app/models/web.rb in Pimki-1.7.092 vs app/models/web.rb in Pimki-1.8.092
- old
+ new
@@ -1,317 +1,315 @@
-require "cgi"
-require "page"
-require "page_set"
-require "wiki_words"
-require "zip/zip"
-class Web
- attr_accessor :pages, :name, :address, :password, :menu_type, :menu_content, :rendered_menu, :menu_limit, :menu_category
- attr_accessor :markup, :color, :safe_mode, :additional_style, :published, :default_to_published, :brackets_only, :count_pages
- attr_accessor :mind_map_size, :symbols_map, :links_map, :enable_dclick_edit, :check_pass_on_edit, :enable_menu
- # Mind Map defaults
- attr_accessor :mm_prog, :mm_graph_type, :mm_show_missing, :mm_show_authors, :mm_show_leaves, :mm_selected_categories
- @@BLIKI_TEMPLATE = "Try a weekly worksheet:\n\n| / | *Morning* | *Afternoon* |\n" +
- "| *Mon* | - | - |\n| *Tue* | - | - |\n| *Wed* | - | - |\n" +
- "| *Thu* | - | - |\n| *Fri* | - | - |\n"
- def bliki
- @bliki ||=
- end
- def initialize(name, address, password = nil)
- @name, @address, @password, @safe_mode = name, address, password, false
- @pages = {}
- end
- def add_page(page)
- @pages[] = page
- end
- def remove_pages(pages_to_be_removed)
- pages.delete_if { |page_name, page| pages_to_be_removed.include?(page) }
- end
- def revised_on
- pages.values.sort_by { |page| [page.created_at] }.reverse.first.created_at
- end
- def select(&accept)
-, @pages.values, accept)
- end
- def select_bliki(&accept)
-, bliki.values, accept)
- end
- def revised_on
- select.most_recent_revision
- end
- def authors
- select.authors
- end
- def categories
- { |page| page.categories }.flatten.uniq.sort
- end
- # Create a link for the given page name and link text based
- # on the render mode in options and whether the page exists
- # in the this web.
- def make_link(name, text = nil, options = {})
- page = pages[name]
- text = text || WikiWords.separate(name)
- link = CGI.escape(name)
- case options[:mode]
- when :export
- if page then "<a class=\"existingWikiWord\" href=\"#{link}.html\">#{text}</a>"
- else "<span class=\"newWikiWord\">#{text}</span>" end
- when :publish
- if page then "<a class=\"existingWikiWord\" href=\"../published/#{link}\">#{text}</a>"
- else "<span class=\"newWikiWord\">#{text}</span>" end
- else
- if page then "<a class=\"existingWikiWord\" href=\"../show/#{link}\">#{text}</a>"
- else "<span class=\"newWikiWord\">#{text}<a href=\"../show/#{link}\">?</a></span>" end
- end
- end
- # Clears the display cache for all the pages with references to
- def refresh_pages_with_references(page_name)
- select.pages_that_reference(page_name).each { |page|
- page.revisions.each { |revision| revision.clear_display_cache }
- }
- end
- def refresh_revisions
- select.each { |page| page.revisions.each { |revision| revision.clear_display_cache } }
- select_bliki.each { |page| page.revisions.each { |revision| revision.clear_display_cache } }
- end
- # Default values
- def markup() @markup || :textile end
- def color() @color || "008B26" end
- def brackets_only() @brackets_only || false end
- def count_pages() @count_pages || false end
- def enable_menu() @enable_menu || true end
- def menu_content() @menu_content || nil end
- def menu_limit() @menu_limit || 20 end
- def default_to_published() @default_to_published || false end
- def menu_type()
- (@menu_type.nil? || @menu_type.empty?) ? 'linkers' : @menu_type
- end
- def mind_map_size() (@mind_map_size == '0,0' ? '6,5' : @mind_map_size) end
- def mm_prog() @mm_prog || 'neato' end
- def mm_graph_type() @mm_graph_type || 'normal' end
- def mm_show_missing() @mm_show_missing || false end
- def mm_show_authors() @mm_show_authors || false end
- def mm_show_leaves() @mm_show_leaves || true end
- def mm_selected_categories() @mm_selected_categories || [] end
- # create a Mind Map graph and return the PNG and HTML map files generated
- def create_mind_map(prog, missing, show_authors, show_leaves, selected_categories, mm_size)
- dotFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
- mapFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
- pngFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/map.png")
-, "w") do |file|
- # Graph properties:
- output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
- # Links and node properties:
- nodes = filter_categories(pages.values, selected_categories)
- auths = authors # avoid repeated selects
- unless show_authors
- nodes.delete_if { |entry|
- auths.include?
