(benchmark "read a 10K binary file" (read-file-as-bytelist "plato.jpg")) (benchmark "read a 105K binary file" (read-file-as-bytelist "heatwave.gif")) (benchmark "parse a 7K Shen file" (read-file "interpreter.shen")) (benchmark "compile a 130 LOC Qi program" (load "short.shen")) (benchmark "compile a 27 line Prolog program" (load "einstein.shen")) (benchmark "solve Einstein's puzzle" (prolog? (einsteins_riddle X) (return X))) (load "powerset.shen") (benchmark "powerset of 14 numbers" (powerset [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14])) (do (set *str* (hd (read-file "text.txt"))) ok) (define remstr "" -> 0 (@s "er" S) -> (+ 1 (remstr S)) (@s _ Ss) -> (remstr Ss)) (benchmark "count 'er' in a string" (remstr (value *str*))) (define vectorn 0 -> <> N -> (@v N (vectorn (- N 1)))) (define vectorp <> -> <> (@v X Y) -> (@v (+ X 1) (vectorp Y)) (@v X Y Z) -> (@v (+ X 1) (+ Y 2) (vectorp Z))) (benchmark "vector of 1000 elements" (vectorn 1000)) (define tak X Y Z -> Z where (not (< Y X)) X Y Z -> (tak (tak (- X 1) Y Z) (tak (- Y 1) Z X) (tak (- Z 1) X Y))) (benchmark "(tak 18 12 6)" (tak 18 12 6)) (tc +) (benchmark "type checking the N queens" (load "N_queens.shen")) (benchmark "solving the N queens for N = 6" (n-queens 6)) (benchmark "load and typecheck Qi interpreter" (load "interpreter.shen"))