# Copyright 2006-2008 by Mike Bailey. All rights reserved. require 'capistrano' require 'fileutils' module Deprec2 # Temporarily modify ROLES if HOSTS not set # Capistrano's default behaviour is for HOSTS to override ROLES def for_roles(roles) old_roles = ENV['ROLES'] ENV['ROLES'] = roles.to_s unless ENV['HOSTS'] yield ENV['ROLES'] = old_roles.to_s unless ENV['HOSTS'] end # Temporarily ignore ROLES and HOSTS def ignoring_roles_and_hosts old_roles = ENV['ROLES'] old_hosts = ENV['HOSTS'] ENV['ROLES'] = nil ENV['HOSTS'] = nil yield ENV['ROLES'] = old_roles ENV['HOSTS'] = old_hosts end DEPREC_TEMPLATES_BASE = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'templates') # Render template (usually a config file) # # Usually we render it to a file on the local filesystem. # This way, we keep a copy of the config file under source control. # We can make manual changes if required and push to new hosts. # # If the options hash contains :path then it's written to that path. # If it contains :remote => true, the file will instead be written to remote targets # If options[:path] and options[:remote] are missing, it just returns the rendered # template as a string (good for debugging). # # XXX I would like to get rid of :render_template_to_file # XXX Perhaps pass an option to this function to write to remote # def render_template(app, options={}) template = options[:template] path = options[:path] || nil remote = options[:remote] || false mode = options[:mode] || 0755 owner = options[:owner] || nil stage = exists?(:stage) ? fetch(:stage).to_s : '' # replace this with a check for the file if ! template puts "render_template() requires a value for the template!" return false end # If local copies of deprec templates exist they will be used # If you don't specify the location with the local_template_dir option # it defaults to config/templates. # e.g. config/templates/nginx/nginx.conf.erb local_template = File.join(local_template_dir, app.to_s, template) if File.exists?(local_template) puts puts "Using local template (#{local_template})" template = ERB.new(IO.read(local_template), nil, '-') else template = ERB.new(IO.read(File.join(DEPREC_TEMPLATES_BASE, app.to_s, template)), nil, '-') end rendered_template = template.result(binding) if remote # render to remote machine puts 'You need to specify a path to render the template to!' unless path exit unless path sudo "test -d #{File.dirname(path)} || sudo mkdir -p #{File.dirname(path)}" std.su_put rendered_template, path, '/tmp/', :mode => mode sudo "chown #{owner} #{path}" if defined?(owner) elsif path # render to local file full_path = File.join('config', stage, app.to_s, path) path_dir = File.dirname(full_path) if File.exists?(full_path) if IO.read(full_path) == rendered_template puts "[skip] File exists and is identical (#{full_path})." return false elsif overwrite?(full_path, rendered_template) File.delete(full_path) else puts "[skip] Not overwriting #{full_path}" return false end end FileUtils.mkdir_p "#{path_dir}" if ! File.directory?(path_dir) # added line above to make windows compatible # system "mkdir -p #{path_dir}" if ! File.directory?(path_dir) File.open(full_path, 'w'){|f| f.write rendered_template } puts "[done] #{full_path} written" else # render to string return rendered_template end end def overwrite?(full_path, rendered_template) if defined?(overwrite_all) if overwrite_all == true return true else return false end end # XXX add :always and :never later - not sure how to set persistent value from here # response = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask "File exists. Overwrite? ([y]es, [n]o, [a]lways, n[e]ver)" do |q| puts response = Capistrano::CLI.ui.ask "File exists (#{full_path}). Overwrite? ([y]es, [n]o, [d]iff)" do |q| q.default = 'n' end case response when 'y' return true when 'n' return false when 'd' require 'tempfile' tf = Tempfile.new("deprec_diff") tf.puts(rendered_template) tf.close puts puts "Running diff -u current_file new_file_if_you_overwrite" puts system "diff -u #{full_path} #{tf.path} | less" puts overwrite?