- }
- end
- unless show_leaves
- nodes.delete_if { |page|
- (page.wiki_words - [missing].flatten).size == 0
- }
- end
- # Page Special nodes properties:
- file.puts %{"Home Page" [color=\"##{color}\",style=bold];} if{ |p| }.include? "HomePage"
- nodes.each do |page|
- file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" [URL=\"../show/#{}\"];}
- page.references.each do |referer|
- unless == or not nodes.include? referer
- unless !show_authors and auths.include?
- file.puts %{"#{referer.plain_name}" -> "#{page.plain_name}";}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # find missing pages:
- if missing
- shown_missing = []
- nodes.each do |page|
- missing.each do |wanted|
- if page.content =~ /#{wanted}/
- file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" -> "#{WikiWords.separate wanted}";}
- shown_missing << wanted
- end
- end
- end
- shown_missing.each do |wanted|
- file.puts %{"#{WikiWords.separate wanted}" [URL="/#{@address}/show/#{wanted}", fontsize=10,style=filled,color=grey];}
- end
- end
- output_graph_footer_to file
- end
- call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
- [pngFile, mapFile]
- end
- def create_author_graph(prog, selected_categories, mm_size)
- dotFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
- mapFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
- pngFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/map.png")
-, "w") do |file|
- # Graph properties:
- output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
- # Links and node properties:
- auths = authors # avoid repeated selects
- auths.each do |auth|
- file.puts %{"#{auth}" [style=filled,color=grey,URL="../show/#{auth}"];}
- end
- nodes = pages.values.reject { |entry| auths.include? }
- nodes = filter_categories(nodes, selected_categories)
- nodes.each do |page|
- file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" [URL="../show/#{}"];}
- page.authors.each do |auth|
- file.puts %{"#{auth}" -> "#{page.plain_name}";}
- end
- end
- output_graph_footer_to file
- end
- call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
- [pngFile, mapFile]
- end
- def create_category_graph(prog, show_authors, selected_categories, mm_size) #{{{
- dotFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
- mapFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
- pngFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/map.png")
-, "w") do |file|
- # Graph properties:
- output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
- # Page Special nodes properties:
- categs = selected_categories.empty? ? categories : selected_categories
- categs.each do |category|
- file.puts %{"#{category}" [fontsize=20,style=filled,color=grey,comment="#{category}",URL="../list/?category=#{category}"];}
- end
- # Links and node properties:
- nodes = filter_categories(pages.values, selected_categories)
- auths = authors # avoid repeated selects
- unless show_authors
- nodes.delete_if { |entry|
- auths.include?
- }
- end
- nodes.each do |page|
- file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" [URL=\"../show/#{}\"];}
- page.categories.each do |category|
- file.puts %{"#{category}" -> "#{page.plain_name}";}
- end
- end
- output_graph_footer_to file
- end
- call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
- [pngFile, mapFile]
- end #}}}
- def output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
- file.puts "digraph G {"
- file.puts "size=\"#{mm_size}\";" if mm_size
- file.puts 'ratio=fill;'
- file.puts 'concentrate=true;'
- file.puts 'node [fontsize=10,fontname="Tahoma"];'
- file.puts 'edge [len=1.5];'
- end
- def output_graph_footer_to file
- file.puts "}"
- end
- def filter_categories(pages, selected_categories) #{{{
- nodes = pages
- unless selected_categories.empty?
