pimki.rb in Pimki-1.7.092 vs pimki.rb in Pimki-1.8.092
- old
+ new
@@ -1,182 +1,182 @@
-if RUBY_VERSION < "1.8.1"
- puts "Pimki requires Ruby 1.8.1+"
- exit
-# Handle rubygems support & loading libraries: {{{
-$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "libraries")
- require 'rubygems'
- require_gem 'madeleine'
- require_gem 'BlueCloth'
- require_gem 'rubyzip'
- require 'zip/zip'
-rescue LoadError => detail
- # no rubygems, so load from the libraries directory
- p detail if $DEBUG
- puts 'Unable to load libraries through RubyGems. Loading from ./libraries directory'
- require 'bluecloth'
- require 'zip/zip'
-# }}}
-# Handle command-line options: {{{
-require 'optparse'
-cdir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
-%w( /libraries/ /app/models /app/controllers ).each { |dir| $:.unshift(cdir + dir) }
-%w( web_controller_server action_controller_servlet wiki_service wiki ).each { |lib| require lib }
-fork_available = true
- exit unless fork
-rescue NotImplementedError
- fork_available = false
- pdflatex_available = system "pdflatex -version"
-rescue Errno::ENOENT
- pdflatex_available = false
-graphviz_available = (`dot -V 2>&1` =~ /dot version/)
- :server_type => fork_available ? Daemon : SimpleServer,
- :port => 2500,
- :storage => "#{Dir.pwd}/storage",
- :pdflatex => pdflatex_available,
- :redcloth => '3',
- :graphviz_available => graphviz_available
-ARGV.options do |opts|
- script_name = File.basename($0)
- opts.banner = "Usage: ruby #{script_name} [options]"
- opts.separator ""
- opts.on("-p", "--port=port", Integer,
- "Runs Instiki on the specified port.",
- "Default: 2500\n") { |OPTIONS[:port]| }
- opts.on("-s", "--simple", "--simple-server",
- "Forces Instiki not to run as a Daemon if fork is available.\n"
- ) { OPTIONS[:server_type] = SimpleServer }
- opts.on("-t", "--storage=storage", String,
- "Makes Instiki use the specified directory for storage.",
- "Default: [cwd]/storage/[port]\n") { |OPTIONS[:storage]| }
- opts.on("-r", "--redcloth VERSION", String,
- "Makes Instiki use the specified RedCloth version.",
- "You can specify major version only (2 or 3)",
- "Default: 2.0.11\n") { |OPTIONS[:redcloth]| }
- opts.separator ""
- opts.on("-h", "--help",
- "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
- opts.parse!
-Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true
-# RedCloth + Modifications: {{{
- if defined? Gem
- if Gem.source_index.search('redcloth').map { |s| s.version.version }.include? OPTIONS[:redcloth]
- require_gem 'RedCloth', "#{OPTIONS[:redcloth]}"
- else
- require_gem 'RedCloth', "~> #{OPTIONS[:redcloth]}"
- end
- end
-rescue LoadError, NoMethodError => detail
- if OPTIONS[:redcloth] < '3'
- require 'redcloth_2.0.11'
- else
- require 'redcloth'
- end
-# Remove the "caps" spanning:
-RedCloth::GLYPHS.delete_if { |glyph| glyph[1] =~ /class=\"caps\"/ }
-# Fix missing hard_break in RedCloth 3.0.0/1
-if ['3.0.0', '3.0.1'].include? RedCloth::VERSION
- class RedCloth #{{{
- # Attempts at fixing the list blocks recognition:
- #BLOCKS_GROUP_RE = /(^([#*> ])(?:[^\n]|\n+|\n(?!\n|\Z))+)|((?:[^\n]+|\n+ +|\n(?![#*\n]|\Z))+)/m
- def to_html( *rules ) #{{{
- rules = @rules if rules.empty?
- # make our working copy
- text = self.dup
- @urlrefs = {}
- @shelf = []
- textile_rules = [:refs_textile, :block_textile_table, :block_textile_lists,
- :block_textile_prefix, :inline_textile_image, :inline_textile_link,
- :inline_textile_code, :inline_textile_span, :inline_textile_glyphs]
- markdown_rules = [:refs_markdown, :block_markdown_setext, :block_markdown_atx, :block_markdown_rule,
- :block_markdown_bq, :block_markdown_lists,
- :inline_markdown_reflink, :inline_markdown_link]
- @rules = rules.collect do |rule|
- case rule
- when :markdown
- markdown_rules
- when :textile
- textile_rules
- else
- rule
- end
- end.flatten
- # standard clean up
- incoming_entities text
- clean_white_space text
- # start processor
- pre_list = rip_offtags text
- refs text
- blocks text
- inline text
- smooth_offtags text, pre_list
- retrieve text
- hard_break text # PIMKI: this is the missing bit!
- text.gsub!( /<\/?notextile>/, '' )
- text.gsub!( /x%x%/, '&' )
- text.strip!