(full_path, rendered_template) # XXX add :always and :never later - not sure how to set persistent value from here # when 'a' # set :overwrite_all, true # when 'e' # set :overwrite_all, false end end def render_template_to_file(template_name, destination_file_name, templates_dir = DEPREC_TEMPLATES_BASE) template_name += '.conf' if File.extname(template_name) == '' # XXX this to be removed file = File.join(templates_dir, template_name) buffer = render :template => File.read(file) temporary_location = "/tmp/#{template_name}" put buffer, temporary_location sudo "cp #{temporary_location} #{destination_file_name}" delete temporary_location end # Copy configs to server(s). Note there is no :pull task. No changes should # be made to configs on the servers so why would you need to pull them back? def push_configs(app, files) app = app.to_s stage = exists?(:stage) ? fetch(:stage).to_s : '' files.each do |file| full_local_path = File.join('config', stage, app, file[:path]) if File.exists?(full_local_path) # If the file path is relative we will prepend a path to this projects # own config directory for this service. if file[:path][0,1] != '/' full_remote_path = File.join(deploy_to, app, file[:path]) else full_remote_path = file[:path] end sudo "test -d #{File.dirname(full_remote_path)} || sudo mkdir -p #{File.dirname(full_remote_path)}" std.su_put File.read(full_local_path), full_remote_path, '/tmp/', :mode=>file[:mode] sudo "chown #{file[:owner]} #{full_remote_path}" else # Render directly to remote host. render_template(app, file.merge(:remote => true)) end end end def teardown_connections sessions.keys.each do |server| sessions[server].close sessions.delete(server) end end def append_to_file_if_missing(filename, value, options={}) # XXX sort out single quotes in 'value' - they'l break command! # XXX if options[:requires_sudo] and :use_sudo then use sudo sudo <<-END sh -c ' grep -F "#{value}" #{filename} > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo "#{value}" >> #{filename} ' END end # create new user account on target system def useradd(user, options={}) options[:shell] ||= '/bin/bash' # new accounts on ubuntu 6.06.1 have been getting /bin/sh switches = '' switches += " --shell=#{options[:shell]} " if options[:shell] switches += ' --create-home ' unless options[:homedir] == false switches += " --gid #{options[:group]} " unless options[:group].nil? invoke_command "grep '^#{user}:' /etc/passwd || sudo /usr/sbin/useradd #{switches} #{user}", :via => run_method end # create a new group on target system def groupadd(group, options={}) via = options.delete(:via) || run_method # XXX I don't like specifying the path to groupadd - need to sort out paths before long invoke_command "grep '#{group}:' /etc/group || sudo /usr/sbin/groupadd #{group}", :via => via end # add group to the list of groups this user belongs to def add_user_to_group(user, group) invoke_command "groups #{user} | grep ' #{group} ' || sudo /usr/sbin/usermod -G #{group} -a #{user}", :via => run_method end # create directory if it doesn't already exist # set permissions and ownership # XXX move mode, path and def mkdir(path, options={}) via = options.delete(:via) || :run # XXX need to make sudo commands wrap the whole command (sh -c ?) # XXX removed the extra 'sudo' from after the '||' - need something else invoke_command "test -d #{path} || #{sudo if via == :sudo} mkdir -p #{path}" invoke_command "chmod #{sprintf("%3o",options[:mode]||0755)} #{path}", :via => via if options[:mode] invoke_command "chown -R #{options[:owner]} #{path}", :via => via if options[:owner] groupadd(options[:group], :via => via) if options[:group] invoke_command "chgrp -R #{options[:group]} #{path}", :via => via if options[:group] end def create_src_dir mkdir(src_dir, :mode => 0775, :group => group_src, :via => :sudo) end # download source package if we don't already have it def download_src(src_package, src_dir) set_package_defaults(src_package) create_src_dir # check if file exists and if we have an MD5 hash or bytecount to compare # against if so, compare and decide if we need to download again if defined?