module Preposterous class HTTPAuth include HTTParty format :plain attr_reader :username, :password, :options class CredentialsError < StandardError; end def initialize(username, password, options={}) @username, @password = username, password @options = {:ssl => false}.merge(options) # posterous' API URL is options[:api_endpoint] ||= "" self.class.base_uri "http#{'s' if options[:ssl]}://#{options[:api_endpoint]}" end def self.initialize_from_hash(options={}) unless options.key?(:username) and options.key?(:password) then raise CredentialsError, "You must specify both username and password" end new(options[:username], options[:password], options) end def get(uri, headers={}) self.class.get(uri, :headers => headers, :basic_auth => basic_auth) end def post(uri, body={}, headers={}), :body => body, :headers => headers, :basic_auth => basic_auth) end private def basic_auth {:username => @username, :password => @password} end end end