test/pt_testcase.rb in ParseTree-1.6.0 vs test/pt_testcase.rb in ParseTree-1.6.1
- old
+ new
@@ -34,39 +34,46 @@
@processor = nil
+ def self.add_test name, data, klass = self.name[4..-1]
+ name = name.to_s
+ klass = klass.to_s
+ if testcases.has_key? name then
+ if testcases[name].has_key? klass then
+ warn "testcase #{klass}##{name} already has data"
+ else
+ testcases[name][klass] = data
+ end
+ else
+ warn "testcase #{name} does not exist"
+ end
+ end
+ def self.unsupported_tests *tests
+ tests.flatten.each do |name|
+ add_test name, :unsupported
+ end
+ end
@@testcase_order = %w(Ruby ParseTree)
@@testcases = {
"alias" => {
"Ruby" => "class X\n alias :y :x\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:class, :X, nil,
[:scope, [:alias, [:lit, :y], [:lit, :x]]]],
- "Ruby2Ruby" => "class X\n alias_method :y, :x\n \nend", # FIX dbl \n
+ "Ruby2Ruby" => "class X\n alias_method :y, :x\nend", # FIX dbl \n
"and" => {
"Ruby" => "(a and b)",
"ParseTree" => [:and, [:vcall, :a], [:vcall, :b]],
- "args" => {
- "Ruby" => "def x(a, b = 42, \*c, &d)\n p(a, b, c, d)\nend",
- "ParseTree" => [:defn, :x,
- [:scope,
- [:block,
- [:args, :a, :b, "*c".intern, # s->e
- [:block, [:lasgn, :b, [:lit, 42]]]],
- [:block_arg, :d],
- [:fcall, :p,
- [:array, [:lvar, :a], [:lvar, :b],
- [:lvar, :c], [:lvar, :d]]]]]]
- },
"argscat" => {
"Ruby" => "a = b, c, *d",
"ParseTree" => [:lasgn, :a,
@@ -184,38 +191,50 @@
"cdecl" => {
"Ruby" => "X = 42",
"ParseTree" => [:cdecl, :X, [:lit, 42]],
- "class" => {
- "Ruby" => "class X < Array\n def blah\n puts(\"hello\")\n end\n \nend",
+ "class_plain" => {
+ "Ruby" => "class X\n puts((1 + 1))\n def blah\n puts(\"hello\")\n end\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:class,
- [:const, :Array],
+ nil,
- [:defn,
- :blah,
- [:scope,
- [:block,
- [:args],
- [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:str, "hello"]]]]]]]],
+ [:block,
+ [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]]]],
+ [:defn,
+ :blah,
+ [:scope,
+ [:block,
+ [:args],
+ [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:str, "hello"]]]]]]]]],
- "class_obj" => {
- "Ruby" => "class X\n def blah\n puts(\"hello\")\n end\n \nend",
+ "class_super_object" => {
+ "Ruby" => "class X < Object\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:class,
- nil,
- [:scope,
- [:defn,
- :blah,
- [:scope,
- [:block,
- [:args],
- [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:str, "hello"]]]]]]]],
+ [:const, :Object],
+ [:scope]],
+ "class_super_array" => {
+ "Ruby" => "class X < Array\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:class,
+ :X,
+ [:const, :Array],
+ [:scope]],
+ },
+ "class_super_expr" => {
+ "Ruby" => "class X < expr\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:class,
+ :X,
+ [:vcall, :expr],
+ [:scope]],
+ },
"colon2" => {
"Ruby" => "X::Y",
"ParseTree" => [:colon2, [:const, :X], :Y],
@@ -254,12 +273,18 @@
[:return, [:lit, 2]],
[:call, [:lit, 42], :<, [:array, [:lit, 0]]],
[:return, [:lit, 3]],
[:return, [:lit, 4]]]],
+ "Ruby2Ruby" => "if (42 == 0) then\n return 2\nelse\n if (42 < 0) then\n return 3\n else\n return 4\n end\nend",
+ "conditional5" => {
+ "Ruby" => "unless true then\n if false then\n return\n end\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:if, [:true], nil, [:if, [:false], [:return], nil]],
+ },
"const" => {
"Ruby" => "X",
"ParseTree" => [:const, :X],
@@ -274,11 +299,11 @@
[:block, [:args], [:cvasgn, :@@blah, [:lit, 1]]]]]
"cvdecl" => {
- "Ruby" => "class X\n @@blah = 1\n \nend",
+ "Ruby" => "class X\n @@blah = 1\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:class, :X, nil,
[:scope, [:cvdecl, :@@blah, [:lit, 1]]]],
"dasgn" => {
@@ -296,28 +321,50 @@
"defined" => {
"Ruby" => "defined? $x",
"ParseTree" => [:defined, [:gvar, :$x]],
+ "defn_args" => {
+ "Ruby" => "def x(a, b = 42, \*c, &d)\n p(a, b, c, d)\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:defn, :x,
