lib/LittleWeasel.rb in LittleWeasel-3.0.4 vs lib/LittleWeasel.rb in LittleWeasel-4.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,186 +1,7 @@
-require 'singleton'
-require "LittleWeasel/version"
-require 'active_support/inflector'
+# frozen_string_literal: true
-module LittleWeasel
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
- # Provides methods to interrogate the dictionary.
- class Checker
- include Singleton
- # Returns the dictionary.
- #
- # @return [Hash] the dictionary.
- attr_reader :dictionary
- private
- attr_reader :alphabet_exclusion_list
- # Keep these private...will expose as options later.
- attr_accessor :word_regex, :numeric_regex, :non_wordchar_regex
- public
- # The constructor
- def initialize
- @options = { exclude_alphabet: false, strip_whitespace: false, ignore_numeric: true, single_word_mode: false }
- @alphabet_exclusion_list = %w{ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z }
- @numeric_regex = /^[-+]?[0-9]?(\.[0-9]+)?$+/
- @word_regex = /\s+(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*[^"]*$)/
- @non_wordchar_regex = /\W+/
- @dictionary =
- load
- end
- # Interrogates the dictionary to determine whether or not [word] exists.
- #
- # @param [String] word the word or words to interrogate
- # @param [Hash] options options to apply to this query (see #options=). Options passed to this
- # method are applied for this query only.
- #
- # @return [Boolean] true if the word/words in *word* exists, false otherwise.
- #
- # @example
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('C') # true (default options, :exclude_alphabet => false)
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('A', {exclude_alphabet:true}) # false
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('X', {exclude_alphabet:false}) # true
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('Hello') # true
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?(' Hello ') # false (default options, :strip_whitespace => false)
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?(' Yes ', {strip_whitespace:true}) # true
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('No ', {strip_whitespace:false}) # false
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('How dy', {strip_whitespace:true}) # false, strip_whitespace only removes leading and trailing spaces
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('90210') # true (default options, ignore_numeric => true)
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('90210', {ignore_numeric:false}) # false
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('Hello World') # true, we're accepting multiple words now by default (default options, single_word_mode => false) :)
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?("hello, mister; did I \'mention\'' that lemon cake is \"great?\" It's just wonderful!") # true
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('I love ice cream', {single_word_mode:true}) # false; while all the words are valid, more than one word will return false
- #
- def exists?(word, options=nil)
- options = options || @options
- return false unless word.is_a?(String)
- word = word.dup
- word.strip! if options[:strip_whitespace]
- return false if word.empty?
- if block? word
- return false if options[:single_word_mode]
- return block_exists? word
- end
- return true if options[:ignore_numeric] && number?(word)
- return false if options[:exclude_alphabet] && word.length == 1 && @alphabet_exclusion_list.include?(word.upcase)
- valid_word? word
- end
- # Sets the global options for this gem.
- #
- # @param [Hash] options options that should apply to all subsequent calls to method *exists?* (see #exists?).
- # Options set via this property apply to all subsequent queries.
- #
- # @option options [Boolean] :exclude_alphabet (false) If false, letters of the alphabet are considered words.
- # @option options [Boolean] :strip_whitespace (false) If true, leading and trailing spaces are removed before checking to see if the word exists.
- # @option options [Boolean] :ignore_numeric (true) If true, numeric values are considered valid words.
- # @option options [Boolean] :single_word_mode (false) If false, word blocks (more than one word) are considered valid if all the words exist in the dictionary.
- #
- # @return [Hash] The options
- #
- # @example
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.options({exclude_alphabet:true})
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('A') # false
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.options({exclude_alphabet:false})
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('A') # true
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.options({strip_whitespace:false})
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?(' Hello ') # false
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('No ') # false
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?(' No') # false
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.options({strip_whitespace:true})
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?(' Yes ') # true
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('How dy') # false, strip_whitespace only removes leading and trailing spaces
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('90210') # true (default options, ignore_numeric => true)
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('90210', {ignore_numeric:false}) # false
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('I watch Beverly Hills 90210') # true (default options, ignore_numeric => true)
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('I watch Beverly Hills 90210', {ignore_numeric:false}) # false
- #
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.options({single_word_mode:true})
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('I love ice cream') # false; while all the words are valid, more than one word will return false
- # LittleWeasel::Checker.instance.exists?('Baby') # true
- #
- def options=(options)
- @options = options
- end
- # Gets the global options currently set for this gem.
- #
- # @return [Hash] The options
- def options
- @options
- end
- protected
- def number?(word)
- word.strip.gsub(@numeric_regex).count > 0
- end
- def block?(string)
- string = string.dup
- return false unless string.is_a?(String)
- string.gsub!(@numeric_regex, "")
- return false unless string.length > 1
- string.strip.scan(/[\w'-]+/).length > 1
- end
- def block_exists?(word_block)
- word_block = word_block.dup
- word_block.gsub!(@numeric_regex, "") if options[:ignore_numeric]
- return false if word_block.nil?
- word_block.strip! unless word_block.nil?
- word_block.gsub!(@non_wordchar_regex, " ")
- word_block.split(@word_regex).uniq.each { |word|
- return false unless valid_block_word?(word)
- }
- return true
- end
- def valid_word?(word)
- word = word.dup.downcase
- exists = dictionary.has_key?(word)
- exists = dictionary.has_key?(word.singularize) unless exists
- exists
- end
- def valid_block_word?(word)
- return true if word.length == 1
- valid_word? word.strip
- end
- private
- def dictionary_path
- File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/dictionary')
- end
- def load
- do |io|
- io.each { |line| line.chomp!; @dictionary[line] = line }
- end
- end
- end
\ No newline at end of file
+Dir[File.join('.', 'lib/LittleWeasel/**/*.rb')].each do |f|
+ require f