lib/ascii85.rb in Ascii85-1.1.0 vs lib/ascii85.rb in Ascii85-2.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,221 +1,453 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
# frozen_string_literal: true
+require 'stringio'
# Ascii85 is an implementation of Adobe's binary-to-text encoding of the
# same name in pure Ruby.
-# See page 131
-# and for more information about
-# the format.
+# See for more information about the
+# format.
# Author:: Johannes Holzfuß (
# License:: Distributed under the MIT License (see LICENSE file)
+module Ascii85
+ class << self
+ #
+ # Encodes the bytes of the given String or IO-like object as Ascii85.
+ #
+ # @param str_or_io [String, IO] The input to encode
+ # @param wrap_lines [Integer, false] The line length for wrapping, or +false+ for no wrapping
+ # @param out [IO, nil] An optional IO-like object to write the output to
+ #
+ # @return [String, IO] The encoded String or the output IO object that was passed in
+ #
+ # @example Encoding a simple String
+ # Ascii85.encode("Ruby")
+ # # => <~;KZGo~>
+ #
+ # @example Encoding with line wrapping
+ # Ascii85.encode("Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", 15)
+ # # => <~;g!%jEarNoBkD
+ # # BoB5)0rF*),+AU&
+ # # 0.@;KXgDe!L"F`R
+ # # ~>
+ #
+ # @example Encoding without line wrapping
+ # Ascii85.encode("Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", false)
+ # # => <~;g!%jEarNoBkDBoB5)0rF*),+AU&0.@;KXgDe!L"F`R~>
+ #
+ # @example Encoding from an IO-like object
+ # input ="Ruby")
+ # Ascii85.encode(input)
+ # # => "<~;KZGo~>"
+ #
+ # @example Encoding to an IO object
+ # output =
+ # Ascii85.encode("Ruby", out: output)
+ # # => output (with "<~;KZGo~>" written to it)
+ #
+ def encode(str_or_io, wrap_lines = 80, out: nil)
+ reader = if io_like?(str_or_io)
+ str_or_io
+ else
+, 'rb')
+ end
+ return ''.dup if reader.eof?
-module Ascii85
- #
- # Encodes the bytes of the given String as Ascii85.
- #
- # If +wrap_lines+ evaluates to +false+, the output will be returned as
- # a single long line. Otherwise #encode formats the output into lines
- # of length +wrap_lines+ (minimum is 2).
- #
- # Ascii85.encode("Ruby")
- # => <~;KZGo~>
- #
- # Ascii85.encode("Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", 15)
- # => <~;g!%jEarNoBkD
- # BoB5)0rF*),+AU&
- # 0.@;KXgDe!L"F`R
- # ~>
- #
- # Ascii85.encode("Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", false)
- # => <~;g!%jEarNoBkDBoB5)0rF*),+AU&0.@;KXgDe!L"F`R~>
- #
- #
- def self.encode(str, wrap_lines = 80)
- to_encode = str.to_s
- return '' if to_encode.empty?
+ # Setup buffered Reader and Writers
+ bufreader =, unencoded_chunk_size)
+ bufwriter = ||, 'wb'), encoded_chunk_size)
+ writer = wrap_lines ?, wrap_lines) :
- # Deal with multi-byte encodings
- if to_encode.respond_to?(:bytesize)
- input_size = to_encode.bytesize
- else
- input_size = to_encode.size
- end
+ padding = "\0\0\0\0"
+ tuplebuf = '!!!!!'.dup
- # Compute number of \0s to pad the message with (0..3)
- padding_length = (-input_size) % 4
+ bufreader.each_chunk do |chunk|
+ chunk.unpack('N*').each do |word|
+ # Encode each big-endian 32-bit word into a 5-character tuple (except
+ # for 0, which encodes to 'z')
+ if
+ writer.write('z')
+ else
+ word, b0 = word.divmod(85)
+ word, b1 = word.divmod(85)
+ word, b2 = word.divmod(85)
+ word, b3 = word.divmod(85)
+ b4 = word
- # Extract big-endian integers
- tuples = (to_encode + ("\0" * padding_length)).unpack('N*')
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(0, b4 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(1, b3 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(2, b2 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(3, b1 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(4, b0 + 33)
- # Encode
-! do |tuple|
- if tuple == 0
- 'z'
- else
- tmp =
- 5.times do
- tmp << ((tuple % 85) + 33).chr
- tuple /= 85
+ writer.write(tuplebuf)
+ end
- tmp.reverse
- end
- end
- # We can't use the z-abbreviation if we're going to cut off padding
- if (padding_length > 0) and (tuples.last == 'z')
- tuples[-1] = '!!!!!'
- end
+ next if (chunk.bytesize & 0b11).zero?