+ [:scope,
+ [:block,
+ [:args, :a, :b, "*c".intern, # s->e
+ [:block, [:lasgn, :b, [:lit, 42]]]],
+ [:block_arg, :d],
+ [:fcall, :p,
+ [:array, [:lvar, :a], [:lvar, :b],
+ [:lvar, :c], [:lvar, :d]]]]]]
+ },
"defn_empty" => {
"Ruby" => "def empty\n # do nothing\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:defn, :empty, [:scope, [:block, [:args], [:nil]]]],
"defn_is_something" => {
"Ruby" => "def something?\n # do nothing\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:defn, :something?, [:scope, [:block, [:args], [:nil]]]],
+# TODO:
+# add_test("defn_optargs",
+# s(:defn, :x,
+# s(:args, :a, "*args".intern),
+# s(:scope,
+# s(:block,
+# s(:call, nil, :p,
+# s(:arglist, s(:lvar, :a), s(:lvar, :args)))))))
"defn_or" => {
- "Ruby" => "def |\n # do nothing\nend",
- "ParseTree" => [:defn, :|, [:scope, [:block, [:args], [:nil]]]],
+ "Ruby" => "def |(o)\n # do nothing\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:defn, :|, [:scope, [:block, [:args, :o], [:nil]]]],
"defn_zarray" => { # tests memory allocation for returns
- "Ruby" => "def empty\n a = []\n return a\nend",
- "ParseTree" => [:defn, :empty,
+ "Ruby" => "def zarray\n a = []\n return a\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:defn, :zarray,
[:block, [:args],
[:lasgn, :a, [:zarray]], [:return, [:lvar, :a]]]]],
@@ -389,27 +436,33 @@
[:lasgn, :t, [:lit, 5]],
[:dxstr, 'touch ', [:lvar, :t]]],
"ensure" => {
- "Ruby" => "def bbegin\n begin\n (1 + 1)\n rescue SyntaxError => e1\n 2\n rescue Exception => e2\n 3\n else\n 4\n ensure\n 5\n end\nend",
- "ParseTree" => [:defn, :bbegin,
- [:scope,
- [:block,
- [:args],
- [:begin,
- [:ensure,
- [:rescue,
- [:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]],
- [:resbody,
- [:array, [:const, :SyntaxError]],
- [:block, [:lasgn, :e1, [:gvar, :$!]], [:lit, 2]],
- [:resbody,
- [:array, [:const, :Exception]],
- [:block, [:lasgn, :e2, [:gvar, :$!]], [:lit, 3]]]],
- [:lit, 4]],
- [:lit, 5]]]]]],
+ "Ruby" => "begin
+ (1 + 1)
+rescue SyntaxError => e1
+ 2
+rescue Exception => e2
+ 3
+ 4
+ 5
+ "ParseTree" => [:begin,
+ [:ensure,
+ [:rescue,
+ [:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]],
+ [:resbody,
+ [:array, [:const, :SyntaxError]],
+ [:block, [:lasgn, :e1, [:gvar, :$!]], [:lit, 2]],
+ [:resbody,
+ [:array, [:const, :Exception]],
+ [:block, [:lasgn, :e2, [:gvar, :$!]], [:lit, 3]]]],
+ [:lit, 4]],
+ [:lit, 5]]],
"false" => {
"Ruby" => "false",
"ParseTree" => [:false],
@@ -650,11 +703,11 @@
"Ruby" => "\"blah\" =~ /x/",
"ParseTree" => [:match3, [:lit, /x/], [:str, "blah"]],
"module" => {
- "Ruby" => "module X\n def y\n # do nothing\n end\n \nend",
+ "Ruby" => "module X\n def y\n # do nothing\n end\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:module, :X,
[:defn, :y, [:scope, [:block, [:args], [:nil]]]]]],
@@ -737,20 +790,25 @@
"Ruby" => "loop do\n if false then\n redo\n end\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:iter,
[:fcall, :loop], nil, [:if, [:false], [:redo], nil]],
-# "rescue" => { # TODO: expression style rescues
-# "Ruby" => "blah rescue nil",
-# "ParseTree" => [:rescue, [:vcall, :blah], [:resbody, nil, [:nil]]],
-# },
+ "rescue" => {
+ "Ruby" => "blah rescue nil",
+ "ParseTree" => [:rescue, [:vcall, :blah], [:resbody, nil, [:nil]]],
+ },
- "rescue_block" => {
+ "rescue_block_nada" => {
"Ruby" => "begin\n blah\nrescue\n # do nothing\nend\n",
"ParseTree" => [:begin, [:rescue, [:vcall, :blah], [:resbody, nil]]]
+ "rescue_block_body" => {
+ "Ruby" => "begin\n blah\nrescue\n nil\nend\n",
+ "ParseTree" => [:begin, [:rescue, [:vcall, :blah], [:resbody, nil, [:nil]]]],
+ },
"rescue_exceptions" => {
"Ruby" => "begin\n blah\nrescue RuntimeError => r\n # do nothing\nend\n",
"ParseTree" => [:begin,
[:vcall, :blah],
@@ -772,10 +830,11 @@
"splat" => {
"Ruby" => "a(*b)",
"ParseTree" => [:fcall, :a, [:splat, [:vcall, :b]]],
