lib/PDF.rb in Dhalang-0.2.0 vs lib/PDF.rb in Dhalang-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,65 +1,51 @@
-require "Dhalang/version"
-require 'uri'
-require 'tempfile'
-module Dhalang
- class PDF
- PDF_GENERATOR_JS_PATH = File.expand_path('../js/pdfgenerator.js', __FILE__)
- PROJECT_PATH = Dir.pwd + '/node_modules/'
- def self.get_from_url(url)
- validate_url(url)
- temporary_pdf_save_file = create_temporary_pdf_file
- begin
- visit_page_with_puppeteer(url, temporary_pdf_save_file.path)
- binary_pdf_content = get_file_content_as_binary_string(temporary_pdf_save_file)
- ensure
- temporary_pdf_save_file.close unless temporary_pdf_save_file.closed?
- temporary_pdf_save_file.unlink
- end
- return binary_pdf_content
- end
- def self.get_from_html(html)
- html_file = create_temporary_html_file(html)
- temporary_pdf_save_file = create_temporary_pdf_file
- begin
- visit_page_with_puppeteer("file://" + html_file.path, temporary_pdf_save_file.path)
- binary_pdf_content = get_file_content_as_binary_string(temporary_pdf_save_file)
- ensure
- temporary_pdf_save_file.close unless temporary_pdf_save_file.closed?
- html_file.close unless html_file.closed?
- temporary_pdf_save_file.unlink
- html_file.unlink
- end
- return binary_pdf_content
- end
- private
- def self.validate_url(url)
- if (url !~ URI::DEFAULT_PARSER.regexp[:ABS_URI])
- raise URI::InvalidURIError, 'The given url was invalid, use format'
- end
- end
- def self.create_temporary_pdf_file
- end
- ## Creates a temp .html file which can be browsed to by puppeteer for creating a pdf
- def self.create_temporary_html_file(content)
- html_file =['page', '.html'])
- html_file.write(content)
- html_file.rewind
- return html_file
- end
- def self.visit_page_with_puppeteer(page_to_visit, path_to_save_pdf_to)
- system("node #{PDF_GENERATOR_JS_PATH} #{page_to_visit} #{Shellwords.escape(path_to_save_pdf_to)} #{Shellwords.escape(PROJECT_PATH)}")
- end
- def self.get_file_content_as_binary_string(file)
- IO.binread(file.path)
- end
- end
+module Dhalang
+ # Allows consumers of this library to create PDFs with Puppeteer.
+ class PDF
+ PUPPETEER_SCRIPT_PATH = File.expand_path('../js/pdf-generator.js', __FILE__).freeze
+ private_constant :PUPPETEER_SCRIPT_PATH
+ # Captures the full webpage under the given url as PDF.
+ #
+ # @param [String] url The url to get as PDF.
+ #
+ # @return [String] The PDF that was created as binary.
+ def self.get_from_url(url)
+ UrlUtils.validate(url)
+ get(url)
+ end
+ # Captures the full HTML as PDF.
+ # Useful when creating dynamic content, for example invoices.
+ #
+ # @param [String] html The html to get as PDF.
+ #
+ # @return [String] The PDF that was created as binary.
+ def self.get_from_html(html)
+ html_file = FileUtils.create_temp_file("html", html)
+ url = "file://" + html_file.path
+ begin
+ binary_pdf_content = get(url)
+ ensure
+ FileUtils.delete(html_file)
+ end
+ return binary_pdf_content
+ end
+ # Groups and executes the logic for creating a PDF of a webpage.
+ #
+ # @param [String] url The url to create a PDF for.
+ #
+ # @return [String] The PDF that was created as binary.
+ private_class_method def self.get(url)
+ temp_file = FileUtils.create_temp_file("pdf")
+ begin
+ Puppeteer.visit(url, PUPPETEER_SCRIPT_PATH, temp_file.path, "pdf")
+ binary_pdf_content = FileUtils.read_binary(temp_file.path)
+ ensure
+ FileUtils.delete(temp_file)
+ end
+ return binary_pdf_content
+ end
+ end