- text
- end #}}}
- end #}}}
-end #}}}
-# Start the application: {{{
-storage_dir = OPTIONS[:storage] + "/" + OPTIONS[:port].to_s
-require 'fileutils'
-WikiService.storage_path = storage_dir
-WikiController.template_root = "#{cdir}/app/views/"
-on_exit = lambda {
- WebControllerServer::the_active_server.shutdown
- WikiService.request_stop
-trap "INT", on_exit
-trap "TERM", on_exit
-WebControllerServer.new(OPTIONS[:port], OPTIONS[:server_type], "#{cdir}/app/controllers/")
-# }}}
+if RUBY_VERSION < "1.8.1"
+ puts "Pimki requires Ruby 1.8.1+"
+ exit
+# Handle rubygems support & loading libraries: {{{
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "libraries")
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require_gem 'madeleine'
+ require_gem 'BlueCloth'
+ require_gem 'rubyzip'
+ require 'zip/zip'
+rescue LoadError => detail
+ # no rubygems, so load from the libraries directory
+ p detail if $DEBUG
+ puts 'Unable to load libraries through RubyGems. Loading from ./libraries directory'
+ require 'bluecloth'
+ require 'zip/zip'
+# }}}
+# Handle command-line options: {{{
+require 'optparse'
+cdir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+%w( /libraries/ /app/models /app/controllers ).each { |dir| $:.unshift(cdir + dir) }
+%w( web_controller_server action_controller_servlet wiki_service wiki ).each { |lib| require lib }
+fork_available = true
+ exit unless fork
+rescue NotImplementedError
+ fork_available = false
+ pdflatex_available = system "pdflatex -version"
+rescue Errno::ENOENT
+ pdflatex_available = false
+graphviz_available = (`dot -V 2>&1` =~ /dot version/)
+ :server_type => fork_available ? Daemon : SimpleServer,
+ :port => 2500,
+ :storage => "#{Dir.pwd}/storage",
+ :pdflatex => pdflatex_available,
+ :redcloth => '3',
+ :graphviz_available => graphviz_available
+ARGV.options do |opts|
+ script_name = File.basename($0)
+ opts.banner = "Usage: ruby #{script_name} [options]"
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.on("-p", "--port=port", Integer,
+ "Runs Instiki on the specified port.",
+ "Default: 2500\n") { |OPTIONS[:port]| }
+ opts.on("-s", "--simple", "--simple-server",
+ "Forces Instiki not to run as a Daemon if fork is available.\n"
+ ) { OPTIONS[:server_type] = SimpleServer }
+ opts.on("-t", "--storage=storage", String,
+ "Makes Instiki use the specified directory for storage.",
+ "Default: [cwd]/storage/[port]\n") { |OPTIONS[:storage]| }
+ opts.on("-r", "--redcloth VERSION", String,
+ "Makes Instiki use the specified RedCloth version.",
+ "You can specify major version only (2 or 3)",
+ "Default: 2.0.11\n") { |OPTIONS[:redcloth]| }
+ opts.separator ""
+ opts.on("-h", "--help",
+ "Show this help message.") { puts opts; exit }
+ opts.parse!
+Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = true
+# RedCloth + Modifications: {{{
+ if defined? Gem
+ if Gem.source_index.search('redcloth').map { |s| s.version.version }.include? OPTIONS[:redcloth]
+ require_gem 'RedCloth', "#{OPTIONS[:redcloth]}"
+ else
+ require_gem 'RedCloth', "~> #{OPTIONS[:redcloth]}"
+ end
+ end
+rescue LoadError, NoMethodError => detail
+ if OPTIONS[:redcloth] < '3'
+ require 'redcloth_2.0.11'
+ else
+ require 'redcloth'
+ end
+# Remove the "caps" spanning:
+RedCloth::GLYPHS.delete_if { |glyph| glyph[1] =~ /class=\"caps\"/ }
+# Fix missing hard_break in RedCloth 3.0.0/1
+if ['3.0.0', '3.0.1'].include? RedCloth::VERSION
+ class RedCloth #{{{
+ # Attempts at fixing the list blocks recognition:
+ #BLOCKS_GROUP_RE = /(^([#*> ])(?:[^\n]|\n+|\n(?!\n|\Z))+)|((?:[^\n]+|\n+ +|\n(?![#*\n]|\Z))+)/m
+ def to_html( *rules ) #{{{
+ rules = @rules if rules.empty?
+ # make our working copy
+ text = self.dup
+ @urlrefs = {}
+ @shelf = []
+ textile_rules = [:refs_textile, :block_textile_table, :block_textile_lists,
+ :block_textile_prefix, :inline_textile_image, :inline_textile_link,
+ :inline_textile_code, :inline_textile_span, :inline_textile_glyphs]
+ markdown_rules = [:refs_markdown, :block_markdown_setext, :block_markdown_atx, :block_markdown_rule,
+ :block_markdown_bq, :block_markdown_lists,
+ :inline_markdown_reflink, :inline_markdown_link]
+ @rules = rules.collect do |rule|
+ case rule
+ when :markdown
+ markdown_rules
+ when :textile
+ textile_rules
+ else
+ rule
+ end
+ end.flatten
+ # standard clean up
+ incoming_entities text
+ clean_white_space text
+ # start processor
+ pre_list = rip_offtags text
+ refs text
+ blocks text
+ inline text
+ smooth_offtags text, pre_list
+ retrieve text
+ hard_break text # PIMKI: this is the missing bit!
+ text.gsub!( /<\/?notextile>/, '' )
+ text.gsub!( /x%x%/, '&' )
+ text.strip!
+ text
+ end #}}}
+ end #}}}
+end #}}}
+# Start the application: {{{
+storage_dir = File.join(OPTIONS[:storage], OPTIONS[:port].to_s)
+require 'fileutils'
+WikiService.storage_path = storage_dir
+WikiController.template_root = "#{cdir}/app/views/"
+on_exit = lambda {
+ WebControllerServer::the_active_server.shutdown
+ WikiService.request_stop
+trap "INT", on_exit
+trap "TERM", on_exit
+WebControllerServer.new(OPTIONS[:port], OPTIONS[:server_type], "#{cdir}/app/controllers/")
+# }}}
# jEdit :folding=explicit:collapseFolds=1:
\ No newline at end of file