class Quickbooks::API include Quickbooks::Support include Quickbooks::Support::API include Quickbooks::Support::QBXML attr_reader :dtd_parser, :qbxml_parser, :schema_type @@instances = {} def initialize(schema_type = nil, opts = {}) @schema_type = schema_type use_disk_cache, log_level = opts.values_at(:use_disk_cache, :log_level) unless valid_schema_type? raise(ArgumentError, "schema type required: #{valid_schema_types.inspect}") end @dtd_file = get_dtd_file @dtd_parser = @qbxml_parser = load_qb_classes(use_disk_cache) @@instances[schema_type] = self end # returns the last created api instance def self.[](schema_type) @@instances[schema_type] || end def container get_container_class end def qbxml_classes cached_classes end def find(class_name) class_name = class_name.to_s cached_classes.find { |c| to_attribute_name(c) == class_name } end def grep(keyword) keyword = keyword.to_s { |c| to_attribute_name(c).include?(keyword) } end # QBXML 2 RUBY def qbxml_to_obj(qbxml) case qbxml when IO qbxml_parser.parse_file(qbxml) else qbxml_parser.parse(qbxml) end end def qbxml_to_hash(qbxml, include_container = false) qb_obj = qbxml_to_obj(qbxml) unless include_container qb_obj.inner_attributes else qb_obj.attributes end end # RUBY 2 QBXML def hash_to_obj(data) key = data.keys.first value = data[key] key_path = find_nested_key(container.template(true), key.to_s) raise(RuntimeError, "#{key} class not found in api template") unless key_path wrapped_data = build_hash_wrapper(key_path, value) end def hash_to_qbxml(data) hash_to_obj(data).to_qbxml end # Disk Cache def clear_disk_cache(rebuild = false) qbxml_cache = Dir["#{get_disk_cache_path}/*.rb"] template_cache = Dir["#{get_template_cache_path}/*.yml"] File.delete(*(qbxml_cache + template_cache)) load_qb_classes(rebuild) end private def load_qb_classes(use_disk_cache = false) if use_disk_cache disk_cache = Dir["#{get_disk_cache_path}/*.rb"] if disk_cache.empty? "Warning: on disk schema cache is empty, rebuilding..." rebuild_schema_cache(false, true) else disk_cache.each {|file| require file } end else rebuild_schema_cache(false, false) end # load the container class template into memory (significantly speeds up wrapping of partial data hashes) get_container_class.template(true, use_disk_cache, use_disk_cache) true end # rebuilds schema cache in memory and writes to disk if desired # def rebuild_schema_cache(force = false, write_to_disk = false) dtd_parser.parse_file(@dtd_file) if (cached_classes.empty? || force) dump_cached_classes if write_to_disk end # writes dynamically generated api classes to disk # def dump_cached_classes cached_classes.each do |c|"#{get_disk_cache_path}/#{to_attribute_name(c)}.rb", 'w') do |f| f << Ruby2Ruby.translate(c) end end end def self.log @@log ||=, DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL) end end