lib/euler.rb in Oompa-euler-1.0.2 vs lib/euler.rb in Oompa-euler-1.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,8 @@
-=begin rdoc
-libeuler is a simple library you can simply +require+ in your code.
-It's goal is to help reduce the repetativeness of some Project
-Euler problems.
-Author:: Mike Skalnik(
-Copyright:: 2008, Mike Skalnik; All Rights Reserved
-License:: See LICENSE file
+# The module that contains all the methods.
module Euler
+ VERSION = "1.0.3"
extend self
attr_reader :primes, :sieve, :fibonaccis
# Several methods for the Integer class.
module IntegerMethods
# Returns +self+!
@@ -23,14 +16,14 @@
# 10.prime_factors # => [2, 5]
# 20.prime_factors # => [2, 2, 5]
def prime_factors
return [self] if
current, to_factor, factors, max = 2, self, [], 0
- # current is the value currently being tested
- # to_factor is the value being factored (slowly moves to a prime value)
- # factors is the array of prime factors
- # max is the maximum value of any factor set after the next loop
+ # current is the value currently being tested to_factor is the value
+ # being factored (slowly moves to a prime value) factors is the array of
+ # prime factors max is the maximum value of any factor set after the
+ # next loop
while to_factor % current == 0
factors << 2
to_factor /= current
current += 1
@@ -45,12 +38,11 @@
factors << to_factor if to_factor > 1
return factors
- # Returns +true+ or +false+ depending on the primality of
- # +self+
+ # Returns a boolean which gives the primality of +self+
# # => true
# # => false
def prime?
if self == 1 then return false
elsif self < 4 then return true
@@ -63,13 +55,12 @@
return true
- # Compares +self+ and +x+ and returns +true+
- # if the values are permutations, and +false+
- # otherwise.
+ # Compares +self+ and +x+ and returns +true+ if the values are
+ # permutations, and +false+ otherwise.
# 123.is_permutation?(312) # => true
# 312.is_permutation?(281) # => false
def is_permutation?(x)
return true if self == x # A number is a permutation of itself
primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]
@@ -86,24 +77,22 @@
return s_total == x_total
- # Checks to see if +self+ is a pandigital with the range
- # of x
+ # Checks to see if +self+ is a pandigital with the range of x
# 0192837465.is_pandigital?(0..9) # => true
# 0192837465.is_pandigital?(1..9) # => false
def is_pandigital?(x)
str = self.to_s
x.each do |i|
return false unless str.include? i.to_s
return true
- # Checks to see if +self+ is contained in the fibonacci
- # sequence.
+ # Checks to see if +self+ is contained in the fibonacci sequence.
# 1.is_fibonacci? # => true
# 4.is_fibonacci? # => true
def is_fibonacci?
a, b = Math.sqrt((5*(self**2))+4), Math.sqrt((5*(self**2))-4)
return true if a.to_i == a or b.to_i == b
@@ -121,13 +110,12 @@
return count
- # A basic prime sieve. Sets Euler.sieve to an array of
- # boolean values that indicate if that index if prime
- # or not.
+ # A basic prime sieve. Sets Euler.sieve to an array of boolean values that
+ # indicate if that index if prime or not.
# Euler.generate_sieve(50)
# Euler::sieve[2] # => true
# Euler::sieve[4] # => false
def generate_sieve(max)
@sieve =, false)
@@ -138,12 +126,11 @@
(i**2).step(max, 2*i) { |x| @sieve[x] = false}
- # A more advanced prime sieve. Generates an n amount of
- # prime values.
+ # A more advanced prime sieve. Generates an n amount of prime values.
# Euler.get_primes(50)
# Euler::primes[0] # => 2
# Euler::primes[2] # => 5
def get_primes(n)
counter, current_value, @primes = 0, 2, []
@@ -174,11 +161,11 @@
# Euler.is_pythagorean_triplet?(1, 2, 3) # => false
def is_pythagorean_triplet?(a, b, c)
a**2 + b**2 == c**2
- # Given two values of a pythagorean triplet, and nil for the missing
- # value, it returns the missing value.
+ # Given two values of a pythagorean triplet, and nil for the missing value,
+ # it returns the missing value.
# Euler.find_missing_pyth_value(nil, 4, 5) # => 3
def find_missing_pyth_value(a, b, c)
return Math.sqrt(c**2 - b**2) if a.nil?
return Math.sqrt(c**2 - a**2) if b.nil?
return Math.sqrt(a**2 + b**2) if c.nil?
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