- # Cut off the padding
- tuples[-1] = tuples[-1][0..(4 - padding_length)]
+ # If we have leftover bytes, we need to zero-pad to a multiple of four
+ # before converting to a 32-bit word.
+ padding_length = (-chunk.bytesize) % 4
+ trailing = chunk[-(4 - padding_length)..]
+ word = (trailing + padding[0...padding_length]).unpack1('N')
- # If we don't need to wrap the lines, add delimiters and return
- if (!wrap_lines)
- return '<~' + tuples.join + '~>'
- end
+ # Encode the last word and cut off any padding
+ if
+ writer.write('!!!!!'[0..(4 - padding_length)])
+ else
+ word, b0 = word.divmod(85)
+ word, b1 = word.divmod(85)
+ word, b2 = word.divmod(85)
+ word, b3 = word.divmod(85)
+ b4 = word
- # Otherwise we wrap the lines
- line_length = [2, wrap_lines.to_i].max
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(0, b4 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(1, b3 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(2, b2 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(3, b1 + 33)
+ tuplebuf.setbyte(4, b0 + 33)
- wrapped = []
- to_wrap = '<~' + tuples.join
+ writer.write(tuplebuf[0..(4 - padding_length)])
+ end
+ end
- 0.step(to_wrap.length, line_length) do |index|
- wrapped << to_wrap.slice(index, line_length)
- end
+ # If no output IO-object was provided, extract the encoded String from the
+ # default StringIO writer. We force the encoding to 'ASCII-8BIT' to work
+ # around a TruffleRuby bug.
+ return'ASCII-8BIT') if out.nil?
- # Add end-marker – on a new line if necessary
- if (wrapped.last.length + 2) > line_length
- wrapped << '~>'
- else
- wrapped[-1] << '~>'
+ # Otherwise we make sure to flush the output writer, and then return it.
- return wrapped.join("\n")
- end
+ # Searches through a String and extracts the first substring enclosed by '<~' and '~>'.
+ #
+ # @param str [String] The String to search through
+ #
+ # @return [String] The extracted substring, or an empty String if no valid delimiters are found
+ #
+ # @example Extracting Ascii85 content
+ # Ascii85.extract("Foo<~;KZGo~>Bar<~z~>Baz")
+ # # => ";KZGo"
+ #
+ # @example When no delimiters are found
+ # Ascii85.extract("No delimiters")
+ # # => ""
+ #
+ # @note This method only accepts a String, not an IO-like object, as the entire input
+ # needs to be available to ensure validity.
+ #
+ def extract(str)
+ input = str.to_s
- #
- # Searches through +str+ and decodes the _first_ Ascii85-String found.
- #
- # #decode expects an Ascii85-encoded String enclosed in <~ and ~> — it will
- # ignore all characters outside these markers. The returned strings are always
- # encoded as ASCII-8BIT.
- #
- # Ascii85.decode("<~;KZGo~>")
- # => "Ruby"
- #
- # Ascii85.decode("Foo<~;KZGo~>Bar<~;KZGo~>Baz")
- # => "Ruby"
- #
- # Ascii85.decode("No markers")
- # => ""
- #
- # #decode will raise Ascii85::DecodingError when malformed input is
- # encountered.
- #
- def self.decode(str)
- input = str.to_s
+ # Make sure the delimiter Strings have the correct encoding.
+ opening_delim = '<~'.encode(input.encoding)
+ closing_delim = '~>'.encode(input.encoding)
- opening_delim = '<~'
- closing_delim = '~>'
+ # Get the positions of the opening/closing delimiters. If there is no pair
+ # of opening/closing delimiters, return an unfrozen empty String.
+ (start_pos = input.index(opening_delim)) or return ''.dup
+ (end_pos = input.index(closing_delim, start_pos + 2)) or return ''.dup
- # Make sure the delimiter strings have the correct encoding.
+ # Get the String inside the delimiter-pair
+ input[(start_pos + 2)...end_pos]
+ end
- # Although I don't think it likely, this may raise encoding
- # errors if an especially exotic input encoding is introduced.
- # As of Ruby 1.9.2 all non-dummy encodings work fine though.
+ # Searches through a String and decodes the first substring enclosed by '<~' and '~>'.