(src_package[:md5sum]) md5_clause = " && echo '#{src_package[:md5sum]}' | md5sum -c - " end case src_package[:download_method] # when getting source with git when :git # ensure git is installed apt.install( {:base => %w(git-core)}, :stable) #TODO fix this to test ubuntu version %w(wget)}, :stable ) # XXX replace with invoke_command run "cd #{src_dir} && test -f #{src_package[:filename]} #{md5_clause} || #{sudo} wget --quiet --timestamping #{src_package[:url]}" else puts "DOWNLOAD SRC: Download method not recognised. src_package[:download_method]: #{src_package[:download_method]}" end end # unpack src and make it writable by the group def unpack_src(src_package, src_dir) set_package_defaults(src_package) package_dir = File.join(src_dir, src_package[:dir]) case src_package[:download_method] # when unpacking git sources - nothing to do when :git puts "UNPACK SRC: nothing to do for git installs" when :http sudo <<-EOF bash -c ' cd #{src_dir}; test -d #{package_dir}.old && rm -fr #{package_dir}.old; test -d #{package_dir} && mv #{package_dir} #{package_dir}.old; #{src_package[:unpack]} ' EOF else puts "UNPACK SRC: Download method not recognised. src_package[:download_method]: #{src_package[:download_method]} " end sudo <<-EOF bash -c ' cd #{src_dir}; chgrp -R #{group} #{package_dir}; chmod -R g+w #{package_dir}; ' EOF end def set_package_defaults(pkg) pkg[:filename] ||= File.basename(pkg[:url]) pkg[:dir] ||= pkg[:filename].sub(/(\.tgz|\.tar\.gz)/,'') pkg[:download_method] ||= :http pkg[:unpack] ||= "tar zxf #{pkg[:filename]};" pkg[:configure] ||= './configure ;' pkg[:make] ||= 'make;' pkg[:install] ||= 'make install;' end # install package from source def install_from_src(src_package, src_dir) package_dir = File.join(src_dir, src_package[:dir]) unpack_src(src_package, src_dir) apt.install( {:base => %w(build-essential)}, :stable ) # XXX replace with invoke_command sudo <<-SUDO sh -c ' cd #{package_dir}; #{src_package[:configure]} #{src_package[:make]} #{src_package[:install]} #{src_package[:post_install]} ' SUDO end def read_database_yml db_config = YAML.load_file('config/database.yml') set :db_user, db_config[rails_env]["username"] set :db_password, db_config[rails_env]["password"] set :db_name, db_config[rails_env]["database"] end ## # Run a command and ask for input when input_query is seen. # Sends the response back to the server. # # +input_query+ is a regular expression that defaults to /^Password/. # # Can be used where +run+ would otherwise be used. # # run_with_input 'ssh-keygen ...', /^Are you sure you want to overwrite\?/ def run_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/, response=nil) handle_command_with_input(:run, shell_command, input_query, response) end ## # Run a command using sudo and ask for input when a regular expression is seen. # Sends the response back to the server. # # See also +run_with_input+ # # +input_query+ is a regular expression def sudo_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/, response=nil) handle_command_with_input(:sudo, shell_command, input_query, response) end def invoke_with_input(shell_command, input_query=/^Password/, response=nil) handle_command_with_input(run_method, shell_command, input_query, response) end ## # Run a command using sudo and continuously pipe the results back to the console. # # Similar to the built-in +stream+, but for privileged users. def sudo_stream(command) sudo(command) do |ch, stream, out| puts out if stream == :out if stream == :err puts "[err : #{ch[:host]}] #{out}" break end end end # We don't need this. Put 'USER=root' on the command line instead. # # XXX Not working in deprec2 # ## # # Run a command using the root account. # # # # Some linux distros/VPS providers only give you a root login when you install. # # def run_as_root(shell_command) # std.connect_as_root do |tempuser| # run shell_command # end # end # # ## # # Run a task using root account. # # # # Some linux distros/VPS providers only give you a root login when you install. # # # # tempuser: contains the value replaced by 'root' for the duration of this call # # def as_root() # std.connect_as_root do |tempuser| # yield tempuser # end # end private ## # Does the actual capturing of the input and streaming of the output. # # local_run_method: run or sudo # shell_command: The command to run # input_query: A regular expression matching a request for input: /^Please enter your password/ def handle_command_with_input(local_run_method, shell_command, input_query, response=nil) send(local_run_method, shell_command) do |channel, stream, data| logger.info data, channel[:host] if data =~ input_query if response channel.send_data "#{response}\n" else response = ::Capistrano::CLI.password_prompt "#{data}" channel.send_data "#{response}\n" end end end end end Capistrano.plugin :deprec2, Deprec2