require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' include PoolParty::Cloud class TestServiceClass plugin :test_service do def enable has_file(:name => "/etc/poolparty/lobos") end end end describe "Cloud" do before(:each) do @obj = @pool = pool :just_pool do; end end it "should respond to the pool method outside the block" do @obj.respond_to?(:cloud).should == true end describe "global" do before(:each) do @cloud1 = cloud :pop do;end end it "should store the cloud in the global list of clouds" do @obj.clouds.has_key?(:pop).should == true end it "should store the cloud" do == @cloud1 end it "should have set the using base on intantiation to ec2" do @cloud1.using_remoter?.should_not == nil end it "should say the remoter_base is ec2 (by default)" do @cloud1.remote_base.should == PoolParty::Ec2 end end it "should return the cloud if the cloud key is already in the clouds list" do @cld = cloud :pop do;end == @cld end describe "options" do before(:each) do reset! @p = pool :options do minimum_instances 100 access_key "access_key" cloud :apple do access_key "cloud_access_key" end end @c = end it "should be able to grab the cloud from the pool" do @c.should == end it "should take the options set on the pool" do @p.minimum_instances.should == 100 end it "should take the access_key option set from the cloud" do @c.access_key.should == "cloud_access_key" end end describe "block" do before(:each) do reset! @cloud =, @pool) do # Inside cloud block keypair "fake_keypair" end end it "should be able to pull the pool from the cloud" do @cloud.parent == @pool end it "should have services in an array" do == Array end it "should have no services in the array when there are no services defined" do == 0 end it "should respond to a configure method" do @cloud.respond_to?(:configure).should == true end describe "configuration" do before(:each) do reset! @cloud2 =, @pool) do minimum_instances 1 maximum_instances 2 end end it "should be able to se the minimum_instances without the var" do @cloud2.minimum_instances.should == 1 end it "should be able to se the maximum_instances with the =" do @cloud2.maximum_instances.should == 2 end end describe "options" do it "should set the minimum_instances to 2" do @cloud.minimum_instances.should == 2 end it "should set the maximum_instances to 4" do @cloud.maximum_instances.should == 4 end it "should be able to set the minimum instances" do @cloud.minimum_instances 3 @cloud.minimum_instances.should == 3 end it "should be able to take a hash from configure and convert it to the options" do @cloud.configure( {:minimum_instances => 1, :maximum_instances => 10, :keypair => "friend"} ) @cloud.keypair.should == "friend" end describe "minimum_instances/maximum_instances as a range" do before(:each) do reset! @pool = pool :just_pool do cloud :app do instances 8..15 end end @cloud = end it "should set the minimum based on the range" do @cloud.minimum_instances.should == 8 end it "should set the maximum based on the range set by instances" do @cloud.maximum_instances.should == 15 end end describe "keypair" do before(:each) do reset! end it "should be able to define a keypair in the cloud" do @c = cloud :app do keypair "hotdog" end @c.keypair.should == "hotdog" end it "should take the pool parent's keypair if it's defined on the pool" do pool :pool do keypair "ney" cloud :app do end cloud :group do end end pool(:pool).cloud(:app).keypair.should == "ney" pool(:pool).cloud(:group).keypair.should == "ney" end it "should generate a keypair based on the cloud name if none is defined" do pool :pool do cloud :app do end cloud :nickes do end end pool(:pool).cloud(:app).keypair.should == "pool_app" pool(:pool).cloud(:nickes).keypair.should == "pool_nickes" end end describe "Manifest" do before(:each) do reset! stub_list_from_remote_for(@cloud) @cloud.instance_eval do has_file(:name => "/etc/httpd/http.conf") do content <<-EOE hello my lady EOE end has_gem(:name => "poolparty") has_package(:name => "dummy") end end it "should it should have the method build_manifest" do @cloud.respond_to?(:build_manifest).should == true end it "should have 3 resources" do @cloud.add_poolparty_base_requirements @cloud.number_of_resources.should > 3 end it "should receive add_poolparty_base_requirements before building the manifest" do @cloud.should_receive(:add_poolparty_base_requirements).once @cloud.build_manifest end describe "add_poolparty_base_requirements" do before(:each) do reset! @cloud.instance_eval do @heartbeat = nil end @hb = "heartbeat" end it "should call initialize on heartbeat (in add_poolparty_base_requirements)" do @hb.class.should_receive(:new).and_return true @cloud.add_poolparty_base_requirements end it "should call heartbeat on the cloud" do @cloud.should_receive(:heartbeat).and_return true @cloud.add_poolparty_base_requirements end it "should call" do "heartbeat".class_constant.should_receive(:new).and_return @hb @cloud.add_poolparty_base_requirements end it "should call enable on the plugin call" do @hb = "heartbeat".class_constant "heartbeat".class_constant.stub!(:new).and_return @hb @cloud.add_poolparty_base_requirements @cloud.heartbeat.should == @hb end describe "after adding" do before(:each) do stub_list_from_remote_for(@cloud) @cloud.add_poolparty_base_requirements end it "should add resources onto the heartbeat class inside the cloud" do > 0 end it "should store the class heartbeat" do {|a| a.class}.include?("heartbeat".class_constant).should == true end it "should have an array of resources on the heartbeat" do == Hash end describe "resources" do before(:each) do @cloud8 =, @pool) do test_service end @service = @files = @service.resource(:file) end it "should have a file resource" do @files.first.nil?.should == false end it "should have an array of lines" do @files.class.should == Array end it "should not be empty" do @files.should_not be_empty end end end end describe "building" do before(:each) do str = "master node1" @sample_instances_list = [{:ip => "", :name => "master"}, {:ip => "", :name => "node1"}] @ris = {|h|, @cloud) } @manifest = @cloud.build_manifest end it "should return a string when calling build_manifest" do @manifest.class.should == String end it "should have a comment of # file in the manifest as described by the has_file" do @manifest.should =~ /file \{/ end it "should have the comment of a package in the manifest" do @manifest.should =~ /package \{/ end it "should have the comment for heartbeat in the manifest" do @manifest.should =~ /class heartbeat/ end it "should include the poolparty gem" do @manifest.should =~ /package \{/ end it "should include custom functions" do @manifest.should =~ /define line\(\$file/"test_manifest.pp", "w+") {|f| f << @manifest} end it "should include the hosts for all the listed local instances" do @manifest.should =~ /host \{\n\t\t"master":/ end end end end describe "instances" do before(:each) do @cloud3 = cloud :pop do;keypair "fake_keypair";end stub_list_from_remote_for(@cloud3) end it "should respond to the method master" do @cloud3.respond_to?(:master).should == true end it "should return a master that is not nil" do @cloud3.master.should_not be_nil end end end end