/* * UI Tabs Paging extension - v1.2.2 (for jQuery 1.9.0 and jQuery UI 1.9.0) * * Copyright (c) 2013, http://seyfertdesign.com/jquery/ui-tabs-paging.html * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * Depends: * jquery.ui.core.js * jquery.ui.widget.js * jquery.ui.tabs.js */ (function($) { // overridden ui.tabs functions var uiTabsFuncs = { refresh: $.ui.tabs.prototype.refresh, option: $.ui.tabs.prototype.option }; $.extend($.ui.tabs.prototype, { paging: function(options) { var opts = { tabsPerPage: 0, // Max number of tabs to display at one time. 0 automatically sizing. nextButton: '»', // Text displayed for next button. prevButton: '«', // Text displayed for previous button. follow: false, // When clicking next button, automatically make first tab active. When clicking previous button automatically make last tab active. cycle: false, // When at end of list, next button returns to first page. When at beginning of list previous button goes to end of list. activeOnAdd: false, // When new tab is added, make tab active automatically followOnActive: false // When tab is changed to active, automatically go move to that tab group. }; opts = $.extend(opts, options); var self = this, initialized = false, currentPage, buttonWidth, containerWidth, allTabsWidth, tabWidths, maxPageWidth, pages, resizeTimer = null, windowHeight, windowWidth; // initialize paging function init() { destroy(); windowHeight = $(window).height(); windowWidth = $(window).width(); allTabsWidth = 0, currentPage = 0, maxPageWidth = 0, buttonWidth = 0, pages = new Array(), tabWidths = new Array(), selectedTabWidths = new Array(); containerWidth = self.element.width(); // loops through LIs, get width of each tab when selected and unselected. var maxDiff = 0; // the max difference between a selected and unselected tab self.tabs.each(function(i) { if (i == self.options.active) { selectedTabWidths[i] = $(this).outerWidth(true); tabWidths[i] = self.tabs.eq(i).removeClass('ui-tabs-active').outerWidth(true); self.tabs.eq(i).addClass('ui-tabs-active'); maxDiff = Math.min(maxDiff, Math.abs(selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i])); allTabsWidth += tabWidths[i]; } else { tabWidths[i] = $(this).outerWidth(true); selectedTabWidths[i] = self.tabs.eq(i).addClass('ui-tabs-active').outerWidth(true); self.tabs.eq(i).removeClass('ui-tabs-active'); maxDiff = Math.max(maxDiff, Math.abs(selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i])); allTabsWidth += tabWidths[i]; } }); // fix padding issues with buttons // TODO determine a better way to handle this allTabsWidth += maxDiff + 9; // if the width of all tables is greater than the container's width, calculate the pages if (allTabsWidth > containerWidth) { // create next button li = $('
') .addClass('ui-state-default ui-tabs-paging-next') .append($('') .click(function() { page('next'); return false; }) .html(opts.nextButton)); self.tablist.append(li); buttonWidth = li.outerWidth(true); // create prev button li = $('') .addClass('ui-state-default ui-tabs-paging-prev') .append($('') .click(function() { page('prev'); return false; }) .html(opts.prevButton)); self.tablist.prepend(li); buttonWidth += li.outerWidth(true); // TODO determine fix for padding issues to next button buttonWidth += 19; var pageIndex = 0, pageWidth = 0, maxTabPadding = 0; // start calculating pageWidths for (var i = 0; i < tabWidths.length; i++) { // if first tab of page or selected tab's padding larger than the current max, set the maxTabPadding if (pageWidth == 0 || selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i] > maxTabPadding) maxTabPadding = (selectedTabWidths[i] - tabWidths[i]); // if first tab of page, initialize pages variable for page if (pages[pageIndex] == null) { pages[pageIndex] = { start: i }; } else if ((i > 0 && (i % opts.tabsPerPage) == 0) || (tabWidths[i] + pageWidth + buttonWidth + 12) > containerWidth) { if ((pageWidth + maxTabPadding) > maxPageWidth) maxPageWidth = (pageWidth + maxTabPadding); pageIndex++; pages[pageIndex] = { start: i }; pageWidth = 0; } pages[pageIndex].end = i+1; pageWidth += tabWidths[i]; if (i == self.options.active) currentPage = pageIndex; } if ((pageWidth + maxTabPadding) > maxPageWidth) maxPageWidth = (pageWidth + maxTabPadding); // hide all tabs then show tabs for current page self.tabs.hide().slice(pages[currentPage].start, pages[currentPage].end).show(); if (currentPage == (pages.length - 1) && !opts.cycle) disableButton('next'); if (currentPage == 0 && !opts.cycle) disableButton('prev'); // calculate the right padding for the next button buttonPadding = containerWidth - maxPageWidth - buttonWidth; if (buttonPadding > 0) $('.ui-tabs-paging-next', self.element).css({ paddingRight: buttonPadding + 'px' }); } else { destroy(); } $(window).bind('resize', handleResize); initialized = true; } // handles paging forward and backward function page(direction) { currentPage = currentPage + (direction == 'prev'?-1:1); if ((direction == 'prev' && currentPage < 0 && opts.cycle) || (direction == 'next' && currentPage >= pages.length && !opts.cycle)) currentPage = pages.length - 1; else if ((direction == 'prev' && currentPage < 0) || (direction == 'next' && currentPage >= pages.length && opts.cycle)) currentPage = 0; var start = pages[currentPage].start; var end = pages[currentPage].end; self.tabs.hide().slice(start, end).show(); if (direction == 'prev') { enableButton('next'); if (opts.follow && (self.options.active < start || self.options.active > (end-1))) self.option('active', end-1); if (!opts.cycle && start <= 0) disableButton('prev'); } else { enableButton('prev'); if (opts.follow && (self.options.active < start || self.options.active > (end-1))) self.option('active', start); if (!opts.cycle && end >= self.tabs.length) disableButton('next'); } } // change styling of next/prev buttons when disabled function disableButton(direction) { $('.ui-tabs-paging-'+direction, self.element).addClass('ui-tabs-paging-disabled'); } function enableButton(direction) { $('.ui-tabs-paging-'+direction, self.element).removeClass('ui-tabs-paging-disabled'); } // special function defined to handle IE resize issues function handleResize() { if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer); if (windowHeight != $(window).height() || windowWidth != $(window).width()) { resizeTimer = setTimeout(init, 100); } } // remove all paging related changes and events function destroy() { // remove buttons $('.ui-tabs-paging-next', self.element).remove(); $('.ui-tabs-paging-prev', self.element).remove(); // show all tabs self.tabs.show(); initialized = false; $(window).unbind('resize', handleResize); } // ------------- OVERRIDDEN PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ------------- self.option = function(optionName, value) { var retVal = uiTabsFuncs.option.apply(this, [optionName, value]); // if "followOnActive" is true, then move page when selection changes if (optionName == "active") { // if paging is not initialized or it is not configured to // change pages when a new tab is active, then do nothing if (!initialized || !opts.followOnActive) return retVal; // find the new page based on index of the active tab for (var i in pages) { var start = pages[i].start; var end = pages[i].end; if (value >= start && value < end) { // if the the active tab is not within the currentPage of tabs, then change pages if (i != currentPage) { this.tabs.hide().slice(start, end).show(); currentPage = parseInt(i); if (currentPage == 0) { enableButton('next'); if (!opts.cycle && start <= 0) disableButton('prev'); } else { enableButton('prev'); if (!opts.cycle && end >= this.tabs.length) disableButton('next'); } } break; } } } return retVal; } self.refresh = function() { if (initialized) { destroy(); uiTabsFuncs.refresh.apply(this); // re-initialize paging buttons init(); } uiTabsFuncs.refresh.apply(this); } // ------------- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ------------- $.extend($.ui.tabs.prototype, { // public function for removing paging pagingDestroy: function() { destroy(); return this; }, // public function to handle resizes that are not on the window pagingResize: function() { init(); return this; } }); // initialize on startup! init(); } }); })(jQuery);