- if opening_delim.respond_to?(:encode)
- opening_delim = opening_delim.encode(input.encoding)
- closing_delim = closing_delim.encode(input.encoding)
+ # @param str [String] The String containing Ascii85-encoded content
+ # @param out [IO, nil] An optional IO-like object to write the output to
+ #
+ # @return [String, IO] The decoded String (in ASCII-8BIT encoding) or the output IO object (if it was provided)
+ #
+ # @raise [Ascii85::DecodingError] When malformed input is encountered
+ #
+ # @example Decoding Ascii85 content
+ # Ascii85.decode("<~;KZGo~>")
+ # # => "Ruby"
+ #
+ # @example Decoding with multiple Ascii85 blocks present (ignores all but the first)
+ # Ascii85.decode("Foo<~;KZGo~>Bar<~87cURDZ~>Baz")
+ # # => "Ruby"
+ #
+ # @example When no delimiters are found
+ # Ascii85.decode("No delimiters")
+ # # => ""
+ #
+ # @example Decoding to an IO object
+ # output =
+ # Ascii85.decode("<~;KZGo~>", out: output)
+ # # => output (with "Ruby" written to it)
+ #
+ # @note This method only accepts a String, not an IO-like object, as the entire input
+ # needs to be available to ensure validity.
+ #
+ def decode(str, out: nil)
+ decode_raw(extract(str), out: out)
- # Get the positions of the opening/closing delimiters. If there is
- # no pair of opening/closing delimiters, return the empty string.
- (start_pos = input.index(opening_delim)) or return ''
- (end_pos = input.index(closing_delim, start_pos + 2)) or return ''
+ #
+ # Decodes the given raw Ascii85-encoded String or IO-like object.
+ #
+ # @param str_or_io [String, IO] The Ascii85-encoded input to decode
+ # @param out [IO, nil] An optional IO-like object to write the output to
+ #
+ # @return [String, IO] The decoded String (in ASCII-8BIT encoding) or the output IO object (if it was provided)
+ #
+ # @raise [Ascii85::DecodingError] When malformed input is encountered
+ #
+ # @example Decoding a raw Ascii85 String
+ # Ascii85.decode_raw(";KZGo")
+ # # => "Ruby"
+ #
+ # @example Decoding from an IO-like object
+ # input =";KZGo")
+ # Ascii85.decode_raw(input)
+ # # => "Ruby"
+ #
+ # @example Decoding to an IO object
+ # output =
+ # Ascii85.decode_raw(";KZGo", out: output)
+ # # => output (with "Ruby" written to it)
+ #
+ # @note The input must not be enclosed in '<~' and '~>' delimiters.
+ #
+ def decode_raw(str_or_io, out: nil)
+ reader = if io_like?(str_or_io)
+ str_or_io
+ else
+, 'rb')
+ end
- # Get the string inside the delimiter-pair
- input = input[(start_pos + 2)...end_pos]
+ # Return an unfrozen String on empty input
+ return ''.dup if reader.eof?
- # Decode
- word = 0
- count = 0
- result = []
+ # Setup buffered Reader and Writers
+ bufreader =, encoded_chunk_size)
+ bufwriter = ||, 'wb'), unencoded_chunk_size)
- input.each_byte do |c|
- case c.chr
- when " ", "\t", "\r", "\n", "\f", "\0"
- # Ignore whitespace
- next
+ # Populate the lookup table (caches the exponentiation)
+ lut = (0..4).map { |count| 85**(4 - count) }
- when 'z'
- if count == 0
- # Expand z to 0-word
- result << 0
- else
- raise(Ascii85::DecodingError, "Found 'z' inside Ascii85 5-tuple")
- end
+ # Decode
+ word = 0
+ count = 0
+ wordbuf = "\0\0\0\0".dup
- when '!'..'u'
- # Decode 5 characters into a 4-byte word
- word += (c - 33) * 85**(4 - count)
- count += 1
+ bufreader.each_chunk do |chunk|
+ chunk.each_byte do |c|
+ case c.chr
+ when ' ', "\t", "\r", "\n", "\f", "\0"
+ # Ignore whitespace
+ next
- if count == 5
+ when 'z'
+ raise(Ascii85::DecodingError, "Found 'z' inside Ascii85 5-tuple") unless
- if word > 0xffffffff
- raise(Ascii85::DecodingError,
- "Invalid Ascii85 5-tuple (#{word} >= 2**32)")
+ # Expand z to 0-word
+ bufwriter.write("\0\0\0\0")
+ when '!'..'u'
+ # Decode 5 characters into a 4-byte word
+ word += (c - 33) * lut[count]
+ count += 1
+ if count == 5 && word > 0xffffffff
+ raise(Ascii85::DecodingError, "Invalid Ascii85 5-tuple (#{word} >= 2**32)")
+ elsif count == 5
+ b3 = word & 0xff; word >>= 8
+ b2 = word & 0xff; word >>= 8
+ b1 = word & 0xff; word >>= 8
+ b0 = word
+ wordbuf.setbyte(0, b0)
+ wordbuf.setbyte(1, b1)
+ wordbuf.setbyte(2, b2)
+ wordbuf.setbyte(3, b3)
+ bufwriter.write(wordbuf)
+ word = 0
+ count = 0
+ end
+ else
+ raise(Ascii85::DecodingError, "Illegal character inside Ascii85: #{c.chr.dump}")
+ end
+ end
- result << word
+ # We're done if all 5-tuples have been consumed
+ if
+ bufwriter.flush
+ return out ||'ASCII-8BIT')
+ end
- word = 0
- count = 0
+ raise(Ascii85::DecodingError, 'Last 5-tuple consists of single character') if count == 1
+ # Finish last, partially decoded 32-bit word
+ count -= 1
+ word += lut[count]
+ bufwriter.write((word >> 24).chr) if count >= 1
+ bufwriter.write(((word >> 16) & 0xff).chr) if count >= 2
+ bufwriter.write(((word >> 8) & 0xff).chr) if count == 3
+ bufwriter.flush
+ out ||'ASCII-8BIT')
+ end
+ private
+ # Buffers an underlying IO object to increase efficiency. You do not need
+ # to use this directly.