- nodes = pages.reject { |page| (page.categories & selected_categories).empty? }
- if selected_categories.include? 'none'
- nodes += { |page| page.categories.empty? }
- end
- end
- nodes
- end #}}}
- def call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
- system("#{prog} -Tcmap \"#{dotFile}\" -o \"#{mapFile}\"")
- system("#{prog} -Tpng \"#{dotFile}\" -o \"#{pngFile}\"")
- end
- ## Bliki methods
- def add_bliki_entry(page)
- bliki[] = page
- end
- def bliki_entries_by_date
- bliki.values.sort_by { |page| page.revisions.first.created_at }.reverse
- end
- def bliki_entries_by_name
- pages.values.sort_by { |page| [] }
- end
- def bliki_entries_that_match(regexp)
- { |page| page.content =~ /#{regexp}/i }
- end
- def bliki_entries_that_reference(page_name)
- { |page| page.wiki_words.include?(page_name) }
- end
- def bliki_entries_authored_by(author)
- { |page| page.authors.include?(author) }
- end
- ## End bliki methods
- private
- # Returns an array of all the wiki words in any current revision
- def wiki_words
- pages.values.inject([]) { |wiki_words, page| wiki_words << page.wiki_words }.flatten.uniq
- end
- # Returns an array of all the page names on this web
- def page_names
- pages.keys
- end
+require "cgi"
+require "page"
+require "page_set"
+require "wiki_words"
+require "zip/zip"
+class Web
+ attr_accessor :pages, :name, :address, :password, :menu_type, :menu_content, :rendered_menu, :menu_limit, :menu_category
+ attr_accessor :markup, :color, :safe_mode, :additional_style, :published, :default_to_published, :brackets_only, :count_pages
+ attr_accessor :mind_map_size, :symbols_map, :links_map, :enable_dclick_edit, :check_pass_on_edit, :enable_menu
+ # Mind Map defaults
+ attr_accessor :mm_prog, :mm_graph_type, :mm_show_missing, :mm_show_authors, :mm_show_leaves, :mm_selected_categories
+ @@BLIKI_TEMPLATE = "Try a weekly worksheet:\n\n| / | *Morning* | *Afternoon* |\n" +
+ "| *Mon* | - | - |\n| *Tue* | - | - |\n| *Wed* | - | - |\n" +
+ "| *Thu* | - | - |\n| *Fri* | - | - |\n"
+ def bliki
+ @bliki ||=
+ end
+ def initialize(name, address, password = nil)
+ @name, @address, @password, @safe_mode = name, address, password, false
+ @pages = {}
+ end
+ def add_page(page)
+ @pages[] = page
+ end
+ def remove_pages(pages_to_be_removed)
+ pages.delete_if { |page_name, page| pages_to_be_removed.include?(page) }
+ end
+ def revised_on
+ pages.values.sort_by { |page| [page.created_at] }.reverse.first.created_at
+ end
+ def select(&accept)
+, @pages.values, accept)
+ end
+ def select_bliki(&accept)
+, bliki.values, accept)
+ end
+ def revised_on
+ select.most_recent_revision
+ end
+ def authors
+ select.authors
+ end
+ def categories
+ { |page| page.categories }.flatten.uniq.sort
+ end
+ # Create a link for the given page name and link text based
+ # on the render mode in options and whether the page exists
+ # in the this web.
