Rakefile in ParseTree-1.7.1 vs Rakefile in ParseTree-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,14 +7,15 @@
require './lib/parse_tree.rb'
Hoe.new("ParseTree", ParseTree::VERSION) do |p|
p.rubyforge_name = "parsetree"
p.summary = "Extract and enumerate ruby parse trees."
- p.description = p.paragraphs_of("README.txt", 2).join("\n\n")
- p.changes = p.paragraphs_of("History.txt", 1).join("\n\n")
+ p.summary = p.paragraphs_of("README.txt", 2).join("\n\n")
+ p.description = p.paragraphs_of("README.txt", 2..6, 8).join("\n\n")
+ p.changes = p.paragraphs_of("History.txt", 1..6).join("\n\n")
p.clean_globs << File.expand_path("~/.ruby_inline")
- p.extra_deps << ['RubyInline', '>= 3.2.0']
+ p.extra_deps << ['RubyInline', '>= 3.6.0']
p.spec_extras[:require_paths] = proc { |paths| paths << 'test' }
desc 'Run against ruby 1.9 (from a multiruby install) with -d.'
task :test19 do
@@ -32,10 +33,16 @@
sh "echo 1+1 | ruby #{Hoe::RUBY_FLAGS} ./bin/parse_tree_show -f"
desc 'Show what tests are not sorted'
task :sort do
- sh "pgrep '^ \\\"(\\w+)' test/pt_testcase.rb | cut -f 2 -d\\\" > x"
- sh "sort x > y"
- sh "diff x y"
- sh "rm -f x y"
+ begin
+ sh "pgrep '^ \\\"(\\w+)' test/pt_testcase.rb | cut -f 2 -d\\\" > x"
+ sh "sort x > y"
+ sh "diff x y"
+ sh 'for f in lib/*.rb; do echo $f; grep "^ *def " $f | grep -v sort=skip > x; sort x > y; echo $f; echo; diff x y; done'
+ sh 'for f in test/test_*.rb; do echo $f; grep "^ *def.test_" $f > x; sort x > y; echo $f; echo; diff x y; done'
+ ensure
+ sh 'rm -f x y'
+ end