+ # TODO: all supers need to pass args
"super" => {
"Ruby" => "def x\n super(4)\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:defn, :x,
@@ -821,39 +880,49 @@
[:undef, [:lit, :y]],
[:undef, [:lit, :z]]],
"Ruby2Ruby" => "undef :x\nundef :y\nundef :z\n",
- "until" => {
+ "until_pre" => {
"Ruby" => "until false do\n (1 + 1)\nend",
"ParseTree" => [:until, [:false],
[:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]], true],
+ "until_post" => {
+ "Ruby" => "begin\n (1 + 1)\nend until false",
+ "ParseTree" => [:until, [:false],
+ [:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]], false],
+ },
"valias" => {
"Ruby" => "alias $y $x",
"ParseTree" => [:valias, :$y, :$x],
"vcall" => {
"Ruby" => "method",
"ParseTree" => [:vcall, :method],
- "whiles" => {
- "Ruby" => "def whiles\n while false do\n puts(\"false\")\n end\n begin\n puts(\"true\")\n end while false\nend",
- "ParseTree" => [:defn,
- :whiles,
- [:scope,
- [:block,
- [:args],
- [:while, [:false],
- [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:str, "false"]]], true],
- [:while, [:false],
- [:fcall, :puts, [:array, [:str, "true"]]], false]]]],
+ "while_pre" => {
+ "Ruby" => "while false do\n (1 + 1)\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:while, [:false],
+ [:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]], true],
+ "while_pre_nil" => {
+ "Ruby" => "while false do\nend",
+ "ParseTree" => [:while, [:false], nil, true],
+ },
+ "while_post" => {
+ "Ruby" => "begin\n (1 + 1)\nend while false",
+ "ParseTree" => [:while, [:false],
+ [:call, [:lit, 1], :+, [:array, [:lit, 1]]], false],
+ },
"xstr" => {
"Ruby" => "`touch 5`",
"ParseTree" => [:xstr, 'touch 5'],
@@ -910,50 +979,56 @@
# end
# flunk
# end
- def self.previous(key)
- idx = @@testcase_order.index(key)-1
+ def self.previous(key, extra=0)
+ idx = @@testcase_order.index(key)-1-extra
case key
when "RubyToRubyC" then
idx -= 1
- # lets us used unprocessed :self outside of tests, called when subclassed
- def self.clone_same
- @@testcases.each do |node, data|
- data.each do |key, val|
- if val == :same then
- prev_key = self.previous(key)
- data[key] = data[prev_key].deep_clone
- end
- end
- end
- end
+# # lets us used unprocessed :self outside of tests, called when subclassed
+# def self.clone_same
+# @@testcases.each do |node, data|
+# data.each do |key, val|
+# if val == :same then
+# prev_key = self.previous(key)
+# data[key] = data[prev_key].deep_clone
+# end
+# end
+# end
+# end
def self.inherited(c)
- self.clone_same
output_name = c.name.to_s.sub(/^Test/, '')
raise "Unknown class #{c}" unless @@testcase_order.include? output_name
input_name = self.previous(output_name)
@@testcases.each do |node, data|
- next if data[input_name] == :skip
+ next if [:skip, :unsupported].include? data[input_name]
next if data[output_name] == :skip
c.send(:define_method, "test_#{node}".intern) do
flunk "Processor is nil" if processor.nil?
assert data.has_key?(input_name), "Unknown input data"
+ unless data.has_key?(output_name) then
+ $stderr.puts "add_test(#{node.inspect}, :same)"
+ end
assert data.has_key?(output_name), "Unknown expected data"
input = data[input_name].deep_clone
- expected = data[output_name].deep_clone
+ expected = if data[output_name] == :same then
+ input
+ else
+ data[output_name]
+ end.deep_clone
case expected
when :unsupported then
assert_raises(UnsupportedNodeError) do
@@ -962,10 +1037,11 @@
extra_input = []
_, expected, extra_expected = *expected if Array === expected and expected.first == :defx
_, input, extra_input = *input if Array === input and input.first == :defx
- assert_equal expected, processor.process(input)
+ debug = input.deep_clone
+ assert_equal expected, processor.process(input), "failed on input: #{debug.inspect}"
extra_input.each do |input| processor.process(input) end
extra = processor.extra_methods rescue []
assert_equal extra_expected, extra