+ def make_link(name, text = nil, options = {})
+ page = pages[name]
+ text = text || WikiWords.separate(name)
+ link = CGI.escape(name)
+ case options[:mode]
+ when :export
+ if page then "<a class=\"existingWikiWord\" href=\"#{link}.html\">#{text}</a>"
+ else "<span class=\"newWikiWord\">#{text}</span>" end
+ when :publish
+ if page then "<a class=\"existingWikiWord\" href=\"../published/#{link}\">#{text}</a>"
+ else "<span class=\"newWikiWord\">#{text}</span>" end
+ else
+ if page then "<a class=\"existingWikiWord\" href=\"../show/#{link}\">#{text}</a>"
+ else "<span class=\"newWikiWord\">#{text}<a href=\"../show/#{link}\">?</a></span>" end
+ end
+ end
+ # Clears the display cache for all the pages with references to
+ def refresh_pages_with_references(page_name)
+ select.pages_that_reference(page_name).each { |page|
+ page.revisions.each { |revision| revision.clear_display_cache }
+ }
+ end
+ def refresh_revisions
+ select.each { |page| page.revisions.each { |revision| revision.clear_display_cache } }
+ select_bliki.each { |page| page.revisions.each { |revision| revision.clear_display_cache } }
+ end
+ # Default values
+ def markup() @markup || :textile end
+ def color() @color || "008B26" end
+ def brackets_only() @brackets_only || false end
+ def count_pages() @count_pages || false end
+ def menu_content() @menu_content || nil end
+ def menu_limit() @menu_limit || 20 end
+ def default_to_published() @default_to_published || false end
+ def menu_type()
+ (@menu_type.nil? || @menu_type.empty?) ? 'linkers' : @menu_type
+ end
+ def mind_map_size() (@mind_map_size == '0,0' ? '6,5' : @mind_map_size) end
+ def mm_prog() @mm_prog || 'neato' end
+ def mm_graph_type() @mm_graph_type || 'normal' end
+ def mm_show_missing() @mm_show_missing || false end
+ def mm_show_authors() @mm_show_authors || false end
+ def mm_selected_categories() @mm_selected_categories || [] end
+ # create a Mind Map graph and return the PNG and HTML map files generated
+ def create_mind_map(prog, missing, show_authors, show_leaves, selected_categories, mm_size)
+ dotFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
+ mapFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
+ pngFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/map.png")
+, "w") do |file|
+ # Graph properties:
+ output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
+ # Links and node properties:
+ nodes = filter_categories(pages.values, selected_categories)
+ auths = authors # avoid repeated selects
+ unless show_authors
+ nodes.delete_if { |entry|
+ auths.include?
+ }
+ end
+ unless show_leaves
+ nodes.delete_if { |page|
+ (page.wiki_words - [missing].flatten).size == 0
+ }
+ end
+ # Page Special nodes properties:
+ file.puts %{"Home Page" [color=\"##{color}\",style=bold];} if{ |p| }.include? "HomePage"
+ nodes.each do |page|
+ file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" [URL=\"../show/#{}\"];}
+ page.references.each do |referer|
+ unless == or not nodes.include? referer
+ unless !show_authors and auths.include?
