Uses of Class

Packages that use POIXMLFactory

Uses of POIXMLFactory in org.apache.poi

Methods in org.apache.poi with parameters of type POIXMLFactory
 POIXMLDocumentPart POIXMLDocumentPart.createRelationship(POIXMLRelation descriptor, POIXMLFactory factory)
          Create a new child POIXMLDocumentPart
 POIXMLDocumentPart POIXMLDocumentPart.createRelationship(POIXMLRelation descriptor, POIXMLFactory factory, int idx)
protected  POIXMLDocumentPart POIXMLDocumentPart.createRelationship(POIXMLRelation descriptor, POIXMLFactory factory, int idx, boolean noRelation)
          Create a new child POIXMLDocumentPart
protected  void POIXMLDocument.load(POIXMLFactory factory)
protected  void factory, java.util.Map<PackagePart,POIXMLDocumentPart> context)
          Iterate through the underlying PackagePart and create child POIXMLFactory instances using the specified factory

Uses of POIXMLFactory in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel

Subclasses of POIXMLFactory in org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel
 class XSSFFactory
          Instantiates sub-classes of POIXMLDocumentPart depending on their relationship type

Uses of POIXMLFactory in org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel

Subclasses of POIXMLFactory in org.apache.poi.xwpf.usermodel
 class XWPFFactory

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