Grape API on Rack ================= [![Build Status](]( [![Dependency Status](]( [![Code Climate](]( A [Grape]( API mounted on Rack. * [ping](api/ping.rb): a hello world example that returns a JSON document * [post_put](api/post_put.rb): a simple `POST` and `PUT` example * [post_json](api/post_json.rb): an example that shows a `POST` of JSON data * [get_json](api/get_json.rb): an example that pre-processes params sent as JSON data * [rescue_from](api/rescue_from.rb): an example of `rescue_from` that wraps all exceptions in an HTTP error code 500 * [path_versioning](api/path_versioning.rb): an example that uses path-based versioning * [header_versioning](api/header_versioning.rb): an example that uses vendor header-based versioning * [wrap_response](api/wrap_response.rb): a middleware that wraps all responses and always returns HTTP code 200 * [content_type](api/content_type.rb): an example that overrides the default `Content-Type` or returns data in both JSON and XML formats * [upload_file](api/upload_file.rb): an example that demonstrates a file upload and download * [entites](api/entities.rb): an example of using [grape-entity]( See --- There's a deployed [grape-on-rack on Heroku]( Run --- ``` $ bundle install $ rackup Loading NewRelic in developer mode ... [2013-06-20 08:57:58] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1 [2013-06-20 08:57:58] INFO ruby 1.9.3 (2013-02-06) [x86_64-darwin11.4.2] [2013-06-20 08:57:58] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=247 port=9292 ``` ### Hello World Navigate to http://localhost:9292/api/ping with a browser or use `curl`. ``` $ curl http://localhost:9292/api/ping {"ping":"pong"} ``` ### Get Plain Text ``` $ curl http://localhost:9292/api/plain_text A red brown fox jumped over the road. ``` ### Upload a File ``` $ curl -X POST -i -F image_file=@spec/fixtures/grape_logo.png http://localhost:9292/api/avatar {"filename":"grape_logo.png","size":4272} ``` ### Upload and Download a File ``` $ curl -X POST -i -F file=@spec/fixtures/grape_logo.png http://localhost:9292/api/download.png $ curl -X POST -i -F file=@api/ping.rb http://localhost:9292/api/download.rb ``` List Routes ----------- ``` rake routes ``` Explore the API --------------- Explore the API using [Swagger UI]( Run the application and point the explorer to `http://localhost:9292/api/swagger_doc` or ``. New Relic --------- The application is setup with NewRelic w/ Developer Mode. Navigate to http://localhost:9292/newrelic after making some API calls.