bin/PlayRockPaperScissorsGame in PlayRockPaperScissorsGame-1.7.3 vs bin/PlayRockPaperScissorsGame in PlayRockPaperScissorsGame-1.7.4
- old
+ new
@@ -13,91 +13,84 @@
require "colorized_string";
- class RPS
+ module Constants
+ NTRY_TO_SYM = { 'p' => :PAPER, 'r' => :ROCK, 's' => :SCISSORS };
+ WINNERS = [[:SCISSORS, :PAPER], [:PAPER, :ROCK], [:ROCK, :SCISSORS]]; # format: player choice, computer choice
+ LOSERS = { |i,j| [j,i] }; # this will take the original WINNERS array and flip the symbols, thus returning a loss for the user/player
+ INIT_STRINGS = ["You are about to enter a rock-paper-scissors best of 3 match.", "Press the return/enter key to continue...", ""];
+ end;
- protected;
- module Constants
- NTRY_TO_SYM = { 'p' => :PAPER, 'r' => :ROCK, 's' => :SCISSORS };
- WINNERS = [[:SCISSORS, :PAPER], [:PAPER, :ROCK], [:ROCK, :SCISSORS]]; # format: player choice, computer choice
- LOSERS = { |i,j| [j,i] }; # this will take the original WINNERS array and flip the symbols, thus returning a loss for the user/player
- INIT_STRINGS = ["You are about to enter a rock-paper-scissors best of 3 match.", "Press the return/enter key to continue...", ""];
+ class << self
+ def continue(str1, str2, str3)
+ puts ColorizedString[str1].colorize(:color => :green);
+ print ColorizedString[str2].colorize(:color => :green);
+ gets;
+ puts ColorizedString[str3].colorize(:color => :green);
+ end;
+ end;
+ continue(Constants::INIT_STRINGS[0], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[1], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[2]);
+ def initialize
+ @player_score = @computer_score = @ties = 0;
+ end;
+ def play(winning_score)
+ while @player_score < winning_score && @computer_score < winning_score
+ puts ColorizedString["Player score: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) +
+ ColorizedString["Computer score: #{@computer_score}, Ties: #{@ties}"].colorize(:blue);
+ player = PrivateMethods.player_choice;
+ computer = Constants::COMPUTER_CHOICES.sample;
+ puts ColorizedString["\nPlayer chooses #{player.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue);
+ puts ColorizedString["Computer chooses #{computer.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue);
+ case PrivateMethods.player_outcome [player, computer]
+ when :WIN
+ puts ColorizedString["#{player.to_s.capitalize} beats #{computer.to_s.downcase}, player wins the round"].colorize(:red);
+ @player_score += 1;
+ when :LOSE
+ puts ColorizedString["#{computer.to_s.capitalize} beats #{player.to_s.downcase}, computer wins the round"].colorize(:red);
+ @computer_score += 1;
+ else
+ puts ColorizedString["Tie, choose again"].colorize(:red);
+ @ties += 1;
+ end;
- class RockPaperScissors
- class << self
- def continue(str1, str2, str3)
- puts ColorizedString[str1].colorize(:color => :green);
- print ColorizedString[str2].colorize(:color => :green);
- gets;
- puts ColorizedString[str3].colorize(:color => :green);
+ puts ColorizedString["\nFinal score: player: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) +
+ ColorizedString["computer: #{@computer_score} (ties: #{@ties})"].colorize(:blue);
+ case PrivateMethods.final_outcome(@player_score, @computer_score)
+ when :WIN
+ puts ColorizedString["Player wins!"].colorize(:red);
+ when :LOSE
+ puts ColorizedString["Computer wins!"].colorize(:red);
+ else
+ puts ColorizedString["It's a tie!"].colorize(:red);
+ end;
+ gets;
+ end;
+ module PrivateMethods
+ class << self
+ def player_choice
+ loop do
+ print ColorizedString["Choose rock (r), paper (p) or scissors (s): "].colorize(:green);
+ choice = gets.chomp.downcase;
+ return Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM[choice] if Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM.key?(choice);
+ puts ColorizedString["That entry is invalid. Please re-enter."].colorize(:green);
- continue(Constants::INIT_STRINGS[0], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[1], Constants::INIT_STRINGS[2]);
- def initialize
- @player_score = @computer_score = @ties = 0;
+ def player_outcome(plays)
+ return :WIN if Constants::WINNERS.include?(plays);
+ return :LOSE if Constants::LOSERS.include?(plays);
+ return :TIE if (!:WIN || !:LOSE);
- def play(winning_score)
- while @player_score < winning_score && @computer_score < winning_score
- puts ColorizedString["Player score: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) +
- ColorizedString["Computer score: #{@computer_score}, Ties: #{@ties}"].colorize(:blue);
- player = PrivateMethods.player_choice;
- computer = Constants::COMPUTER_CHOICES.sample;
- puts ColorizedString["\nPlayer chooses #{player.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue);
- puts ColorizedString["Computer chooses #{computer.to_s.downcase}"].colorize(:blue);
- case PrivateMethods.player_outcome [player, computer]
- when :WIN
- puts ColorizedString["#{player.to_s.capitalize} beats #{computer.to_s.downcase}, player wins the round"].colorize(:red);
- @player_score += 1;
- when :LOSE
- puts ColorizedString["#{computer.to_s.capitalize} beats #{player.to_s.downcase}, computer wins the round"].colorize(:red);
- @computer_score += 1;
- else
- puts ColorizedString["Tie, choose again"].colorize(:red);
- @ties += 1;
- end;
- end;
- puts ColorizedString["\nFinal score: player: #{@player_score}, "].colorize(:blue) +
- ColorizedString["computer: #{@computer_score} (ties: #{@ties})"].colorize(:blue);
- case PrivateMethods.final_outcome(@player_score, @computer_score)
- when :WIN
- puts ColorizedString["Player wins!"].colorize(:red);
- when :LOSE
- puts ColorizedString["Computer wins!"].colorize(:red);
- else
- puts ColorizedString["It's a tie!"].colorize(:red);
- end;
- gets;
+ def final_outcome(pl, co)
+ return :WIN if pl > co;
+ return :LOSE if pl < co;
+ return :TIE if pl = co;
- private;
- module PrivateMethods
- class << self
- def player_choice
- loop do
- print ColorizedString["Choose rock (r), paper (p) or scissors (s): "].colorize(:green);
- choice = gets.chomp.downcase;
- return Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM[choice] if Constants::NTRY_TO_SYM.key?(choice);
- puts ColorizedString["That entry is invalid. Please re-enter."].colorize(:green);
- end;
- end;
- def player_outcome(plays)
- return :WIN if Constants::WINNERS.include?(plays);
- return :LOSE if Constants::LOSERS.include?(plays);
- return :TIE if (!:WIN || !:LOSE);
- end;
- def final_outcome(pl, co)
- return :WIN if pl > co;
- return :LOSE if pl < co;
- return :TIE if pl = co;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
+ end;
end;; # best of 3; # best of 3