computer] # pass in player and computer for the contants arrays
when :WIN
puts ColorizedString["#{player.to_s.capitalize} beats #{computer.to_s.downcase}, player wins the round"].colorize(:red)
@player_score += 1
when :LOSE
puts ColorizedString["#{computer.to_s.capitalize} beats #{player.to_s.downcase}, computer wins the round"].colorize(:red)