class RemoteExecutionFeature < ApplicationRecord VALID_OPTIONS = [:provided_inputs, :description, :host_action_button, :notification_builder].freeze validates :label, :name, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true belongs_to :job_template audited :only => :job_template_id extend FriendlyId friendly_id :label scope :with_host_action_button, -> { where(:host_action_button => true) } def provided_input_names self.provided_inputs.to_s.split(',').map(&:strip) end def provided_input_names=(values) self.provided_inputs = Array(values).join(',') end def self.feature(label) self.find_by(label: label) || raise('Unknown remote execution feature %s'), label)) end # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def self.register(label, name, options = {}) return false if Foreman.in_setup_db_rake? || !RemoteExecutionFeature.table_exists? options.assert_valid_keys(*VALID_OPTIONS) options[:host_action_button] = false unless options.key?(:host_action_button) feature = self.find_by(label: label) builder = options[:notification_builder] ? options[:notification_builder].to_s : nil attributes = { :name => name, :provided_input_names => options[:provided_inputs], :description => options[:description], :host_action_button => options[:host_action_button], :notification_builder => builder } # in case DB does not have the attribute created yet but plugin initializer registers the feature, we need to skip this attribute attrs = [ :host_action_button, :notification_builder ] attrs.each do |attr| unless self.attribute_names.include?(attr.to_s) attributes.delete(attr) end end self.without_auditing do if feature.nil? feature = self.create!({ :label => label }.merge(attributes)) else feature.attributes = attributes if feature.changed? end return feature end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity end