### Are you looking for help? This is an issue tracker, used to manage and track the development of this [Codacy](https://www.codacy.com/) project. It is not a platform support system. If think your problem is related with our platform at https://www.codacy.com/, please contact us through our [contact form](https://www.codacy.com/contact) or our internal chat application, visible after you login on the bottom right corner. Keep in mind that this issue tracker is for specific problems of this project. ### Ruby Version ### Test framework ### Operating System (Ubuntu 15.10 / MacOS 10.10 / Windows 10) Use `uname -a` if on Linux. ### Library Dependencies If this is an issue that involves integration with another system, include the exact version and OS of the other system, including any intermediate drivers or APIs i.e. if you connect to a PostgreSQL database, include both the version / OS of PostgreSQL and the JDBC driver version used to connect to the database. ### Expected Behavior Please describe the expected behavior of the issue, starting from the first action. 1. 2. 3. ### Actual Behavior Please provide a description of what actually happens, working from the same starting point. Be descriptive: "it doesn't work" does not describe what the behavior actually is -- instead, say "when running this sequence of commands (...) it returns an error: (...)." Copy and paste logs, and include any URLs. 1. 2. 3. ### Reproducible Test Case Please provide a some information on how to reproduce the bug. A PR with a failing test would be awesome, if possible. If the issue is more complex or requires configuration, please provide a link to a project on Github/Codacy that reproduces the issue.