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ class BufferedReader
+ def initialize(io, buffer_size)
+ @io = io
+ @buffer_size = buffer_size
+ end
+ def each_chunk
+ return enum_for(:each_chunk) unless block_given?
+ until @io.eof?
+ chunk =
+ yield chunk if chunk
+ end
+ end
- else
- raise(Ascii85::DecodingError,
- "Illegal character inside Ascii85: #{c.chr.dump}")
+ # Buffers an underlying IO object to increase efficiency. You do not need
+ # to use this directly.
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ class BufferedWriter
+ attr_accessor :io
+ def initialize(io, buffer_size)
+ @io = io
+ @buffer_size = buffer_size
+ @buffer = buffer_size)
+ def write(tuple)
+ flush if @buffer.bytesize + tuple.bytesize > @buffer_size
+ @buffer << tuple
+ end
+ def flush
+ @io.write(@buffer)
+ @buffer.clear
+ end
- # Convert result into a String
- result = result.pack('N*')
+ # Wraps the input in '<~' and '~>' delimiters and passes it through
+ # unmodified to the underlying IO object otherwise. You do not need to
+ # use this directly.
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ class DummyWrapper
+ def initialize(out)
+ @out = out
+ @out.write('<~')
+ end
- if count > 0
- # Finish last, partially decoded 32-bit-word
+ def write(buffer)
+ @out.write(buffer)
+ end
- if count == 1
- raise(Ascii85::DecodingError,
- "Last 5-tuple consists of single character")
+ def finish
+ @out.write('~>')
+ @out.flush
+ @out
+ end
- count -= 1
- word += 85**(4 - count)
+ # Wraps the input in '<~' and '~>' delimiters and ensures that no line is
+ # longer than the specified length. You do not need to use this directly.
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ class Wrapper
+ def initialize(out, wrap_lines)
+ @line_length = [2, wrap_lines.to_i].max
- result << ((word >> 24) & 255).chr if count >= 1
- result << ((word >> 16) & 255).chr if count >= 2
- result << ((word >> 8) & 255).chr if count == 3
+ @out = out
+ @out.write('<~')
+ @cur_len = 2
+ end
+ def write(buffer)
+ loop do
+ s = buffer.bytesize
+ if @cur_len + s < @line_length
+ @out.write(buffer)
+ @cur_len += s
+ return
+ end
+ remaining = @line_length - @cur_len
+ @out.write(buffer[0...remaining])
+ @out.write("\n")
+ @cur_len = 0
+ buffer = buffer[remaining..]
+ return if buffer.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ def finish
+ # Add the closing delimiter (may need to be pushed to the next line)
+ @out.write("\n") if @cur_len + 2 > @line_length
+ @out.write('~>')
+ @out.flush
+ @out
+ end
- return result
+ # Check if an object is IO-like
+ #
+ # @private
+ #
+ def io_like?(obj)
+ obj.respond_to?(:read) &&
+ obj.respond_to?(:eof?)
+ end
+ # @return [Integer] Buffer size for to-be-encoded input
+ #
+ def unencoded_chunk_size
+ 4 * 2048
+ end
+ # @return [Integer] Buffer size for encoded output
+ #
+ def encoded_chunk_size
+ 5 * 2048
+ end
- # This error is raised when Ascii85.decode encounters one of the following
- # problems in the input:
+ # Error raised when Ascii85 encounters problems while decoding the input.
- # * An invalid character. Valid characters are '!'..'u' and 'z'.
- # * A 'z' character inside a 5-tuple. 'z's are only valid on their own.
+ # This error is raised for the following issues:
+ # * An invalid character (valid characters are '!'..'u' and 'z')
+ # * A 'z' character inside a 5-tuple ('z' is only valid on its own)
# * An invalid 5-tuple that decodes to >= 2**32
# * The last tuple consisting of a single character. Valid tuples always have
# at least two characters.
class DecodingError < StandardError; end