+ file.puts %{"#{referer.plain_name}" -> "#{page.plain_name}";}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # find missing pages:
+ if missing
+ shown_missing = []
+ nodes.each do |page|
+ missing.each do |wanted|
+ if page.content =~ /#{wanted}/
+ file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" -> "#{WikiWords.separate wanted}";}
+ shown_missing << wanted
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ shown_missing.each do |wanted|
+ file.puts %{"#{WikiWords.separate wanted}" [URL="/#{@address}/show/#{wanted}", fontsize=10,style=filled,color=grey];}
+ end
+ end
+ output_graph_footer_to file
+ end
+ call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
+ [pngFile, mapFile]
+ end
+ def create_author_graph(prog, selected_categories, mm_size)
+ dotFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
+ mapFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
+ pngFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/map.png")
+, "w") do |file|
+ # Graph properties:
+ output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
+ # Links and node properties:
+ auths = authors # avoid repeated selects
+ auths.each do |auth|
+ file.puts %{"#{auth}" [style=filled,color=grey,URL="../show/#{auth}"];}
+ end
+ nodes = pages.values.reject { |entry| auths.include? }
+ nodes = filter_categories(nodes, selected_categories)
+ nodes.each do |page|
+ file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" [URL="../show/#{}"];}
+ page.authors.each do |auth|
+ file.puts %{"#{auth}" -> "#{page.plain_name}";}
+ end
+ end
+ output_graph_footer_to file
+ end
+ call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
+ [pngFile, mapFile]
+ end
+ def create_category_graph(prog, show_authors, selected_categories, mm_size) #{{{
+ dotFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
+ mapFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/")
+ pngFile = File.expand_path("#{WikiService.storage_path}/map.png")
+, "w") do |file|
+ # Graph properties:
+ output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
+ # Page Special nodes properties:
+ categs = selected_categories.empty? ? categories : selected_categories
+ categs.each do |category|
+ file.puts %{"#{category}" [fontsize=20,style=filled,color=grey,comment="#{category}",URL="../list/?category=#{category}"];}
+ end
+ # Links and node properties:
+ nodes = filter_categories(pages.values, selected_categories)
+ auths = authors # avoid repeated selects
+ unless show_authors
+ nodes.delete_if { |entry|
+ auths.include?
+ }
+ end
+ nodes.each do |page|
+ file.puts %{"#{page.plain_name}" [URL=\"../show/#{}\"];}
+ page.categories.each do |category|
+ file.puts %{"#{category}" -> "#{page.plain_name}";}
+ end
+ end
+ output_graph_footer_to file
+ end
+ call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
+ [pngFile, mapFile]
+ end #}}}
+ def output_graph_header_to file, mm_size
+ file.puts "digraph G {"
+ file.puts "size=\"#{mm_size}\";" if mm_size
+ file.puts 'ratio=fill;'
+ file.puts 'concentrate=true;'
+ file.puts 'node [fontsize=10,fontname="Tahoma"];'
+ file.puts 'edge [len=1.5];'
+ end
+ def output_graph_footer_to file
+ file.puts "}"
+ end
+ def filter_categories(pages, selected_categories) #{{{
+ nodes = pages
+ unless selected_categories.empty?
+ nodes = pages.reject { |page| (page.categories & selected_categories).empty? }
+ if selected_categories.include? 'none'
+ nodes += { |page| page.categories.empty? }
+ end
+ end
+ nodes
+ end #}}}
+ def call_graphviz(prog, dotFile, mapFile, pngFile)
+ system("#{prog} -Tcmap \"#{dotFile}\" -o \"#{mapFile}\"")
+ system("#{prog} -Tpng \"#{dotFile}\" -o \"#{pngFile}\"")
+ end
+ ## Bliki methods
+ def add_bliki_entry(page)
+ bliki[] = page
+ end
+ def bliki_entries_by_date
+ bliki.values.sort_by { |page| page.revisions.first.created_at }.reverse
+ end
+ def bliki_entries_by_name
+ pages.values.sort_by { |page| [] }
+ end
+ def bliki_entries_that_match(regexp)
+ { |page| page.content =~ /#{regexp}/i }
+ end
+ def bliki_entries_that_reference(page_name)
+ { |page| page.wiki_words.include?(page_name) }
+ end
+ def bliki_entries_authored_by(author)
+ { |page| page.authors.include?(author) }
+ end
+ ## End bliki methods
+ private
+ # Returns an array of all the wiki words in any current revision
+ def wiki_words
+ pages.values.inject([]) { |wiki_words, page| wiki_words << page.wiki_words }.flatten.uniq
+ end
+ # Returns an array of all the page names on this web
+ def page_names
+ pages.keys
+ end
# jEdit :folding=indent:collapseFolds=1:
\ No newline at end of file