features/step_definitions/adb_steps.rb in ADB-0.2 vs features/step_definitions/adb_steps.rb in ADB-0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -5,10 +5,12 @@
Then /^the adb server should be running$/ do
last_stdout.should include "daemon started successfully"
Then /^I should be able to connect to a local device$/ do
+ sn = devices[0]
+ wait_for_device({:serial => sn}, 60)
last_stdout.should include "connected to localhost"
@@ -37,13 +39,59 @@
sn = devices[0]
date = DateTime.strptime(date_arg, '%m/%d/%C%y %I:%M')
shell("date -s #{format_date_for_adb(date)}", {:serial => sn}, 60)
-Then /^the device time should be Aug (.*?)$/ do |date_str|
+Then /^the device time should be (.*?)$/ do |date_str|
last_stdout.should include date_str
Then /^I should be able to forward "(.*?)" to "(.*?)"$/ do |source, target|
sn = devices[0]
forward(source, target, {:serial => sn})
+Then /^I can remount the system partition$/ do
+ sn = devices[0]
+ wait_for_device({:serial => sn}, 60)
+ remount({:serial => sn})
+ last_stdout.should include 'remount succeeded'
+Then /^I can attain root privileges$/ do
+ sn = devices[0]
+ wait_for_device({:serial => sn}, 60)
+ root({:serial => sn})
+ #TODO: how to assert?
+ #last_stdout.should include 'remount succeeded'
+Then /^I should be able to push a file to the local device$/ do
+ # confirm that the file doesn't already exist
+ sn = devices[0]
+ wait_for_device({:serial => sn}, 60)
+ remount({:serial => sn})
+ shell('ls /system/cuke_test_file.txt', {:serial => sn})
+ last_stdout.should include 'No such file or directory'
+ # create the temp file
+ File.open('cuke_test_file.txt', 'w'){ |f| f.write('Temporary file for adb testing. If found, please delete.') }
+ # push the file
+ push('cuke_test_file.txt', '/system/cuke_test_file.txt', {:serial => sn})
+ last_stderr.should_not include 'failed to copy'
+Then /^I should be able to pull a file from the local device$/ do
+ # confirm that the file exists on the device and not locally
+ sn = devices[0]
+ wait_for_device({:serial => sn}, 60)
+ remount({:serial => sn})
+ shell("touch /system/cuke_test_file.txt", {:serial => sn})
+ # pull the file
+ pull('/system/cuke_test_file.txt', 'cuke_test_file.txt', {:serial => sn})
+ # confirm that the file was created
+ File.exists?('cuke_test_file.txt').should == true